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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. I'd like to think so I mean I'm a much better listener than talker sometimes I can't focus and space out though
  2. Oh shit I had no idea this was a thing, I've been missing out :( I noticed his most recent group name now because of this at least!!
  3. no, too much effort and restraint needed this is shallow but I'd totes take a position where I have authority over people anyway though like I want people to listen to me not the other way around
  4. I was like :( but I'm glad you remembered something GOOD!!!!!!!
  5. miitomo is being lame usually the only new question I ask myself is "what did you have for dinner last night" everday and then my mii is like "I was gonna ask you something, but I forgot" well fuck you too buddy
  6. I already suffer from one lol and would gladly try said medicine bc living this way is one of the major things sucking out the will in me to do anything
  7. Type 6 - 12.7 Type 5 - 10.3 Type 4 - 8.7 Type 9 - 8.3 Type 7 - 3.3 Wing 6w5 - 17.9 Wing 5w6 - 16.7 Wing 5w4 - 14.7 Wing 6w7 - 14.4 Wing 4w5 - 13.9 Wing 4w3 - 11.2 Wing 9w1 - 10.8 Wing 7w6 - 9.7 Wing 9w8 - 9 Wing 7w8 - 4
  8. INFP I swear these things are never consistient with me
  9. hey happy birthday cool guy man

    1. Rei Rei

      Rei Rei

      thank you very much miss letty

      yer cool too


    1. Jedi


      THANKS LETTY!!! :D

  11. I agree with you completely I mostly care about the owl starter tbh but moon has BAT LEGENDARY and the blue-r cover legendaries tend to look superior to me anyway IMO
  12. Rowlet is like a dream Pokemon to me assuming they don't fuck up the evo designs I agree 100000000%
  13. I have no idea, but it honestly wouldn't surprise me if Tourabu got their own equivalent of Kai Ni Thats neat though
  14. Its ok I can own it I'll make it my OWN WORD
  15. I like 6 and 7 regarding later parts, I've been having trouble enjoying 8 so far though :///////////////
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