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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. I remember attempting to craft for him a few times but no luck :( I did get the gramps though idk but I don't mind
  2. Hiiiii Still bad, and some flowers also started blooming recentish so I guess thats why my throat feels irritated-- and you?
  3. Lettuce Class: Rider Alignment: Chaotic neutral Strength: A++ Defence: A Agility: A Magic: B++ Luck: A Noble Phantasm: A++ Personal skills: Superhuman strength Human observation aight
  4. Sounds like something, yes And good luck!! But I'm glad to hear that you're fine yes
  5. Oh yeah, lmao is pretty much a new day now I forgot
  6. lol Aye aye I have a feeling this event is going to be ass
  7. As far as advantages/disadvantages go, p much though rulers and berserkers are weak to them too so wooo he looks pretty nifty, he does have a passive that reduces debuff resistance by 10% for everyone in the front and back row in the party except for him but thats usually not a big deal
  8. Breaking news I am sitting here and being angry because the bath/shower floor looks fucking disgusting, its covered with hair and some other shit and I have no idea what it is is.. pieces of soapbar?? soapbar residue?? nobody in my house that I know of ever uses soapbars though my parents only shower in the mornings and never leave a mess like this behind, its probably my worthless sack of crap brother's fault double ugh
  9. In other news I just wanna shower but the drain got clogged with hair so it was just sitting there with cold water so I had to stick my hand in the water and take a tissue down there to remove said hair (ew) and now I gotta wait for it to drain ugh
  10. Was not worth used all of my tickets and a good chunk of my quartz and all I got out of it was CEs, fuckass Astolfo, and a 2nd copy of fuckass Atalanta :(
  11. Oh cool, they changed the type advantages upon official release to make avengers not shit, now they take neutral damage from everyone, resist rulers, and are only weak to berserkers the count looks 2edgy and I don't like the art much but I'll prolly end up wasting tickets/quartz for him shortly, help ;_;
  12. ok I can agree about the design its pretty all over the place and why but I like her glowstick rainbow sword idk Brynhildr's design is pretty and rad (shes from Prototype Fragments of Blue and Silver)
  13. I wish Atilla had that art in Grand Order, as I don't care for Huke's style :s
  14. Maybe he'll remove his hat in one of his ascensions, you never know!! or maybe he's just hiding a bald spot awww yeah Kintoki is great for plowing your way just wish he was easier to keep alive i c i c Apparently Rin is gonna be a stand-in for Ishtar and Sakura for Parvati (another reason why I'm skeptical seeing how those are GODDESSES, then again they managed to throw Artemis in the game with the most flimsy justification; could possibly throw in anything but the kitchen sink in the game at this point)
  15. Well if nothing else I guess if you roll him by accident you can use him exclusively as a Shirou killer since people are dreading the possiblity of that guy being a boss with high hp in the future, lol ah, uhhhh, I think we might be looking at different leaked lists since I didn't see anything about Madoka in the one I was looking at; it came from some Chinese img board and I'm skeptical about it being real even though there have been several servants on that list that have been released either there is at least some accuracy or those people are just very good guessers I'm hoping it is real though, because I want Rin and Sakura in the game as pseudo-servants like Waver is..... ;_;
  16. I agree Well we don't know if he'll be broken yet, according to datamines avengers do 2x damage to rulers and do neutral damage to the other 7 servant classes but .....they also take 2x damage from all servant classes making them glass cannons without the damage advantage berserkers have to boot making them extremely niche on the other hand in Edmond's case at least we don't know what his skills are yet or any details about his noble phantasm besides it being a strong AoE NP with atk/def debuff and a curse effect to boot, so that could be potentially useful, just gotta wait for more info as always I just checked, and yes he was
  17. cashgrab I mean the title fits given his source material but ?????????? but making him an actual avenger threw me for a loop too man figured they woulda released Angra Mainyu first rather than a new guy out of the blue, but here we are
  18. Avenger, actually They have his image on the event page here and thats true, just thought it was amusing that it was done by the actual artist for it this time
  19. So Edmond Dantes is going to be a servant in Fate/Grand Order and he looks like a Dangan Ronpa character because he was designed by the dude who did the art for the game
  20. I feel like I crave peanut butter at some point every day nowadays :|
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