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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. Possible blackouts are the only reasons I fear thunderstorms... Otherwise I just find the noises to be annoying if loud enough
  2. Thats what I was getting at, thank you and yes I'm glad you agree!!
  3. The fact the Lloyd is so close is kinda weird lookin' lmao but I like the shadow-y/cell-shaded effect it makes there needs to be like more stuff with that sort of thing idk if im making any sense just came in to post
  4. OKAY its rough but I'm sure we can muscle through anything if you believe~! I don't think protesting would do much ;_; yes sir
  5. I ...uh ...well At least I'm not alone with the nicknaming!!!
  6. Sounds fun, don't be ashamed to let loose Uhhh idk any Love Live! songs??????? Or Snake Eater from MGS??????????
  7. lmao The list is off to a good start, David
  8. SHIT MAN I was backreading and the same thing happened with me but I didn't wanna say anything and then I see your post oh my gooooooooood???????????????????? great minds or something
  9. Panic and accidently walk into his knife, leaving me to die a undiginified death ....ya I'm pretty bad at such things
  10. ur welcome, its p much like any other freenium game hell rip ;_; were you hoping for anyone specific? also yay Elizabeth \o/
  11. Wait I fucked up shes 5-star, sorry bud you were outta luck from the start, no waifu for you unless rng loves you or you re-roll like a madman until you finally get her still applies to Nero and alter for being 4-starred, though
  12. lol ;w; Yepyep, basically all the 4-stars that aren't Arturia or her clones are available-- also nice! And yeah I have him, all I've been really doing in the game as of late is trying to level him and now Emiya as well as trying to get ascension mats for Elizabeth which is kind of a pain also you might have connection troubles due to people bumrushing in to get theirs but you have until the 30th, so its alright
  13. yes >w> I'm alright now, I can just be inconsolable and idiotic and prone to not listening during those times, and even after all is said and done and I set things right I still feel bad about it like hours later and I will leave it at that Oh, did you get your free 4-star servant yet? I chose Emiya despite his piss-poor growths early on because the chances of me getting Gil is lol and also when he finally does get decent I can use him with Vlad for arts/NP spamming and I also got a Bazett CE that will do wonders for him also I didn't really want another berserker that much
  14. Haven't felt like posting in a dog's age but I like talking rip
  15. Happy birthday Naunau!

    1. Naughx


      I still won't add lettuces to my chocolate cake.

  16. I woulda picked Dusk but I just never was interested enough to seriously consider playing a Digimon game besides like the first Digimon World, it was 2hard
  17. Not really, I do have like two friends who mean a lot to me but otherwise its hard to find people to befriend and theres not much of attraction besides the science museum... Its not as badly southern as other places but its still bad enough to make me extremely uncomfortable not to mention pretty much everyone else I care about pretty much friggin lives on the other side of the country booooooo Thanks anyways though ;v;
  18. But I live there :< ...I wish I lived elsewhere though, fuckin' SUCKS dingleberries over here I stg
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