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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. I got confused about the Whataburger thing, since I never heard of it either and then I realized
  2. The only thing that gets turned on is my text output don't bring up Love Live around me unless you don't mind me constantly going on and on about it I love it too much for my own good
  3. CATS CATS CATS caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaats are always better dude put a cat in front of me and I will start cooing over it and trying to pet it within seconds I love cats so much ok
  4. hoooooooooollllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy shittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt I still haven't watched the animated adaptions of the other parts though oops
  5. Hating Sonic because of Sega's rivalry with Nintendo seems kinda silly seeing as thats long dead and gone now, but I agree with Jules on point 3 sooooooooooooooooooooo much dude at least they made him a lot more bearable in the Sonic Boom cartoon
  6. I'M good, lack of sleep but I'll fix it later seeing as its still in the middle of the day and you?
  7. sry Tristian ogm I got like really excited there rip
  8. agewueghehfghf I do a 40 quartz roll for the newly released caster Tamamo and this happens [spoiler=JESUS FUCK]
  9. ...................I was playing sif and Paging Emerald
  10. I don't trust myself not to set everything on fire on accident that sucks dude :c IIIIIII think I like mid-upper 70s the best, I'm really selective with tempuratures. I would share some if I could!!!!!!
  11. lmao same, probably wait what'd I do s'all gooooooooooooooood I haven't felt as drained lately so I guess that has something to do with it, maybe And thats good! I've been hearing about it too but it doesn't really catch my interest, I hope you're having fun with it at least. ..I.. still need to finish up mgsv which I haven't gotten very far bc I'm a bit intimidated by the mission I'm still on ;u; OH, thanks.. I figured it was something like that bc in the Japanese Layton games Descole's catchphrase is something like "SASUGA, REITON" all hammy-like ur welcom
  12. to be honest yes it ain't cold enough yet for me to get away with using the heater for help though
  13. they are getting pretty weird yeah like the announced tales of Beseria-- OH WAIT speaking of which he called that tales of "bears" too whatta joke am I right sasuga him IN THE FACE idk what that means either, im just rolling with it bless u W-W-WHOA there pal I'm glad to hear it thanks you too Hi Sol, I'm pretty GOOD-- pretty good I'm somewhat exciteable and also bored I should probably play video games or something, and yourself?
  14. that works \o I heard that too, yeah; idk if he knows he just likes mangling anything tales of and calling me a nerd for liking it lol
  15. Pride called it Tales of "zestytuna" and "zestotria", respectively >______________>
  16. Its that time of the year again when its in the low 70s or under my hands seem to absorb all of the cold therefore making it cold to the touch laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame
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