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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. :DD Hooray and good luck!!!!!!!!! Huh, interesting.. from what I saw in screenshots it looks like theres favorite-locks too, so thats good hellooooooooooo
  2. Oh great, I will keep that in mind \o/ also thanks, I'm glad I was able to find something I liked within a decent amount of time Yeeeah, main concern is knowing what the menus say so I don't accidently discard anything or anything similiarly dumb >~> and thats a relief!
  3. huyhuy guys I wanna play Fate/Grand Order but it looks confusing and the wiki for it still looks pretty barebones and I won't get very far withwhat the lack of knowing any Japanese maybe one day
  4. YES YARI finally someone is doing a Regal theme for the ToS thing bless /late probably Pretty alright, p normal day how about you?
  5. SOOOOOOOOL also thanks Sophie im glad you agree e
  6. oh my god I think there was someone else before that who used that avvy too.. or used some other Seliph avvy that Tristian used before too, I'm not really sure still funny though .3.
  7. Dry skin is soooo bad woah rad you like Emil too?
  8. Bats are sooooo cool *v* I'd still probably jump if one came in and flew by me out of nowhere though, I'm glad it was able to find its way out Its like.. Up and down, I'm still fighting every day to stay hopeful and trying to find motivation in life. I still have good days though! and I got to drive a tiny bit even though it was just in circles.
  9. aaaaaaaaaAA Not bad not bad, I hope things will go swimmingly for you \o/
  10. No, and holy fuck do I wish I could.. We have a sewing machine but even with the instructions I still couldn't get it and theres like so many different types of stitches depending on the situation and fabrics also play a factor its so confusing ugh I guess I could learn to handsew to fix things, that should be simple enough at least
  11. Jenniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ;n; I missed your last few posts from awhile back, but I hope you are doing most great and it is good to see you around!
  12. I gave up on trying to understand YGO the moment synchro summon was introduced ;v; I was barely getting it beforehand but then it was just like doooooooooooo ooooooooooo oooooo ooooooo oooop
  13. I always get the (DRANK) part of that swimming pool song stuck in my head and forget the rest
  14. Thanks Mei! also gr8 theme idk what you mean by empty, getting birthday wishes is always nice and thankssss its funny bc even though my favorite Pokemon is the sooper grumpy looking I really like a lot of the happy looking ones as well Oh, well fuck I hope it works out okay but if its too much trouble I can try to think of something with a hopefully higher rate
  15. Alright, then its the best when /you/ say it because screw logic OH SHIT MAN I wanna be oneeeeeeeeee the pridieist indeed ( ´‿ゝ`) They're just so cute man, they look so carefree and dopey A++
  16. It is best!!! :( Well to be fair I don't actually care I just don't want a certain smelly DOODOOHEADCHUMPLORD to be right I can't help but protest pardon me but ANYWAY thank youuuuuuu also I'm curious but is there Wooper in that dungeon game you're playing >_> <_<
  17. ahh shiet I'm glad I caught this THANKS GUYS you're all the raddestestesh
  18. You flatter me good sir! But I am glad to be able to fill that quota. Accurate depiction
  19. Understandable, it seems like a societal thing in general even though its a lot harder to even do those things right away now due to economic issues and the like. People will always have differing standards of how to live one's life and time is also a factor in those views changing, don't think "oh I have to do so and so or do something by age (x)" Its just a matter at working at your own pace. And hmm how do I say this like.. Even if you don't think you have any some sort of drive right now there is definitely potential.
  20. HEY I know how you feel to some extent, I'm turning 25 in a few days.. ;~; U-um, I dunno if you want details or not since its kinda downer-y but tl;dr I'd like to believe I'll be alright because I know theres at least a few people who support and want the best for me even if it feels like most of my family holds me back/doesn't care/too tied down by things and I also don't really know what to do. I don't really know how to lift up myself and be hopeful but I'll work on it while keeping those who care in mind, and I will offer any assistance and support I can to you as well. It isn't too late, hold onto that drive of yours! sorry if I got incoherent ububbbbbbbbbbuugubh
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