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Everything posted by DodgeDusk

  1. hey you when are we vcing next HUH
  2. It is. I'm scumreading her because I wasn't a fan of her engagement with Duskfall during D1, and the fact her vote didn't budge from him. I can see the possibility of her tunnelling being towny for her, but I'm not inclined to believe it personally. I also don't feel like she's contributed much for town D2 so far.You said yourself that scum probably tried pushing a Duskfall lynch out of the three options Shinori listed. Do you think scum!Claire could have tried to start that?
  3. pff My brain's mush after reading all this, so just to summarise: I agree with the opinion that Duskfall vs Weiner D1 felt like tvt as it progressed. Gun to my head, I guess I'd vote Weiner. But he's not my first pick to lynch today, even if I did think his first post D2 was mediocre at best. I also don't think bussing was involved with regards to Fenrir. I'm not too sure how to feel about Shinori. Just really inactive, and I don't have the player knowledge nor the experience to comment too much on it. I wouldn't mind a Shinori lynch if it came to that, though, and I can definitely see a world where Shinori would vote Fenrir to get town cred. Aside from Claire, I'm either null or townleaning everyone else. ##Unvote ##Vote: Mitsuru Kirijo
  4. whuddup Gimme a bit to catch up on the game. Hopefully I shouldn't be too long.
  5. i think i'm the only perosn who didn't find it insufferable sup bitches
  6. "Dodge" came from my second username when I first made an Xbox Live account. xXx_D0DGE_xXx is pretty embarrasing, but that's what 13-year-olds do when they want to fit in with their friends. It was named after my favourite car manufacturer at the time, Dodge. My first username was "Duskman307", since Dusknoir was my favourite Pokémon at the time I made it. When I got my PS3 and went to make an account name, I asked one of my clan mates for name suggestions, since I didn't want to use my D0DGE name there. He suggested mixing "Duskman307" (which I was still using in our clan's chat) and "xXx_D0DGE_xXX". "Dodged_Dusk" is my current PSN name, but over time I shortened it to make it roll of the tongue easier.
  7. It's basically a better Skype. I don't see why not. If you use Discord on your browser, then you can have it on one tab and SF on the other. If you download Discord on your phone or computer, it's just an app/program you can run.
  8. I guess the best way to think about Discord is a texting app that allows you to text people globally for free. You can download it on your phone for free, get notifications when someone PMs you or if you get notified in a server (which can be muted if you decide to join any), and do voice/video calls. If you want to, that is. Another good thing is it uses very little data if you're not connected to Wi-Fi, even if you stay logged in. On the computer, you can opt to have it boot up and log in automatically, so whenever you start up your computer, it comes on automatically.
  9. Hi, Ace. Are you still on the fence about getting Discord?
  10. no fleecey emotional attactment is for the weak
  11. Heh. When you do, send DodgeDusk#7707 a friend request!
  12. remember when it was just us two using discord? good times. we are pioneers
  13. You should! 'Cause at the moment, you're the only reason I'm checking SF daily right now, heh.
  14. Ah, right. The remakes are pretty good! Though Johto is one of my least favourite regions. You haven't got to use voice chat. This is what it looks like: If you just want to text message people, you can.
  15. Great, great. I'm starting mine the week after next. Woohoo! I caught a shiny Weedle very early on in Let's Go Eevee. I've been pretty good. I'm not active on SF any more, but I'm on Discord daily. If you have it, you should add me!
  16. wait shit i forgot to vote for via LOL 1. Will you forgive me for forgetting to nominate you?
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