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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. :( jesus fuck that whole thing sounds like a trainwreck I didn't know that much, I remember knowing some dude who was obsessed with kpop but lost touch with telling me about a fan sending someone their blood????? thats about it though
  2. yah thats how I feel right there /touch wtf man that is jacked up she shouldn't have to suffer????????? I feel like the industry just sees them more as products than actual people with feelings and needs ........I WISH
  3. DUDE I HATE IDOL CULTURE YOU HAVE NO IDEA It shouldn't even matter if Emitsun was in a sex tape or not but fans are so fucking gross and its a lose-lose situation for her either way because its possible that companies will want to distance themselves from her regardless to save face and she was starting her own solo career too its awful :(
  4. grat also i luv ema its good to see her back
  5. me i love going off and exploding but i dont got no nothing to word vomit about weh
  6. Not wanting to deal with a med like that is understandable, but he could at least tried something else or another method-- @_@ sounds like he ain't going about things right and that sucks Yes, thank you! Glad to hear you're doing well, I think I'd deal loads better in an enviroment like that too and I hope it isn't too far off and I'm trying to hold on for as long as I can
  7. I do wipe theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem Yeah, you're right too idk, I think a lot of that has to do with it especially my mom... Though to be fair bad experiences with peers and the lack of friends probably hasn't done any good for that or my social skills either :s I feel like the longer I have to live with my family the worse my mental health is going to tank and I'm scared I won't be the same person by the time this is all over with if ever BUT I do have a few close-knit friends who are willing to help with me talking to them and convincing them that I at least need therapy if nothing else (I actually think I need a full-blown mental evaluation but anything beyond mild depression and anxiety seems stigmatized at my house so my mom would probably flip her shit at the suggestion) but they're got their own stuff to deal with and its not gonna be easy, these things just take time-- And thank you, I appreciate the sentiment Good to hear! Yeah, I think you'll be alright then
  8. I still try to clean the but for the most part yeah thats what I do wow The adjusting part doesn't bother me too much As someone who lives with crippling anxiety among other things I-I think not caring at times can be loads beneficial, of course it depends on the situation and what it is thoughhhh that does sound odd but I'm just glad you turned out okay, I would have panicked and likely gotten upset because I have low pain tolerance and I'd also be like "I FUCKED UP people are going to be mad at me everything is ruined" like seriously, even as a kid the time I fractured my wrist I was afraid I'd get berated for it and wasn't sure what to say at first besides "I think I did something wrong" @_@ even though I was more reckless then But yeah! unless you've been up to some sort of crazy-ass stunts that I don't know about I believe you'll be fine, go forth out there and live your life passionately
  9. I do adjust them a lot lol I too, am in the "thinks I look better in glasses club" I just wish they're weren't so easily smudgey ;~; brave fre
  10. I've been that way for awhile!! I just try not to let it show but idk its hard the only reason I dislike wearing my glasses most of the time though is because they're a lot of maintenence and are easy to smudge, I refuse to get contacts because I don't like the idea of anything being near my eyes lol
  11. For the longest time I thought the Sakura badge was doing a semi smug smile like "8)" I guess I really do need to wear my glasses more because even short distances like sitting with my laptop on my stomach are still far enough to blur things >_>
  12. Hihi Sask The plot is pretty generic, theres a girl who is trying to talk sense into her brother who seems to have turned evil or something, but he just brushes her off and goes along his merry way. The girl and her animal companion later find you, you have amnesia but they mention that you're some sort of savior who will stop the seeds of ruin that has been planted in areas and making monsters go berserk-- so you travel with them and run into various tales of characters as well as characters original to the game as well. Its got your typical mobage stuff like gachas and stamina bars as well but they seem at least somewhat generous because for some gachas at least on your first single roll you're guareenteed to at least get a 4*
  13. its ok, its just referring to dangerously spicy takoyaki Tales of Link! It just got a english release yesterday for android at least, idk about ios
  14. This game is weird and I have no idea what I'm doing in it I also did a 10-roll and did not get school outfit Muzet ;~;
  15. I wouldn't be a happy camper, thats for sure also report for theft and such Something like that actually happened once but it wasn't to me, I was a kid at the time so I don't remember much-- someone broke into our house and stole my brother's PS2, the police were contacted but nothing ever came of it and my family suspects it was some seedy guy my brother used to be friends with(he's never been good at hanging out with anyone remotely not iffy, it seems) I'm just glad nothing else was stolen
  16. Just the other day I slipped in the kitchen because our fridge leaks water sometimes, there was a puddle that was too big to step over and the paper towels were over at the other side and thus unreachable so I thought I could jump over it.........I couldn't the ball of my left foot hit the water and I slipped, fell on my back and hit my foot on the bottom of the counter and both my elbows hit the ground and were sore for a bit, I didn't get any serious injuries but I have a nasty scrape above my right elbow thats somewhat big and red and I have to keep it covered because contact with anything makes it sting ;_;
  17. I watched the OP for Ace Attorney well ok
  18. 1. Favorite office supply? 2. What is the sickest thing you've done recently? 3. Whats a not discussed very often topic you're interested in? 4. What is a candy flavor you usually avoid eating? 5. What are you impressions of this clodfart????(me)
  19. I slipped on a puddle of water in the kitchen earlier and I'm ok!!! but both of my arms are sore now
  20. I thought about getting Miitomo but then I learned you gotta have an account on either FB or Twitter to make friends so I'm like nah ;_;
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