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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. update he went to the doc today, it was just bronchitis so I'm safe one less thing I to have to worry and feel miserable about, so thats something I guess
  2. Protagonist because they're usually on the winning side and I deserve to get what I want \o/
  3. Man, I wish I knew how many days you have to stay away from someone until they're not contagious idk what my dad has exactly but hes been suffering from coughing/sore throat that he apparently caught from a co-worker, I've been mostly cramped up in my room when I'm at home for 4 days now whenever hes around, he hasn't been taking anything either since he hasn't bothered to go to the doctors and I can't go by how much he coughs/feels either because he coughs all the time regardless due to smoking and has no qualms about disregarding my health either and can't cover his coughs and STRAIGHT-UP lies to my face about not being sick when I overhear him telling other people otherwise and changing his story all the time like you know my immune system is shit too right??????? fuck you ..I really wish I had somewhere else to live
  4. Its alright, its just long and sitting there plainly I wish I could style it somehow but idk how and I'm bad at tying my hair
  5. do you two want me to die from loneliness ;_;
  6. Thanks but where would I be without you all
  7. The only thing that saps the joy out of me about Disgaea is actually trying to play it, its way too grindy Shame cause it looked somewhat interesting and I like the art, enough to have an artbook/info thingy of the first game
  8. I'd suck at Xrd all I really care about regarding that is Elphelt anyways, such a cutie don't rly bother with fighting games though
  9. I'm actually more than ok with this you understand B)
  10. what about BURNING LOVE, SUMMER SEASON, and CHOCOLATES???????
  11. I used proper grammar more when I was younger to look "smarter" then I realized what a pretentious idea that was and that I'm gonna look like the biggest dumbass no matter how I type anyways so now I'm like whateverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  12. This rice candy is p good, I love collecting the stickers inside too feels like I can't eat more than one at a time though or else it tastes like SHIT
  13. I'm glad heaters exist

    1. Caster


      what about haters

    2. Fleece


      Depends on what they're hating

  14. I wish I could say one of the others but I feel like I have no choice but to go with health l o l I'm sorely lacking in any of the other choices too but with the way with current conditions are I feel like I'm a leash and it only makes making myself self-sufficient harder
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