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Everything posted by Sias

  1. I have no idea. And while it seems that there are less sexualized classes overall than in Awakening (pants on females and such), those ones that still are "suggestive" are even more so than they were before. I don't know, but for me his hair colour seems to be pretty similar to Aqua's.
  2. I agree with this pretty much. Yes, I'm happy as well that we have same-sex-options now, but I'm a bit disappointed about the way this was implemented. There isn't even one option for every gender in all of the routes, and while the bi characters we got aren't necessarily bad choices, I'm still kind surprised that they were chosen over other ones. Shara has indeed the whole Tharja 2.0 attraction going on, so it's pretty plausible for her to fall in love with Kamui, but she's still a child character and I know quite many people who aren't really comfortable with marrying second gen. Zero, on the other hand, is kind of hard to judge for me at the moment, as I haven't read any of his supports besides the one with Kamui, but if the sadistic part of his personality is too dominating in his general behaviour... Meh. Regarding the other characters that people have brought up, here's my opinion on them: Camilla - I don't really know about her. Yes, she is extremely affectionate towards Femui, likes "strong girls" in general and has the whole semi-flirty dialog with Hinoka... But on the other side, I can definitely see her as teasing only and being the overly loving big sister. I dunno. Soleil - I haven't seen too much of her so far, but her personal skill and the does-want-to-invitie-girls-out-all-the-time-part of her dialog with Lazward seem to be hinting towards a possible bi orientation. And if that picture about her support with Ophelia actually somewhat resembles reality, then... it's pretty obvious. Belka - I do have close to no idea about her personality so far, so I can't really form an opinion about this case. Azura - Seems to be another kind of popular choice for this. And could definitely be possible considering the common trope relationship that protagonist#1 falls in love with protagonist#2. Silas - Is the male option I was honestly expecting before I saw it was Zero. He is Kamui's best friend forever, becomes a knight just to see you again and (depending on route) turns traitor towards his country to be with you. Futhermore, the supports between them tell us that Kamui apparently cried all day when he couldn't see his friend anymore, and that doing stuff for him makes Silas happier than anything else. Honestly, how obvious do they even need to get? Why is this not an option? So all in all, I'm happy that there are possibilities now, but I do still think that Nintendo could add up on what we already have. DLC/spotpass maybe? Wishful thinking for the win?
  3. Seems to be a misunderstanding, so I changed the wording a bit to make things clear.
  4. Whoops, my browser did something weird, so here's an accidental double post.
  5. There are still numerous possibilities with the way magic works, the multi-dimensional aspects of My Castle and all that stuff. And as a last resort, if everything else fails, you can just throw her through an outrealm gate.
  6. I don't know about any translated supports, but here are her amie lines (if you don't know them yet):
  7. I guess Foleo is really tearing apart the fanbase between "Oh, cute!" and "Yuck, why?" from what I've heard so far.
  8. And by the way, I can't see any content in the third spoiler.
  9. I think his problem is that the player would be limited to one of the first gen "side options" in the case that Mamui is chosen and you want to marry first gen while still getting all the children. We should probably just wait for more info on supports though before starting this discussion again.
  10. It should be perfectly possible if you do Femui/Marx, but I haven't seen any support convos for Kanna yet, so you'll have to wait for some more time.
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