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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. Wait is there some joke going on here I missed with the wow thing hsshssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhsbbhww aw shit Rei I'm flattered
  2. I am 100% guilty of this, I can't really draw most of the things being requested though given how impromptu this thread came to be and how disorganized it is idk what else would work for anyone wanting to have a request done besides posting again until someone willing comes along to do it like you said and I think its considered too much of a for fun thread for anyone to seriously keep tabs but I have no idea beautiful
  3. shit u found out my kink :((((((
  4. doesnt help that hype makes me want to check things out LESS but its not too bad for Fate for the most part yes this is a good idea aw shucks man thank you
  5. ah um that depends on what you mean by seeing!!!!!! we've seen each other on webcam plenty of times, but this is the first time we're gonna meet in person and if you mean um dating like...... um.... idk our relationship has felt more than just friends for awhile now but were hesitant to make it official because distance and stuff but we are definitely considering it be an actual thing but we're holding off making it so until he visits and stuff UM YEAH SO.... Aaaaaaaaaaa ALSO THANK YOU will do!!!!!!!! wow lewd Thank you Jules!!! I really appreciate it!!
  6. im p slow when it comes to checking out things yes i don't feel like finding the original post so i reuploaded it
  7. I liked that call its what made me give a shit about Fate tbh
  8. ;_; I expected an extension, but not an idefinite one Smart decision my friend
  9. w what Thanks Sask!!! I'm ok I just wanted to talk about it for awhile now I still can't contain my feelings though and its only getting worse aaaaaaaaaaa WAITING IS HARD AAAaaaaaaa thank you Bal that is sweet of you I hope you're doing well
  10. Yeah, I probably could have said something a lot sooner but I usually feel like I gotta ask people permission for things but I end up waiting a long ass time before actually doing so out of nervousness, oops We do, yes! I always start having gigglefits whenever I see him though because his expressions always amuse me aksll;a;f'd;fl; They do, and they also like to tease me about it but at the same time they flip-flop a lot like my dad seemed offended that Pride wants his own hotel room rather than staying with us even though our house isn't really all that big and fit to have anyone and my mom has our guest room cluttered with her things =_= they also were also gossiping about it a bit to my friends but luckily they're on my side and my friends were telling me about how my parents didn't feel comfortable about me going out anywhere with him because they think he'd try to do something without my consent as soon as we were alone and I get the concern but it still sucks, I wanted to at least spend some of the nights over there with him too but idk if I'll ever convince them but yeah you're right about the clarification thing though, I'm probably dwelling too much on worst case scenarios orz ..Ahh yeah, I heard it was bad enough in China in some places at least where its reccommended like you wear masks like holy shit??? And I do know some people, I got a cousin there as well but she doesn't live anywhere near you guys shes like more northward Don't worry! We just figured its better to hold off anything before meeting first but yes, and yaaaaaaaaaaay
  11. Yes!!! ;u; ok thats..........probs accurate leaning on the SUN would hurt I knew for some time now but I didn't know if it was ok to say anything publicly yet or not or if anyone else knew so I assumed I should wait and of course I get all nervous for nothing because when I asked he and hes just all like "no feel free to blast that anywhere" in the most casual way possible this always happens with him lmao thats true, I just get nervous because my social skills are worse in person than on the internet.. but then again we're used to speaking to and seeing each others faces so even if its not the same as in person its better than nothing?????? And YEAH he's suppossed to help me with talking to my parents and getting closer to indepedence and getting help and all that but idk how they'll take it like I think Pride is a good speaker and I don't have to worry about him sticking his foot in his mouth like other people its just my PARENTS, I'm just worried about them taking something he says the wrong way and generally being intrusive and not wanting me to see him again idk I just don't trust them much... And don't worry, I know he cares and I care a lot about him even if we do poke fun each a lot lol-- and I likely would have to move there too aaaaaaaa I don't really wanna live here anyway I'm kinda worried about the air though because I heard its pretty bad around where he lives but I'll figure something out probs I'll let you know if anything happens ;u; and yes
  12. I can't believe I posted that it was nice knowing you guys!!!!
  13. YES I mean, y-yes..... actually I got the ok to say said plans but people r probably going to laugh at me because i cant keep my composure and dont know how to word it lemme just shove it in a spoiler box o......k.. [spoiler=im dyin]PRIDE IS VISITING SOMETIME AROUND JUNE ONCE HIS SUMMER BREAK STARTS WHICH MEANS I GET TO BE STUCK WITH HIM IN PERSON FOR LIKE A WEEK AND ITS GETTIN CLOSER SO?????? ? AKLSSKl;LKD I AM EXCITED AND NERVOUS fuccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk i want to see him so badly i just want to live closer because i hate distance i hatehatehateeeeee i miss pride all the time but im happy to actually to be able to see him some even though hes a poohead he is making fun of me as we speak but he is really gr8 idk how i will not look like a giant idiot infront of him i just cant believe this is happening and its getting close r shiiiiiiiiiit KIND of, I mean I still have breakdowns a lot and I'm stuck with my shitty family and my brother is back and I can't see him moving out anytime soon which makes things worse, though I did get help with my two friends with signing up for financial aid for college last weekend and apparently their aunt is really good at teaching people how to drive so hopefully I can get her to help maybe but I think things could get better!! Its pure coincedence I swear GOOD he is just busy with school a lot but he is doing good!! o apparently he also got a job as his college tutoring people too so thats pretty cool
  14. I wouldn't mind so much if said CE is good ..Oh yeah, that too, why did they make a CE for THOSE?...
  15. Oh wow, it looks like they're releasing another shirtless kirei CE, this time is his younger self I better tell Nightmare when a high res version comes out lololol wow hi to you too
  16. lmao Huh why-- also nah it doesn't I've gotten used to it and I don't take any serious offense to it anyway lol Uhhhh more time with friends!! and plans!! idk if I can go into detail bc nothing is quite finalized yet as much as I want to talk about it......... ;~; but lets just say I have stuff to look a lot forward to and waiting is hard and I will say once I get the OK!! Ahh I see, I hope you have a good day today
  17. I-I see you've gotten into the habit of calling me Lewdy, too I AM alright just glad the month is almost over, I want it to be June already though >___> you???
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