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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. I can't help but read DiU as DIY
  2. Ah, I'm not being blamed for anything I'm just worried about money and how things in the house seem to be breaking down and while I contribute to things like groceries anyway I just feel powerless because it always goes to that and when it comes to doing anything major like replacing stuff before it gets bad my parents have the final say and normally it doesn't get done when it should because of money but this time we have a (hopefully working)fridge for backup for years now that nobody wanted to make effort to replace the old one with tbf my old man does have back problems and I can't move it on my own but idk I just wonder if theres something I could do but he still could have asked my brother sooner, or our neighbor, or anyone else he knows who is healthy enough to handle it @__@
  3. Yeah I know, I just worry about the costs and it sucks about food going to waste agggggggghghf I just hope the losses aren't too major
  4. thanks hatt I hope you have a good day too
  5. ya another thing is that we do have a backup we got from a family member a few years ago but we're not sure if its gonna work and if it doesn't we'll have to buy a new one so much money down the drain.. u_____u
  6. SHIT sorry I'm late I conked out for a few hours lmao but I saw this now and everything else u r a best Kim and I thrive off your content it is a feel good experience
  7. oh update we're not so sure if that smell came from the socket it mighta been the fridge..... because it isnt working there is literally no cold air coming from the inside and the cold air in the freezer is scarce, we're gonna have to replace it this weekend and get groceries/throw out some stuff probably :/ it might've just broke down and thats why the burn-y smell happened
  8. holyly shit my mom asked about something like this the other DAY because she had it on a channel that was playing music videos and someone was singing in a filled bathtub clothed
  9. ;_; It can still be spring in spirit right YEAH this is so me sometimes I see pictures that have snow in it and its pretty looking but its not that great I hate having to actually deal with it and everything looks so d e a d I love seeing flowers and when trees are budding I love flowers and plants so much can you believe I was once a loser in my kid/teenager years who thought flowers were dumb but its ok now THIS IS GOOD Thanks Fre you are a lifesaver and a real trooper I appreciate it
  10. I'd go with spring tbh but idk what would go best with me I just want to me and the scenery to be pretty everything is pretty I'd think more about this stuff in specifics but its too embarassing
  11. Theres different types of extingushers???????? wow shows what I know Well its where me and my family live so kind of, and yeah that could possibly work but hopefully I wouldn't have to resort to such extremes I'm just worried about fucking up badly YEAH we'll probably figure out something later its just me and my mom who is going out again I think but once everyone is home it'll come up I'm sure
  12. Well it seems like the smell is gone, idk if that socket is going to be safe to use again like ever sucks because it was above the counter and we were using it for the microwave, and I don't know of any other sockets/places in the room to put it
  13. Aww ;_; Mom took the casing off the sockets so I'd be able to tell if smoke is coming out, and idk what else to do besides call the fire department and use a fire extinguisher maybe but idk if it'd be effective or safe to use on an outlet I'm not a expert on electrical hazards
  14. ;_; HANG ON my friend I just hope its not an actual problem bc I don't know if an extinguisher will do anything, also I have a mild headache and idk if its related to the smell or what
  15. Oh right theres a weird ass smell coming from an electrical socket in the kitchen and my mom is just like "keep tabs on it until I get back the dentist" like ok.................?? I hope there isn't a risk of the house catching fire or something
  16. Oh no I meant today is not that day you'll quit mmoing from what it sounds like, but June is better than nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Oh um, good luck with that maybe one day you will not be stuck in such a vortex but today is not that day
  18. HOLY SHIT apparently theres a thing in jpn Tales of Link that has some select characters dressed up as Tekken characters and I've only played 2 and 3 so I don't really give a shit about it but it has alt!Milla(aka best Milla) dressed as Lili who I always thought seemed GR8 despite not playing any of the games with her and the outfit is rly nice I'd totally try to roll if it came to global........................ thaanks
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