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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. whoa thanks for reminding me that this song exists OP its nice
  2. most of those tactics look like they'd be hard to pull off though also I feel like I am full of dread and lowkey dying on the inside without knowing why, send help
  3. Good morning to you! I'm alright, just feel kind of out of it and we got more snow eck. And you?
  4. I was half-joking there ;A; I mainly just wish I could talk more in general, so it'd be less lonely. What comes naturally to me is usually just lurking and not knowing what to say.. but yes thanks!
  5. I'd like to aim higher, but I'm just no chatterbox talking is hard and I have too many things holding me back I'm surprised I have 500+ posts though wow
  6. Don't worry about it dude, just talk I've been here and I've still never read the first page, even
  7. I remember my mom watching Wolf of Wall Street but it didn't catch my eye, Django is a Tarantino film ain't it? I don't mind gore in my games/anime/manga most of the time but live action is another story :( guess that leaves Inception thanks though!
  8. I used to have an irrational dislike torwards Leo as a kid because kid me was tired of seeing him everywhere during his Titanic/Romeo+Juliet era and didn't understand why various media outlets kept calling him "dreamy" when I just didn't think he was attractive then again its rare for me to find anyone that way even now lol but yes it was some silly reasoning of me I'm neutral on the guy now though, good for him on finally winning although I have no idea if he is a good actor or not-- haven't actually watched anything with him in it
  9. I did the sorter going off appearances/what little I know since I haven't played Fates because SHYEAH WHAT'RE GONNA DO http://fefates-sort.tumblr.com/
  10. :( I hate coming accross stuff like that omg t-thanks
  11. Only reason I'd want to get a PS4 right now is Berseria still miffed as hell that the western release can't get the PS3 ver even though Japan is, stop being such a penny pincher Namcooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  12. Thats some scary stuff yes are you gonna flee or stay around to watch it go up in flames it me -_-
  13. Ahh, something I'm all too familiar with ;_; good luck man hiiihii TE, did things ever settle down in your MMO thing
  14. Not much of note, just hating this weirdass weather we've been getting and forgetting to eat on time as usual aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag you?
  15. You can be whoever you wanna be or something like that
  16. hi idk what else to put for text fuk
  17. I forgot most of the myth stuff involving Cu but I'd believe it but Fate is pretty whacky about things poor dude
  18. If we're going by shitty luck I'd prolly be elligible for lancer too
  19. Do sparklers count cause I used to run around with that shit in the summer a lot when I was a wee but no though tbh I am not a risk taker
  20. Is it bad that I read the title of that series like "rwuby" its like Elmer Fudd saying ruby
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