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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. Oh my god Just when I thought my brother couldn't possibly be any dumber he pulls this shit at least he's out of the house again, hopefully forever same
  2. i c, thanks guys wasn't expecting it to be KoF related
  3. If I were to have a haircolor other than my natural, I'd rather just wear a wig than risking damaging it by dyeing!! thanks guys ;v;
  4. omg Bal u bully Thats odd, uhh I don't know if it'd do much good but I know google play at least has an app that forces your device into any screen orientation you want, no idea if ios has anything similiar
  5. yes also I did it ...I posted a pic
  6. Sup SF I'm bored but unfortunately the only thing I have for cameras is a shitty tablet and my slightly better webcam, I'll take more flattering pictures and stuff once a certain someone arrives since taking pictures is gonna be a thing ANYWAYS I bought a hair scrunchie recently and I put my hair up in a ponytail with it Unfortunately you can't see much from front view and I can't really get a good angle that can so heres another one from the side I LOVE IT...... Its so cute the bow at the top sticks up like bunny ears aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  7. My friend went to get money to help a homeless lady who was pregnant the other day and we made small talk while we were waiting for her to get back and after my friend gave the money to the lady she hugged us and said "thank you" and I accidently said "thank you" back instead of you're welcome but I don't think she noticed hopefully I hope she'll be ok honestly
  8. Yeeeeah, and that is a relief to hear. I'm sure he is lol w-wooaaaaah UM yes thanks though!!!!!!!!!!
  9. oh my goD I saw this awhile back it still terrifies to me this day idk if this is actually true so don't hold it to me but apparently came from an article where the author was complaining about fujoshi fans of the series
  10. What if they make all of Gil's dialogue end with "xD" if he has any speaking roles in the game
  11. Thats understandable! Having to say goodbye is going to be the worst part. And yes!! Uhhh I don't even know where to begin but, I'm very grateful. Only in my fantasies, so far ;_;
  12. wait wh-- oh right shes the character people forgot about I get it now
  13. idk a lick of anything Type-Moon besides some Fate stuff She's cute, though.
  14. ;__; Yeah!!!!!! I can only imagine how doing all of that was a week really ain't enough for me but it means a lot to me and feels like a huge leap forward in general
  15. I always have bangs bc I'm self-conscious about my forehead honestly
  16. You haven't fallen there are /some/ good tsunderes out there depending on characterization its usually the violent/harem-y obvious winner lead girl ones that are WOOOOOOOOOOOOORST
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