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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. do u ever just make a post here and forget you did that shortly after yes
  2. o shit is it bad I still find scythes cool as weapons I know they're impractical as hell realistically but still ;_;
  3. I tried to years ago but it used a bunch of aged fancy words that I didn't understand so I gave up
  4. -_- had to help my drunkass dad carry in a baby bed our neighbor is giving away says we should take it just in case me or my brother ever decides to start a family with anyone in the future he also told my neighbor that I was going to give him grandkids right infront of me UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhgmbllllllllmgbbllllllllgbm;hg; no
  5. Navi is friendlier and a pretty blue, so I like her better people give Navi too much shit tbh
  6. I thought Chen had posted handwriting earlier for the sake of it but then I saw some link somewhere for the site that has you do that and its apparently related to im@s and I wrote my real name before realizing it looked too EMPTY and boring so I shoved my UN in there too lmao I just wanted to see the pretty colors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. imo this thread was at its worst around the time I first joined sf Its more quieter now!!! Less drama and less rude people :v
  8. Trueeeeeeeeee Pretty much, yeah. You know somethings a problem when I can only admit to stuff during moments of lucidity like this ,_, That sounds terrible to deal with on your end, too. You summed it all up on point. lol, yeah I just don't want any of my stuff messed with as well.. Hypocritical is right, I could probably make a laundry list of the shitty things she does tbh I'm tryingggg, though I'm thankful at least one of us can try to be more paitient and understanding when dealing with such people cause I sure can't. and thanks 8) thanks ur a GREAT
  9. They both sound pretty bad, though I think I'd be more panicked about matchmaking since I have serious personal boundaries and I don't really fall in love easily and hate getting that sort of attention from most people <___> Its a huge part of it because of the stress, I've been in really bad shape lately because of her and its affecting my social life too because like I get in these moods where I have to be careful of what I choose to read because something that might normally just annoy me mildly I react extremely to and might dislike that person for awhile even if they like, said something completely innocuous and had idea or intention to set me off-- It happened not too long ago and I was this -close- to doing something regrettable but luckily I backed out and didn't get seriously hurt it almost happened again to so I feel like I need to avoid most chats/places on the forums for a few weeks and it sucks because I already get lonely easily enough as is :/ I hope it doesn't come to that, and I dunno.. I think she'll always see me as a child because of some stuff I struggle with and developmental delays but I'm mostly normal now??? Theres also a double standard thingo going on too because she doesn't care if my brother hangs out with someone they don't know well enough yet but yeah idk whats her problem anyway I talked to Pride about and it doesn't think I should be hasty and assume the worst yet and have us try to talk to her first rather than antagonizing her and making things more difficult, I mean he's right and has the more rational idea and I should be more chill about it like he is but its kinda hard to not be on edge since I've had to deal with her all of my life aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  10. sounds about right thank u Kim saves the day
  11. Uh......I don't know how to describe it Its like sweet like your average soda but its got like this distinctness to it
  12. I've had sassafras candy before, its p similiar to root beer
  13. :s My closest friends' current home isn't ideal because its somewhat small with not enough room for me and they're also stuck with their mom who isn't as bad but shes still hard to deal with plus she smokes inside the house ALL THE TIME and I don't wanna be exposed to that-- I ain't really got anywhere else to go and thanks nice
  14. Ahh.. It can too much deal with, yeah. That sounds about right, I feel like she just wants me to keep her to herself and not have any sort of relationships that could lead me to ever possibly moving out in the future too though Honestly, I'm tempted to just go for a week even without her approval but idk if thats safe, I don't trust her not to call up the cops and make up some bullshit and act like I can't think for myself and ran off and that I'm in danger though I mean she can't really DO anything since I'm an adult and normally if something like that did happen and I explained the situation the the police should leave me alone but I don't trust cops either especially since we're in the south like what if they believe my mom over me because of how she acted and also because of racial profiling ghdjlf;;dlsgfjdlmf; and even if thats fine she might try throw my stuff out/break things since she's done similiar with my brother lol just worried about any sort of possible retaliation whenever I get back home, it really isn't fair
  15. Thank ya Fre idk I always see it as the one guy smushing the other guy's cheek but I've had several people tell me it looks like slapping(and one who thought it was butt touching) but I don't see it????????? It just doesn't look like a slapping motion to me
  16. Nice to know that my mom is still a controlling, abusive piece of shit who will shut me down if I try to stand up for myself at all ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ I'm entitled to go where I want and another reason I want to be away from home for a week is to get away from the toxic enviroment with my family but she never wants me to be happy
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