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Everything posted by Sias

  1. As far a I know, Vaike!Owain is actually pretty weak. Vaike's physical and Lissa's magical mods clash terribly, and the only classes he gets from the pairing are Hero and Trickster - without really having good use for either of them or their skills. If I wanted healing, I'd just use Renewal (or Lifetaker from a respective dad). Anyways, I think Ricken (for magical Owain) and Stahl (for physical/mixed Owain) are the best fathers here due to Luna + usable mods, while Libra and Henry can work nicely as well if you'd rather like to go for Vengeance instead. And to satisfy his sword hand: There's always Excalibur, I guess.
  2. Um... Was it ever mentioned anywhere that Aversa slept with Validar? I dunno, I always thought she just seduced some poor peeps around - most notably Gangrel - in order to help her adoptive dad. And then there are the guys she manipulated in other ways, like Excellus. Anyways, back on topic: Aversa = boobs = Camilla Seems legit. She'll probably be your overprotective and very caring big sister on the Nohr side, while her behaviour on the Hoshido side is more difficult to predict and possibly could vastly change during the story line. She might be disapproving of you slaughtering her family (if that happens at some point).
  3. In that case, PavGis on a berserker probably won't really work that well. Zerkers have one of the worst skill caps in the whole game (35, I think?), so you'll have an activation chance for PavGis of just about a third. If you're looking for extra durability, you could consider either a healing skill (Maybe Sol with Braves?) or just using breakers. Swordbreaker comes to mind, cause without it you'd have quite terrible hit rates against swordies anyways; alternatively also Tomebreaker if you're worried because of berserkers' low res. Both would not just protect you from half the damage in a third of the cases, but give you an extra 50% chance of dodging the damage altogether and also buff up your hitrates - at the cost of only working against one weapon type, of course.
  4. It's probably there because of the developers trying to be funny/trying to show us what a big bad meanie Severa can be at times. Or since she totally tries to lift the mood during battle by cracking some cool jokes. Well, I think that's more of a general problem with Awakening's writing though. The story has a a lot of parts that could have been done well, but in the end much of it feels a bit rushed and isn't executed properly. Adding to that, quite a bunch of the background information, regarding both the plot and the characters, is - as you said - not really accessible that easily. And regarding the people with altruistic motivations in the army: The problem here seems to be that, by the end of the game, you don't even get to see much of the behaviour and ideals of most characters. Basically you only have Chrom, Robin and Lucina combined with Naga and the evil guys in the late story scenes, so most of the cast simply makes no appereance there. And while the thematic of this surely could've been implemented more in supports/at the jointime of a person, this would've been quite hard to do without either repeating yourself all the time or spoiling plot surprises earlier. Finally, I agree that the relationship stuff seems to be kind of overdone by lategame. Yeah, the marry-people-to-each-other-, support-everyone- and let-us-all-be-friends-forever-aspects of the game were important to both it's mechanics and the story, but at the end of the day the extreme devotion of the main characters to each other coming lategame is somewhat... blergh. I mean, when I see Lucina's judgement scene (Ch.21) I'm still kind of thinking "You want to kill me now because I'm evil and can be brain-controlled by Mr. Dark Priest of Doom, what will probably lead to this world's destruction... or because you love your daddy so much?". I'm not sure if friendship is really more important than saving the world for most of the story (Plegia and Valm don't even feature this thematic all that much), but as endgame comes, things kinda turn from the two motives going hand in hand to... whatever that even is. The totally meaningful choices you can do don't help here at all. Besides this... Of course friendship is superior to saving the world. FRIENDSHIP CONQUERS THEM ALL. And that's the reason why one day, when there's (possibly) a remake of this game, Walhart will have S rank support conversations with every unit in the game (even beautiful princess Excellus, the random archer guy on the left bottom side of Ch.3, Mustafa and Phila, who will both return from the dead because why not). And furtherhence, he was only called Walhart the Friendly, and he somehow became the new main character of Awakening and smashed the big bad evil Grima guy to pieces with his outrageously fabulous army of friendship warriors soaring across the sky on their pink rainbow unicorns. The end. Cervantes gets bonus points for having his absolutely gorgeous beard, I guess.
  5. Meh, I’m not sure if you can simply say that the characters in Awakening have low respect for the life of others. This is war, after all. It’s kill or be killed. Even more so cause the Ylisseans are quite heavily outnumbered, which means that too much moral hesitation would likely lead to their deaths. And honestly, I think it wouldn’t exactly be logical for Chrom and Co to feel deep regret while slaying the guys that are trying to assassinate his exalted sister/have already caused her death – or while taking those out that want to conquer and enslave the whole world. And that’s not even mentioning Grima yet, who’s just “I’m gonna kiiilll you all and this world will be miiiine” anyways. Wars aren’t won by by showing respect for the dignity of sentient human beings. After all, as soon as you murder someone, whoops there does their dignity go. That’s kind of a problem with killing people in general and applies to pretty much all FEs. If possible, Chrom is even shown trying to avoid running around and murdering just everyone. He recruits enemies that aren’t convinced by their cause (Tharja and Gaius) and attempts to spare lives and get people into joining his business instead of simply cutting them down (Yen’fay). While he admittedly goes for total war with Plegia out of hatred for Gangrel and his deeds (still kinda understandable), the fights versus Valm and the Grimleal are pretty much self-defence. And even then, there are multiple occasions when people actually do show regret. Chrom sadly talks about how much suffering his actions have caused at some point, and I’m pretty sure that Lissa/Ricken C mentions the whole kill-or-be-killed-problematic as well. And then you still have Emmeryn in addition to this, I guess. Furthemore, keep in mind that a lot of the enemies the group is taking out are actually some weird undead guys (or, in the case of the DLC) Einherjar, so there isn’t really any respect for the living needed. Anyways… When the stuff that people say as they’re fighting in game is you’re main problem with the characters’ behaviour (could possibly be, as you reference one of Virion’s crit lines), I advise you to take a closer look at them. A lot of the Support/Dual Strike/Dual Guard lines are actually just completely harmless chitchat (“I’ll have your back”, “I’m with you”, “Beware”, “And one from me”…). The most controversial ones are probably the defeated-enemy-lines and crits, but again, there are quite many that aren’t even problematic to begin with (“Now”, “Ready?”, “Take this!”, "I did it!"), some who are in fact plainly regretful (e.g. Libra's) and the rest is to be taken with a grain of salt - cause their intention is to be of comical nature and to express the specific character of the user, not to necessarily be the phrase that someone shouts a dozen of times across the battlefield. So all in all… This kind of turned into a rather large wall of text. Whoops.
  6. Noone really seems to have noticed this, so I guess I'll just bring it up again.
  7. Hey there! I currently plan to do another Lunatic run and kind of feel like marrying Lissa this time. I know it's by far not optimal to do so, but in the last few playthroughs before I always went for Gen 2 and just don't feel like doing so again, while she's one of my favourite first generation characters. Now I liked to find out if there's any asset/flaw-combo for MU that's vastly superior in this case (for postgame stuff/Apo mostly, where both children will likely end up as magic users). I thought about +Mag/Spd in combination with -Lck/Skl/Def already, but then again -Def might not be so cool for Lunatic ingame. Thanks in advance for your advice.
  8. Congratulations, you finally made it! I like this, so I'll be around in the future. And better luck for the next chapter (maybe Cordelia will eventually learn how to reliably dodge?)
  9. Virion has poor class selection and bad skills in general, however some of them are fine for children that want to support. His Skl/Spd-Mods are decent and I like the way he interacts with others. All in all that's 4/10.
  10. I think seeing one of your units' HP suddenly falling to zero due to Lethality is much worse than seeing them only becoming somewhat low. In the second case the player could just heal in the next turn.
  11. Morgan and Inigo going out together (I hope this hasn't been posted here yet): http://blueyellingatchrom.tumblr.com/post/60241664284/the-dad-in-me-regrets-unlocking-morgans-and
  12. Of course you should use Libra! He's voiced by a woman, his looks shall resemble one and if that's not enough, do it just for fun.
  13. I would keep her as dancer because the utility can be really useful (for example in Apotheosis). Most of the time she won't be fighting anyways, so her lower stats don't really matter.
  14. Olivia told Inigo to talk to girls more and Virion showed his son how to do this. ^^
  15. That's maybe because there isn't so much interaction between the characters themselves, but more explanation of Gregor's background instead. Personally I prefer such supports that show the people doing something together to others which just tell us what happened in the past. And I think it's strange that Gregor took his brothers name over. Anyway, I voted GaiusxTharja and BradyxNoire.
  16. Maybe you should consider during summing up the votes that the "None"-option includes both "I don't want to marry Morgan to any of the boys." as well as "I don't have her due to using FeMU or something else." ? Yes, in his S-Support with Severa she found him while washing his face and therefore didn't even recognize him at first.
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