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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. I thought Ash was so annoying that kid me didn't care when he got turned into stone in the 1st movie idk if he's gotten any better but I'm not interested in finding out the anime is a chore to watch
  2. I think it'd help but I still can't drive yet and even now my parents won't let me walk outside alone I mean technically they can't MAKE me stay but idk I'm afraid of going against them and I'm nervous about being out by myself anyway as it is I can only get out if my friends are available and ya you have a point there too........ goddamn I hope there are not shit therapists here also dw Damian you are very helpful I like how succinct you are THANKS I'm not too sure about that, it seems more like they're embarassed that someone else called them out on it and now they want me to be open about everything when I really can't because its them and their ego gets wounded by everything and they're being really aggressive about it too but...I dunno either That sounds like a good idea, if you know of any other healthy coping methods I'm open for suggestions too ;v; Its ok, I'm sure if theres anything else going on here besides the depression and anxiety it'll come into light eventually once I get help-- thank you though!!!!!! ahhh, thats sweet to hear \0/ Its a good feeling to know Wow um, hello u still smell I just got hereeeeeeeeeee happy birthday Charlieman
  3. No idea mang I'll try its just talking to them in general is like chewing on nails, you have to somehow carefully word everything you say and even then it doesn't always work like right now my dad is giving me shit about Pride asking if he or mom have ever noticed me seeming off even though he was fine with it then, I'm so sick of it i will yeah, and idk why I tend to forget about things like that when I'm at my worst maybe I should keep physical proof of when people do say supportive things?? :s I dunno how much it'd help-- I really appreciate it though paranoia is a thing too yes..tbh I have no idea whats going on with me anymore
  4. I always talk to Pride when he's available, but he's not always around nor do I expect him to be but when its just me its a problem I guess I can look into it, and I'm not sure how to reconcile when they're being so smothering and act is if I'm disappearing forever even when I want to move out to a place thats still in the same city they live in >_> I think it'd be easier to do if I didn't have to live with them....... Hoo boy, basically general stresses in life and the difficulty managing my emotions in general theres a lot of loneliness, sadness, anger, jealousy, and then theres the guilt of feeling those things I feel like i'm a burden to everybody and I switch between feeling like I deserve better and that people don't care enough and are out to get me to that I'm the actual worst and that people would be happier if I wasn't in their lives because all I do is hurt them I also feel a lot because I can be fine one minute but then something that would only mildly inconvenience or annoy someone else just makes me feel the most intense anger or sadness for hours and my intrusive thoughts really flare up then and i'm sensitive over everything like how someone responds to me I can even mistake anything neutral as negative or if someone else gets more positive attention than me or if I'm feeling like I'm being ignored its like a entire laundry list that nobody should have to deal with from me all in all its exhausting to deal with on a daily basis and I feel worn out and get head pressure a lot too, so yeah ,_,
  5. Ever since I got home everything is tanking I'm either numb and feel detached from myself to the point it scares me or I'm overwhelmed by so many negative and irrational feelings I have to fight it and fight the urge to tell people exactly how I feel because I might not be taken seriously and have it be assumed I'm being edgy or they might get extremely concerned I don't know how to talk to anyone either and isolation and boredom just leads to more breakdowns I'm supposed to get an appointment this week so its a matter of holding on for a few days and I'm not sure if I can do it, my friends have offered letting me stay with them for a week or so but they're still with the one friend's mom who is unbearable though she usually stays holed in her room when at home but she also smokes all the goddamn time too and I don't want to be around that and then theres the possible drama about it with my parents since they took me being gone the last week very personally and they're accusing of me hiding things from them because they notice me being more depressed I'm stuck ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  6. Thank you! ayeaye aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa uhh decide for me thx
  7. Yes it was something And aaaa you do have a point yes thanks But of course omg that sounds grody as hell and uncomfortable woah And yes it is most definitely o f f i c i a l there is no need to get sad my dear!!!
  8. I can't seem to smile and have it not look bad unless I look either mildly amused or smug gdi anyway I found A PRIDE here is us
  9. Not normally that bad, no we might break a little past 37.78C at worst some days Yeeeeeeeeeah, and I was but I feel like I mostly held myself together and now I just feel like I'm regressing and its like no stop-- don't sweat it though I'll keep trying and working with what I have for sure Yes aw shit I can't imagine wearing a hoodie like that it sounds so stuffy and ungodly hot, but I'm glad you got to change!!
  10. I'm tryingggg, so far I've gotten the most upset about it the night before but it turns out I can be calmed down without having some sort of breakdown and saying or doing something I regret ;w; Now if only I knew how to do that by myself I'll keep you updated myes I don't even wanna know how that feels, and I thought here today was bad(was walking around in 86 degree weather) Surprisingly, it was me who was the tickler ?????? I thought he'd try something but he attempted a lot less than I did and luckily he managed to not get anywhere super sensitive because I CAN be super ticklish in places it sucks dude I wanted to see if he was ticklish and amuse myself, he tried it because he's Pride no, I didn't do it too much because he thrashed around a lot and I didn't want to risk being kicked by accident because that almost happened once oop
  11. Yepyep, its also keeping me from feeling totally down but I'm sure it'll hit me not too far from now I-I don't know we'd have be be living in the same area for one thing ;________; aaaaaaaaaaa r.i.p
  12. I'm back at the shithole, hello I am exhausted af so I don't feel like saying much right now but I'll answer any questions about this week, easily one of the best things to ever happen to me t b h Also Pride is the one who took pictures so bug him, not me when he gets back though I'll probs post like one or two of us in he picture thread once I get them idk Hell yes
  13. He's mad bc I kicked his ass like 4 times consecutively :^) thx damian ya I'LL DO IT EVENTUALLY I did, yes ;_; He helped yeah, my friends were there too and it went well though both of my parents felt attacked by it >_> Mom said it should have just been him and me but I thought it woulda looked weird to them so its a lose/lose either way, I just hope nothing bad happens when I have to go back
  14. Tomorrow is the last day we can really hang out :( also convinced my parents I needed therapy, though I'm worried about how they'll act once I'm alone and back with them also tried pan dulce and man do I feel stuffed, I'll probably explain more once I don't have shitty hotel internet and hopefully a working laptop since it refuses to turn on most of the time...
  15. Ok so we didn't get a derecho or anything really damaging that day but there has been an absurd amount of storms and rain and it wasn't exactly safe to drive around in, we got caught in the rain like two days in a row now and today is the first sunny day at all this week also I haven't been on besides being busy is because my laptop decided to shit itself and refuse to boot up, I got it working again for now but the internal clock was EXTREMELY off so I think there's a problem with the CMOS battery I'd do a recap of stuff thats been going on but I don't even know where to start lol
  16. Also Pride is a major doofus by doing things like picking up a random volume of the Fate/Zero manga, flipping it to a random page and going "Its the best character!" when he found a panel of Kiritsugu and then I was like ewwww and then he found a page with Kirei and was like "No wait THIS is the best character!" while we were at Barnes and Noble and also biting off more than he can chew by ordering some fries with some sort of spice powder added to it I forgot what but he sat there coughing the whole time from it Yay ;v; kinda like it, yeah.. The wind speed can get insane ughhhhhghdhhdfhdf
  17. Ahh, ok I am!!! I'm just hoping there isn't any more issues with them concerning that aaaaaaaaaaa Idk how to exactly explain it but its a really severe storm, it happens very quickly but its enough to do things like uproot and knock down trees and even rip tiles off of houses and things-- I saw it happen the last time and basically out of nowhere was an extremely loud "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH" sound and the amount of wind was ridiculous and I didn't look like something that'd be remotely safe to be outside during
  18. Uhhh, idk if any of the chains around here qualify as authentic woosp Staying overnight with him, yeah they told me to pack up my things so I'd be ready tomorrow but idk I'm worried about my dad blowing up over it, weirdly enough my mom has been more reasonable about it also I heard something about my friend saying theres possibly going to be a derecho tomorrow night, which is really bad because it happened before years ago and it did a SHIT load of damage and we were without power for 3 days fucking shit man
  19. Thats something to consider yes!! Yes!! Yeah basically after dealing with my dad being a whiny fuckass and treating me like an idiot for hours after he left we came to a compromise that it'd be ok as long as I kept in touch and we visited the both of them at least once a day
  20. Oh hey I'm back for now Pride hasn't gotten any sleep + he needs to get food and my family wouldn't let me stay with him tonight :|
  21. Uhh idk a crisper doesn't sound fun ;_; omg thats horrifying I hope you feel better now The side of the inside of my mouth is sore and feels like a small cut and I have no idea why YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he's going to be on the airplane in like in a hour and a half aaaaaaaaa aksklsl;a,;da,a;x,;lf,d';,,ld;l, I HAVE TO MENTALLY PREPARE MYSELF any advice pls
  22. nvm dangit charlie I thought that was a general question until you edited it way to make me look dumb ;_;
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