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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. I rarely DON'T feel this way, so I get what you mean yeah
  2. I was bored and I wanted to see what an image drawn in Colors 3D looks like on a computer but unfortunately it turns out the 3DS saves images as JPGs RUINING THE QUALITY smh ://///////////////////
  3. Ahhh, that makes sense :( I don't like showing mine either but its more skin related That sounds horrible, EDs are serious and shouldn't be made fun of...I hope you are doing ok, its not much but I do wish you well
  4. yay I'd believe it, its odd to think that there are people who can just walk around the house wearing little to nothing without problems bc I would either freeze or feel more grody and sweaty.......I guess I am just too sensitive to the elements ;_; that musta been awk yes tonton oh my god
  5. Wow I didn't know you liked to talk about playing video games while wearing nothing but ok
  6. thanks :') only with names, though there is a report button so I guess you gotta be careful who you friend ://////(I only have Chen and some random guy who followed me on twitter as friends ;_; some other person added me there too but idk if i wanna add them back bc their feed seemed...weird)
  7. idr but i know last time among the things he got was a bunch of bad ces(though he did get hollow magic at least which is still good even if it aint kaleido), deermud, and geromino will do
  8. If it makes you feel any better Pride tried to roll for Gil a few nights ago and everything was so bad he quit the game(again)
  9. oh ya theres somethinin about his face too i just cant put my finger on what
  10. oh man, I am not a fan of that houndstooth
  11. it looks like part of their pants got caught in a lawnmower but then they just decided not to give a fuck
  12. I'm tired of this game asking what I ate for dinner all the time so I answered ass and this is what I get in response
  13. Its happened before, I just thank them and graciously accept the gift because I'm still grateful that they thought of me
  14. suuuuuuuuuuuup I don't remember which one I liked better or much about them(never finished them, 2hard for kid me) in general but I agree also it had some catchy as hell music?????? (had to post a extended ver because the original has it randomly cut to the underwater ver of the level which is just abrupt and jarring)
  15. GOEMON I played both of the N64 games, sucked ass at them though
  16. Family I don't give a shit, friends is another matter entirely though....... :s It'd be hard cutting ties to those people especially if we were really close thankfully that sounds out of character as fuck with the people that are actually relevant in my life
  17. tbf I can't tell if what almost anyone is saying is a personal attack or not, think just about everyone is out for me :s BUT ILY NIGHTMARE I can tell you are a ball of bulging muscles and kindness
  18. 1. Favorite pastry? 2. What is a topic you enjoy talking about that doesn't come up often? 3. Any kind of event or concert you always wanted to attend? 4. What is a fact about yourself you think most people don't know about? 5. What quote has stuck with you the longest?
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