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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. Yeah I was talking about mcdonalds mcnuggets Friend didnt feel comfortable driving on the road its on =( but we did go to Wendy's!!! Uhhh I tried to tell her what I usually order to her since she was driving but she got too many fries+nuggets but I ate most of it anyway I just hope it doesn't mess up my blood sugar whoops poor impulse control is bad
  2. If I was hungry enough I probably could, or maybe I could do it anyway idk most I've eaten is 10
  3. I wish there was more food around that I coulda packed for the night ;_; I want Mcnuggets.......
  4. everyone's asleep now I have the house to myself and I feel safe for now at least woo also these exeggutor pics are gr8
  5. I was reading the manga when I tried to but yeah I don't remember the pacing being......that bad, at least not compared to the anime from what you told me, yeesh Ah that makes sense too, I just feel like AoT handles its p badly but idk oo and nice
  6. I couldn't get into Attack on Titan at all :x I feel bad for Sasha being reduced to potato jokes though, she seemed cool ...actually its hard for me to get into apocalyptic settings in general because so many people die and your favorite is likely to die it just gets too doom and gloom and its really hard for me to care
  7. Yeah......................... and tbh I think that person is like........you know people on the internet who have waaaaay too much time on their hands with their imagination and pretend to be in cliques with other people who are really just alts of themselves and make up these outlandish events that happen to them???? I think they're just really lonely and I feel bad for them if thats the case but its still wrong to fool people like that :/
  8. I don't know, she said I deserve to be in a room with padded walls you know what, screw it-- I'm staying over with my friends at least for the night and I'm going with them once they get a place of their own, sure they're talking to someone suspicious on the internet but as messed up as that person is tricking them I HIGHLY doubt they're a serial killer or anything like that and dealing with that is easier than being here l o l
  9. ikr I've had to suffer for years at her hands and she calls me offensive stuff like "crazy" when everything, EVERYTHING is her fault
  10. My mom thinks I should be admitted bc she kept yelling at me and I snapped and broke down like anyone :^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) shes tearing me down for things I like and calling me a 3 yr old I wish that fucking sack of lard should just choke and die already I am sick of her abuse
  11. I misread dropout as deepnut I am so sorry Y-yes I loev his smile I want to get him but I am discouraged from trying any possible future rate ups given how my abysmal my luck was trying last time.. :( at least he's not limited
  12. good!! GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes he is good luck!!! ;)
  13. Anyways did someone mention Karna??? Karna is good taste
  14. WHOA same my name is Amy though not David I used to think that was dumb and unfitting until a certain someone found out and says things about it from time to time and now I just want to cover my face and die bc embarassing but like in A GOOD WAY not a bad way like
  15. it totes shoulda been Minori dude I was young and naive and thought there could be a romcom where the main dude and girl don't end up together for once ......but yknow, anime once I saw it was headed that way I dropped it like I don't understand how people can geniunelly get invested and argue and speculate over who gets with who in series like those because its p much always the girl first shown and advertised everywhere and they're usually the worst one too, you're only setting yourself up for dissapointment if you don't like them aaaaaaaa why do u do this to me
  16. Eww you aren't talking about Toradora Taiga are you
  17. closeups of eyes kinda creep me out but I look anyway because its neat seeing what colors people have and junk
  18. np, I used to have a bad tendency to throw away tickets as soon as I got them but I got him out of it so it worked out lol And I'm now better at saving at least!!
  19. o nice 517,620,488 Spud I filled out all my support slots the best I could
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