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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. yes ;_; I see I see. Well it might be worth a shot to try them out if you want, but you don't gotta! you do you Been ok for the most part, some good and some bad here and there but I'm alright overall. How're you?
  2. ew no I actually find that gross my backdoor is off-limits I only say that when I can't think of a better insult!!
  3. I get doing it if they're seriously ill/injured and gonna die anyways or they'll have zero quality of life but yeah more no-kill shelters would be nice.. Its because he is one! He cannot avoid it
  4. Yessssssssss, and I know what you mean knicking yourself isn't fun :( I LOVE STOCKINGS I forgot I could wear those for coverage whoops but yes I love those and thigh-highs esp mmmm they look so good I sure will Yay, and hey yo
  5. Fre what are you doing also green team best team he can eat an entire ass
  6. idk anythin about the game to agree or disagree I suck at fighting games and therefore don't seriously play them I just made the comment because he was talking about his lack of self-control!!
  7. Ya thats what I do nowadays, I always have a hard time getting the hair near my ankles though <_> Its such a drag I don't think I can do that, I have no tolerance for the cold but otherwise yes I should I will and he's already done it some before!! I brought a lot of junk with me and had to lug my laptop to my house a few times too for my dad to check because it was acting up
  8. aaa shit I hate hearing about stuff like that so I'm really glad they got adopted!!! great I have super senses and get 100000x more alert whenever Pride is brought up im sorr
  9. I hate wearing pants too omg I usually just wear them because my hair grows back too quickly and I'm not always in the mood to shave...why must I get gorilla legs I wanna start wearing dresses more yes its a win-win
  10. I LOVE NICE VESTS I have one thats super stylish and I'd love more but its too hot to wear this time of year :(
  11. ooo, ok I don't know what this thing with a dog is about but I'm glad they got adopted!! he's busy at EVO probs but I chucked a message to his face
  12. I heard women clothes have either shitty or no pockets as a ploy to get them to buy purses and shit I don't know if thats true but I believe it anyway
  13. oh god ew no nooooooooo any kind of infestation is too much for my delicate sensibilities and that would also be really gross aaaaaaaaghbhf nm I see... That sounds difficult, I hope everything works out okay somehow Oh wow theres a door with a window they like to hang around but dad has to go in and out a few times a day to let the dogs in/out, but maybe
  14. Theres a fly infestation problem downstairs idk why and I saw one up here last night that accidently killed itself by flying into a fan I'm so grossed out by these turn of events pls end me It its aggravating-- and yep Oh man, that sucks dude
  15. yes... That was the initial plan but we thought it'd be better to try to get my parents involved first to stay on their good graces and do that as a last resort if things went awry though they got offended anyway, I can't win with them but whats done is done so yay progress \o/ And yeeep, heres hoping I get good people and don't have to go through the effort of switching
  16. !! Thats my favorite good thing, vastly more important than the other ones even o right I went to the doctor's today and he got me a referral for a therapist and psychiatrist so thats a thing, I really don't know how to talk to people about my problems without becoming a nervous wreck and doing a bad job at answering questions so thats going to be interesting lol
  17. There used to be a fuckin rad vanilla ice cream bar that had literal pieces of chocolate chip cookie in them but now I can't find it anymore why do good things always get taken away from meeeeeeeeeeee
  18. lol, figures uh dude where is the harm taking a movie and making it an all female cast? I'd say its pretty refreshing actually since its usually an all guy team or like one chick in generally anyway I don't wanna see it though because I never got into Ghostbusters and the humor in the trailer was eh, my mom might force me to go with her though.. ~_~
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