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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. Dude I feel like Motoi's stuff always sounds the same nowadays in recent Tales games :( which sucks because I like Symphonia's ost and some of Abyss, he has some good tracks scattered about but its mostly subpar now
  2. wao its a dude nooo thats too cruel and sad
  3. I try to I do love mean some justice but just ice is fine too I um I try!!
  4. I wonder if people will know who Dongs is ;_;
  5. The juxtaposition of those two IDs is fucking hilarious
  6. this thread suddenly got great w h o a
  7. Yeah, though at least we didn't get hit with the hail part Was, yep Thats the worst, yeah theres a few trees uncomfortably close here as well.. though at least none too close got knocked down by the wind three years ago but we did get branches everywhere and part of the road blocked by a tree :V
  8. Why so :( Thats good! MAN I'm weird with media like for most of my life nothing made me cry though in recent years I can get sad about stuff but I just feel like this empty feeling though I cried A BUNCH over the ending of the 3rd Layton game ????????? part of the fourth one too to a lesser extent :( My condelences I can um, understand the feeling due to recent events on my own end though
  9. I think it'd be better to talk about something like why has the weather here been such ass I don't like thunderstorms or high wind speeds
  10. What about crying on the inside expressing stuff outwardly is hard yo
  11. Dude I still can't fucking believe it, it hasn't hit me yet I always loved watching him on Nintendo Directs and everything ugh my heart
  12. Ahh, I think I can relate on that a bit and oh o: nothing wrong with that, always a good way to prepare and learn more about one's self
  13. \0/ Oh? Whats got you pondering about such things dude I dunno man I just feel like doing whatever makes you happy is always the better option unless for some reason the first one is somehow more beneficial and even then-- also just being recognized by people you actually know and care about and vice-versa sounds better than a bunch of random acquaintances I dunno I don't really know the full context to give much input
  14. o-oh wow I'm not used to bein' addressed to like an elder sibling of sorts I feel flattered but yes, I will try to be more aware of my surroundings and thank you!
  15. This is genius bless you Yeah, I'm right as rain it just looks unappealing and sometimes they're slightly sore but this one isn't, I probably just banged it on a table and forgot about it knowing me
  16. Man I really got stop mysteriously acquiring hueg ass bruises
  17. ZMMM hi but of course what kind of sandwiches are even making and stuff
  18. Hey kids what did the fuckidity-doo happen here actually forget it, I learned an important lesson today though: don't fuck with foam curlers if you're not 100% confident you remember how to use them, you'll only find dissapointment!
  19. My mom was on the theatre churning a horror movie.
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