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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. wtf man did I bite the inside of my mouth in my sleep or somethin ;_;
  2. I don't know shit about how to make good lp videos, but I'm sure you're fine
  3. It ok ..I don't even know the plot details tbh, nor have I watched the series you mentioned so I don't know if it'd be similiar Its ok Bal I judge series off of things like gifs or even artstyle all the time My backlog would just get bigger anyway because I don't have the attention span to watch/finish anything that actually looks good to me
  4. It was popular before then though, mainly cause of the lead girl and the maid twins lol but I'm sure this will help also thats a catboy apparently
  5. I thought about watching it but then I saw that it was an adaption of a light novel which means possible cut stuff And I can't be fucked to read light novels either because they take forever to finish and get translated if they even have a group willing to do it
  6. Aaaaaaabgfgmkkkd;gml; You're right though, yeah er I don't mean to make it look like I don't
  7. Speaking of which, I haven't heard from him all day and its late even in pst now so thats freaking me out too ugh Yeeah ,_, sorry for being a downer idk how to cope with anything
  8. idk if its related to that or not, either way its bothering me......... Yes, but it feels worse than usual ,_,
  9. yes woo, now I'm set off hello paranoia because I suspect my mom is now curious about my internet activity because of her asking questions and the fact when I went in the bathroom and came back I noticed my laptop lid was slightly bent down and I had it out in the living room and she came out here for a second >_> it doesn't look she did anything because it was on the same tab and she wouldn't have time to look through anything and I didn't have anything she'd have a problem with up but you never know with her ugh and its none of her business anyway also its really quiet everywhere and its not helping either which is why I'm trying to talk here but its hard
  10. You can do that, just eat it carefully!!!!!!
  11. YEAH also don't eat too much peanut butter at once kids, unless you like the feeling of choking :s
  12. Oh no I'll just follow my own law and not those yes
  13. I'd just go neutral because I don't want to be dragged into things or something
  14. 「(°ヘ°) OK Sounds like ASS I'd be ok with them if potential power outages weren't a thing And uh yeah ah I was thinking of that possibly ahaaahaha..ha
  15. Thats okay yes thanks!!!!!! YEAH I gotta stay composed somehow aa Its been like it the midupper 80s :V ..I think its suppossed to be in the 90s one of these days but I haven't checked the full forecast.... also we've been getting storms and he's like "great" and I'm like noooooooo its not we got a really bad storm last night and some trees got knocked down in some areas and there were major power outages I mean we weren't affected any thankfully but lightning was practically covering the sky and it was loud and it sucked I hate storms
  16. ;_; I don't know how to relax in general but I'm trying yes
  17. I-I agree If it is I don't get it
  18. I got a sausage biscuit but the sausage fell out and now I all have left is BREAD also only 5 days left holy shit
  19. Oh god why I actually heard about two stories with the same subject matter but used in different ways that were worse I think, I don't know if I should mention here what they were though tbh....
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