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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. heyeyeye happ birthdaayay Aliciaaaaaaaaaaaaaa \o

    1. Lance Masayoshi

      Lance Masayoshi

      Thaaaaaank you piece of produce that likes the Idol Grills o/

  2. So true B) aaaaa well when you put it that way I will definitely have to make an effort for smiles, definitely Yes!! Its uh part of growing up or something meaningful like that Yeeep, also I'm gonna like nap or something gbye for now
  3. ( ◜◡◝ ) Aaa. Yes, exactly. It always plays out the same no matter what, its frustrating. I'm not really one to talk but they both can be so stubborn.. Aha, do you not fancy open-world either? It doesn't bother me enough to be a dealbreaker, though I can't say I'm a fan of it. You can still extract soldiers for use like in PW also well as animals now. Its been nerfed to where theres a success rate and you can't fulton anyone indoors anymore until you get an upgrade though. Speaking of upgrades, apparently you can fulton tanks and trucks too I think. It takes awhile before you start unlocking nice things so early game is hell at first. I played GZ, as well as the rest of Solid ones too. Only ones I haven't played are Metal Gear 1 and 2 and any of the spinoffs besides Revengance Yes, its a terrible feeling and thing to deal with q_q And thanks again! Right right, and no problemmm It seems to be taken care of now, hooray
  4. Its alright now, mostly I was already kind of in a fragile state of mind at the time and tend to get set off easily over the slightest things, after talking with Sol and the others I managed to pick myself back up for the time being Responsibilities can be a huge lamer :c hopefully you'll be able to get it out of the way in a timely enough fashion I hope your day goes well too! Haha, yeah.. I can feel some wetness again so I don't think its quite done, must go back to grab more tissue >_>
  5. S'no problem, what were you gonna say? o: Could be better, but I'm alright! You? In other news, I just had a mini-nosebleed of sorts ick, I think it stopped though ??
  6. Yaaaaaaay, talking to you is p nice regardless. I will try. \o/ I dunno I think its more like they miss the point though i think they might be willing to help with some things I want, my mom is kind of smothering and me being on disability due to health issues and her as the payee only makes things more difficult.. Dad is more on my side but he's usually too swamped with his own problems and whenever I try talking to him about stuff he agrees usually but he ends up getting into arguements with mom about it even though he promises not to say anything so I end up unintentionally pitting them against each other and nothing gets done. :/ Also that sort of thing peeves me off a bit too, so I can see where you're coming from. Duly noted, and it did help!
  7. Thank you both Sask and Alicia \o Ahhh, I see That all makes sense too, I'm used to bottling up everything and just going along with things until stress and other things hit me like a ton of bricks starting a few years back. Socialization experiences are also lacking, so yeeeeah. I wanna be able to open up and confide in more people too, I don't know if I'm improving on that but I'd like to think so. Yeah I mean I wanna go out more and I think it'd help some, but I just think its gonna take a lot more than that like you said. Both of my parents mean well but it just sucks how they don't kinda get everything and I can't bring up stuff without them getting yell-y/defensive over it which I can't really handle and they're another part of the struggles I've been facing, but thats another whole long story entirely I'm holding out yeah, also I'm much grateful for your help. Its pretty good! I don't normally play stealth games as a whole but I got intrigued about it a few years back due things I've seen on the 'net about the story and the series' sense of humor The open-world aspect is a bit daunting and the AI seems a lot smarter, so I tend to screw up a lot even though I play cautiously and would rather just tranq/fulton the shit out of everyone but guards seem more abundant/closer together this time around ;_; I should be able to get used to it eventually probably
  8. Well yeah, it is personal matters but I do try to talk to people but its hard because I usually feel too scared to reach out, I'm bad at communicating all around and its scary and it doesn't help that a lot of it is really negative and I think it'd just get draining on people fast. I always worry I'm just annoying the few people I can tell and I worry about people thinking theres something "wrong" with me if I truthfully tell them about my fears and thought processes and things like that but because of that I end up doing things like mismanaging it and say things as a call for help but people misunderstand and then I look bad I think I need professional help, but even that is a major hurdle because of my parents (they think getting out more would solve everything, don't understand that I do NOT want to take meds unless I've exhausted my options and nothing else is working, they think me not telling them everything = not trusting them enough..) I dunno, I'm just like, at a loss here Yeah, activity is always good \o/ I'm trying to, I should probably get back into playing MGSV because I haven't touched it in days it takes me forever to finish anything
  9. Didn't work, I could try not quitting skype entirely for once and have it relog after restarting I guess but it just seems like it'd be easier to wait for the entire issue to be resolved due to the lack of immediate urgencies at this time Nevermind, got signed in like two attempts after this, damn thing is still busted though It is pretty bad looking yes Yeah, I really should... Its a lot easier to make things worse when not thinking straight, gah I needa get that and a lot of other things properly addressed but I'm struggling to do it on my own Ahhh, that sounds like a good way to pass the time though! Good VGM is always welcome
  10. Its okay, I wasn't even in the middle of talking to anyone at the time (that would have made it much worse) its just that I constantly have "what ifs" in my head about things not getting better and it kinda uh, spirals down from there I'm alright, pretty blah/dull day all around, and you? (SHIT I MEANT TO EDIT AND I DOUBLE-POSTED INSTEAD ;_;)
  11. Lameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee gdi why did I have to jump the gun and sign out also I never knew about that webskype thing, that any good/worthwhile using?
  12. I may not be good at actually following said advice but I appreciate it from you, I really do ;~; thank you Yeah, er, on further inspection around the webs it seems like its happening to other people too, you can still message but everyone appears as offline and you cant do calls I was dumb enough to sign out/trying to sign back on so I'm locked out from even doing that >~> at least its late in the US so its not THAT BAD for now but it still sucks
  13. Nonononoooooooooooo I randomly got signed out of skype and it keeps trying to connect but I can't get back on even though my internet is working and I'm worried that it won't get better and I won't be able to talk to people and I'm freaking out bc I'm an idiot who stresses out over the tiniest shit and this hasn't happened before either ,_, what do
  14. I feel like I spent most of the game sleeping in shifts with different people lol /in
  15. Most zodiac stuff likes to make leos sound like they're extremely self-absorbed and dramatic and really really outgoing and materialistic and "MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEME" which doesn't really fit me at all so no
  16. Kind of, I guess I coulddddddddd ya when I changed to my Genis theme which I switched back like after a day because everyone else did (;_;) I didn't want to keep the title but couldn't think of anything else, hence that ........and then I forgot about it entirely lmao
  17. Yes, i am trying and thank youuuuuuuuuuuu oh no ;_; that BITES okee dokes
  18. Yes, and also thank you!!!! That means a lot to me Yep, thats fine-- as long as you're doing better is the important thing here. Also sleep is gr8, good night and rest well
  19. AAAAAAaaaaaa yes s'ok for now though also hihi Shirleyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~! I might try to go earlier, meant to do that yesterday but messed up oop also thank ;u;
  20. um I had a bit of a breakdown earlier and while I feel better now I'm just like wiped orz Sooooooooool I'm trying to be, motivation can be hard to come by though q_q
  21. ( ´_ゝ`) I feel so exhausted mentally
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