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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. family drama right before thanksgiving, jesus i'm just glad i'm not involved and get to avoid people i don't wanna be around anyway lol
  2. omg I played this mobage once it is dumb as hell
  3. Man this is too easy if I killed my family I'd go to jail and why in the hell would I want to kill the person closest to me so I'm going to go with me
  4. Good luck!! I'd like try stuff outside the country I live in myself(mostly sweets though ahhahahha oops) but I don't know what and I'm picky and BAD at trying new things
  5. Sounds like a case of bad luck on my end or maybe my taste buds are off right now who knows sometimes stuff doesn't taste right to me and I don't know if its just me or what YEAH they're p great they're junk food but hey thanks
  6. I googled it and Peanut Puffs look similar to the puff varieties of cheetos, but Cheetos aren't made of peanuts they're just...well, cheesy I was eating the crunchy variety and the bag was unopened, they don't expire until the 13th of December too so its ??? idk
  7. why do these cheetos taste stale...
  8. lmao what the fuck ..reminds me of the time where someone kept posting their inflation art for one of the art-related 3DS apps on Miiverse
  9. feet look weird to me to each their own i guess
  10. I tried nutella once and i dont get what the hype is about good job though
  11. I wanted to try them years ago but then I forgot to.. .
  12. I'm still bitter about it Bamco why
  13. i just finished case 4 of SoJ idk why im having a hard time getting invested and playing this game
  14. s shit uh I don't know what you're talking about NOPE no and idk what to tell you
  15. Thats true, the material on those seem easier to deal with compared to other clingy stuff And I looooooove wearing them with dresses or skirts!! Thats like one of the only things I like about colder weather so I have the excuse to wear them
  16. YA its the remembering stuff.... Its a lot harder now because the past image lists would usually have people in it with some sorta narrative going on and talking about that counted as facts and now theres a lot more abstract works this time around dates are still hard I think theres more culture catergories too bc we've gotten impressionism, post-impressionism, modernism, post-moderism, symbolism and at least one other I wouldn't be surprised if theres more but we haven't gone over everything yet and the past lists were only like 3-4 at the most to remember with an image aaaa I actually panic a lot so that doesn't help unfortunately but YEAH I will try that thanks!!!
  17. I can't wear tight pants I can't wear tight anything I want to be comfy first and foremost! (I can tolerate tights some and thats it)
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