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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. Great Yeeeeahegh I'm whatever about most stuff being under dlc, but putting story related stuff behind a paywall makes me not very amused. Though personally in this case like I said I did get it for free on time so I can't complain too much. I just find it a shitty practice in general. You still learn about her during the game, but the dlc takes place after the main story finishes and puts more focus on her/gives her more screentime. I don't know the full details yet and won't for awhile. Oooo. Keep going whenever you get the chance to.
  2. Kinda sorta, like she was heavily advertised in scans early on before the game was released in Japan, but she ended up being like how Flynn was in the original Vesperia where they're in the plot but only in the party for a short time before leaving forever, which didn't go over well for a lot of people. Shes got a dlc chapter centered around her postgame thats free at least for now, I went ahead and downloaded it for later. Glad to hear! Are you having fun with it?
  3. I do its like the only good outfit I have basically just white long sleeve shirt + black pants + really snarp-ass black vest with shoes matching in color
  4. I know there was a stink about her since people were angry about her seeming more like the female lead despite heavy focus on Alisha early on, but thats about it. But yes I will try!! Well whether you ended up staring or not, I hope your day was a pleasant one.
  5. Sorry Jules, but when I get the chance to talk lots about stuff I like I can't help myself ;_; I also gotta go p soon so it I won't be able to resume talking for awhile anyways
  6. \o/ idk about Rose but Edna doesn't sound terribly likeable to me either from what I heard when she was first revealed, but we'll see. Yeah, its LAME.. ;_; Combat is decent enough, not bad but not good either. Hopefully battles don't become a pain later on. Ahh, well I don't know what timezone you're in but if its morning there too you still got some time to decide. And I've done stuff like that before at times too, ahahaha..
  7. I think so, I mean I don't feel upset about anything at the moment and feel like I can rationalize right now which is hard when I'm under heavy emotional duress, I'll bug ya or someone else if anything comes creeping back up though lol I like it so far, its got some lovely scenery and Mikleo seems to be more likeable that I thought he'd be, I assumed he'd just be a smartass and that the shtick would grow old quick-- but nah he's actually somewhat amusing, at least for now. Other than that I don't have any strong opinions about anyone yet. I hate how the battles are in overhead view because I hated that about Graces despite liking it overall. I still don't quite get a lot of the battle mechanics quite yet either, despite seeing the short tutorials. Good good, any plans later for the day?
  8. Aaaaa, lol Pretty ok, rough night due to my negative overthinking but I've bounced back pretty much also got Tales of Zestiria but I haven't really made much progress yet past the OP How're you?
  9. I ain't got nothin' to say besides hey a person I haven't seen before
  10. ..I mean I say this everywhere but everytime this topic comes up I always gotta chime in anyway to proclaim my love for CATS
  11. UR WELCOME soak in all the good feelings
  12. i dont know whats going on but i support u
  13. Whoa great, also thanks I hope we got 'em here, theres like only one closeish store I know of
  14. Does this apply to US Best Buy too or Canada only I WANT a Dark Pit amiibo thingo but i doubt ill get one
  15. Oh hey I play that grindiness/ascension hell aside I like it I tend to get sucked into games like this and School Idol Festival easily RIP
  16. B) I am PRETTY GOOD, I'm a bit tired since I walked around a lot today-- I went clothes shopping but none of the stores I was dragged to had anything I liked @_@ I managed to pick up of couple of tops, some tights, and a skirt at least How goes you?
  17. Wwwwwwwwwhooooooooooaaaaaa 2good, as always :') how do you do it
  18. Name-thing I don't really know about most west coast stores
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