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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. im dyign i saw where there is a ygo mobile game officially released and im tempted to play but i have enough mobile games to play as is and i could never get the hang of the rules sob
  2. So far the games that catch my attention the most are Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey. I really like the cut-out graphical style they went with Project Octopath, though I usually can't seem to get into anything Squeenix. I'm probably gonna have to wait and see before I can say theres anything I'm truly excited for. The games I'm least excited for are FIFA and Skyrim.
  3. I tried to give Kingdom Hearts a chance, I really did. I played the first one and was having to force myself to slog through it, but by the time I got to Agrabah I gave up completely. I didn't find the gameplay all that fun, nor could I care about anything concerning the cast and what happens to them. Not only that but the fact that the story seemingly gets even MORE convolted in later entries only strengthens my aversion.
  4. Only the chosen few may hear, I like it and ya you can only see who's on on the home page
  5. you should start a thread for a video game that doesn't have one yet in that section or or or you can grace new members in the introduction section with your elegant propeller-y prescence
  6. just realized you can manually stack quote boxes by clicking and dragging them into another its fun
  7. don't be such a SQUARE tonton hahaha geddit
  8. It'll take some time for me to get adjusted to, thats for certain. I think I'm mostly bugged by how if you click to see the last unread post or a reply to your post it doesn't take you to the right page.
  9. whoa I'm magic wonder how that happened though its completely flaccid now like the rest of me I also noticed the number doesn't even go up lol 14 forever Jyo said he'd add new skins later and badges are broke for now
  10. Click your name on the top right -> account settings -> click notification settings on the right -> uncheck "Play a sound when I recieve a notification" at the bottom
  11. update: you can turn them off, sweet
  12. also it says I only made 14 posts for some reason now I look DEAD I must look the most RELEVANT and everyone's eyes on me yes no, I have everything muted but it sounds annoying..I wonder if theres an option to turn it off
  13. ohh yeah I guess it doesn't work for posts that were around before the upgrade
  14. uhh I can't tell when someone is being quoted now rip
  15. but I'm not blonde or blue eyed I'm going to take it as a compliment anyways, thanks!! Chen can look like anything, so yes
  16. dry skin sux, though nowadays its mostly my nostrils and lips that suffer That makes perfect sense, its a good code to go by. The good news is that I already have some kind of idea I want, which is something that can last years. I'm not actually in a situation where I can be active at the moment, but what with the possible ACA repeal shitstorm and the future looking uncertain I figured it'd be best to prepare ahead of time.
  17. oh shit I didn't even think to see it that way AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA my apologies Obgyn didn't help much because I was just given a list of different options, and both my endo and primary are men so that makes things harder on me. I could try asking for advice from people with similar backgrounds but one of the most inconvenient thing about treatments is that no body is going to react the same as another's. I'll think about what to do some more, I still appreciate it!
  18. YA uhhh would you happen to know if it'd be safe for a type 1 diabetic to get an IUD?? I have to be careful about hormonal things because I heard it can do weird stuff to your blood sugar but I see mixed reviews and experiences, I heard theres a non-hormonal copper type and I'm just kinda torn on what to get ;_;
  19. nah, I just wanted to add to the positivity its nice to have someone here in the medical field though, I was thinking of asking questions myself but IDK
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