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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. Speaking of the word opportunity I always forget how to spell it and I'm too lazy to spellcheck it so I'll just ass it and spell it wrong like oppurrtunity accidentally making a cat pun in the process like fuck man ...And using spellcheck just now I realized I've been spelling the word accidentally wrong all this time what the fuck
  2. I'd like to take this opportunity to compliment myself
  3. Give it some time, probably
  4. I was gonna post and then my eyes started wiggin out on me and you know like I got distracted
  5. I wish I could eat all the sweets I wanted without consequences and then get a shitload of desireable sweets and eat until satisified bc im die
  6. dont think so but i understand anyways
  7. My only beef with vaping is that the smell is too overwhelming and certain too much sensory stuff like that is aughhhhhhhhhghgghhhhhhhhfghg for me at least whatever my mom is using does that it makes me feel illlllllllllllllllllllllll I don't know if all flavors are like that but in general unless its proven that it has any detrimental effects to my health I usually don't mind people doing it around me, that stench is just TOO MUCH sometimes What he does is ultimately up to him, hopefully you guys can like come to an agreement to where he can do it anywhere where you don't gotta smell it
  8. late but i agree ice cream sounds good right now
  9. I agree its also one of the sports things I was good or kinda good at at least kid me was I have no idea now
  10. Maybe Not for now no, friend hit me up recently like "hey wanna go bowling sometime??" but it usually takes awhile before either us of have a set date so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  11. Its good!!! Glad to hear it, relaxation is always nice I um I like both though!!!!!!
  12. Am I the only one he sees it as light pushing?? ;__; Yasa thinks its someone's butt getting touched and Pride thinks its somebody being slapped
  13. Just go with default or a theme thats a tweaked up default this is coming from someone who likes simplistic themes best though so idk
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