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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. also I'm late af but I listened and 100%ed my 2nd art history test thanks Shezzy ONE MORE LEFT idk how well I can do modern art is more varied and out there so I'm not sure how well I'll remember all the facts =(
  2. I agree with Shinpi I feel like your stereotypical "sjw" are way more rare than people make them out to be anyway, its just a term people like to throw around and accuse anyone of being if they so much as talk about any sort of issues in society like bigotry no matter how calmly they do it if anything it seems like the anti-sjw peeps are the ones who get offended over everything not the other way around
  3. a few i can't really watch anything for hours without getting tired or losing attention
  4. I never thought they were cool in the first place so idk they're pretty much the same as they always were to me, which is "meh"
  5. Lettuce: Cat-Eared Male Athletics: A Studies: EX Lifestyle: A Magic: C Arts: EX Pedigree: B how do u even grade a lifestyle
  6. whys that also I didn't wish to have or not have it but its funny you mention that because I spent most of my life so far thinking I was an asexual until around the time I was a grownup and I realized I was not turns out its just extremely rare for me to be interested in anyone
  7. nvm i found it i never know what username i should use anymore though shit
  8. You're right, I am worried about how worse attitudes are gonna get here but its also a huge concern in other places as well its really sad
  9. I've seen tweets with Muslim women in America saying they're afraid to wear their hijabs in public now :( I feel so bad for them, they don't deserve this.
  10. shit i didnt realize you were actually saying to google it i blanked out thanks maka you're like a robot dictonary and thats something
  11. maka what also I dont like cold weather but all of my good clothes are for cold weather so I feel conflicted
  12. ein you literally have no idea what you are talking about as usual I will just tell you this, I have every right to be fearful of my rights we have a guy who pretty much hates women and stated that who want abortions should be punished, meaning if I were to get pregnant(condoms are birth control have a high prevention rate but not 100%!!) I would not be able to do shit about it and have my life put at risk and given how we also have plenty anti-choice people we are very well at risk of things like having planned parenthood defunded don't you dare say the rights of me and others aren't at stake here and yeah sure you can say I have no proof and nothing will happen or get passed but theres always that fear I don't even know what you're trying to say with the lgbt people and no one ever said PoC never do anything wrong but keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night dude I've seen some really ugly sides of people concerning certain views come to light concerning all of this and I do not feel safe in their presence anymore, pretty much all of these people are mere acquaintances and family members I dislike anyway so its not like this concerns anyone I go way back with thankfully maybe it is foolish but I do not know if I can trust these people anymore concerning what they think of me or my friends that belong to groups they may not like, I'd rather not add any more stress and anxiety to my life than I already have
  13. things are just going to get worse from here its legit dissapointing also tired of people telling me that its wrong for me to not want to associate with people who voted for the mutant carrot man and have the gall to insinuate that i'm being just as hateful as them i literally do not care anymore if i end up burning several bridges over it because I'm doing it for my health and those people do not care about me or the rights of women/lgbt/PoC/disabled people anyways lol i'm just gonna start telling people to shut up because its none of their business what i do
  14. because people thought the revolting human embodiment of white supremacy and sexism was the better option than a flawed but still decent and qualified person ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  15. lmao i fucking hate this country
  16. Its still up in the air on how it'll work for me, I used to take meds for anxiety and I think it helped but it had this problem where it made me extremely sleepy and put me at risk of oversleeping so it was not practical to take during the day when I have stuff to do and thats basically the only experience I have lol ..I'm kinda afraid to bring anything now up considering the last time I had an appointment my therapist was all "welp, off to inpaitient you go" and that was like only my 2nd time seeing her and haven't seen her since because something would always come up to where my mom couldn't take me nor could anyone else and she doesn't have any appointments open until later November for some reason??? I don't know if I should switch or not because of what happened I'm hoping we just got off the wrong foot...And the thought of switching and getting someone worse and having to explain everything from scratch all over again terrifies me like basically is there any way to tell a therapist or psychiatrist you're having severe problems with suicidal or self-harm ideation from time to time without risk of hospitallization? The conditions there sound shit and dehumanizing and I don't see how I'll be able to properly take care of myself there as a diabetic and I /highly/ doubt they're gonna have food I'll like-- if anything I'm just going to feel worse staying there I wish our healthcare had better ways of dealing with people who are suicidal uggh also shit dude thats a lot of meds
  17. what if contemplating it multiple times/repeated attempts is because you're at the whims of your mood changing rapidly tho like its inconvenient as hell for me because I can get set off even over extremely minor things people shouldn't get that upset about and be like "ok this is it its time to die" and I'm afraid to reach out to help bc of the negative stereotypes or that people will think I'm faking it or being manipulative really theres a lot of reasons uhh and if I do reach out I don't know how to say it so I will just do whatever I can think of as a cry for help and then like..... all of the sudden in a few hours I'll be like "nvm im ok" or I get cheered up by somethin dumb or I panic when someone finds out how I feel and don't know how to react anymore its annoying I feel like everyone thinks I should be on meds at this point and it sucks I'm reluctant to try and I wish I knew if there was any coping methods I could use instead but idk whats going on with me I'm pretty sure theres more to it than depression and anxiety ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ will have to see a psychiatrist to confirm this which HOPEFULLY I will do soon pizza is p good thanks Damian
  18. I don't think people who commit suicide are selfish, I'm p sure a lot who feel that way are quite aware of the possible emotional pain they would afflict on others but its hard to ignore those feelings and when one has to deal with that and also the guilt of leaving others behind it just fucks you up more than anything and idk it just seems dismissive to think they don't care about how others would feel fucklg;l i dozed off but I HOPE YOU GOT GOOD REST yes.. HELLO
  19. fuckffnffffffffffnnnnnmmmmmmfllll;;;;;,m something
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