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Posts posted by Eliwan

  1. well in AW you load the unit under the transport, so in the end it will be majorly different:

    move unit into transport -> move transport -> drop unit


    move unit? -> move transport? -> pull unit into transport -> move transport -> drop unit

  2. Some of these are just inaccuracies of FEDITOR_ADV when it encounters vanilla animations that do trickery

    The others are, to my knowledge, the game just drawing 2 tiles in the same location? Though Cam is one of the ones that would know best.

    From my point of view; the best way to do it would be to code it up by hand (as detecting such a thing would be too close to impossible to warrant doing*).

    *unless, i guess, you had multiple separate animation "layers" that would basically require the user to understand how tileflips work (and rotation is basically impossible to get to force onto something premade as far as I know); such that you could assemble it using something approaching sensible methods

  3. My opinion: GBA system is best--it just needs more spells by quantity.

    On the proposed system:

    Light Magic sounds less useful than the others; unless facing an enemy equipped with Light Magic. The difference between would be relatively small unless you significantly increased the value of the weapon triangle in those cases; which seems arbitrary and bad (however not unwarranted I suppose).

    The Anima Trio seems like it is easily possible for Wind magic to become redundant; due to Effectiveness drawing its strength from the Weapon Might-- so a weak weapon is in turn neutered against what should be its strength compared to other options. Admittedly; if you choose 2.5x or 3x as an Eff. multiplier this is much less an issue.

  4. The discord was what brought this to my attention, as I have not been doing well lately and so I don't follow the forums constantly like I used to... somehow, either through a bot or other means, they repeatedly posted messages that turned into a voice that played on the computer, which I initially thought was a virus. I soon found out that this voice was the least offensive thing: after this, disgusting, potentially traumatizing pictures of things happening to bodies were repeatedly posted in the chat. It could definitely scar someone. Members were frantic and panicked (naturally so) and I quickly received messages and even a text so something could be done.

    Not condoning anything here: These were not part of the FEU group's work and was something that they themselves were all disgusted by at the same time.
  5. Some time ago, I posted a thread in the Concepts forum advertising my game idea and asking for any people who were interested to contact me.

    To be fair it's really long; I've personally been slowly chewing through thread in question for a few days now.

    And most importantly, if there's something I'm not doing right, what can I do differently to get the results I want?

    As has been said repeatedly, shrink ambition.

    Divide things down. Parse things into individual things that you can do.

    Can't implement a feature? Then ask yourself--What can you do that simulates something close to that feature?

    Nobody has made a Skill you desperately want to have? Learn Thumb Assembly and trawl some doc, ask questions around; and you should be able to find somebody that can help you a bit if you get stuck.

    Because I can't make this game by myself. God knows I'd love to.

    If you really love something;

    You don't ever let it out of your hands. You give it each second that you can, though not without damaging your essentials. You constantly chip away and think about it whenever you can;

    So that when you have time to settle into working on it, you can just go, instead of constantly thinking.

    Sketch something in a book. Write a few words down on paper.

    Start acting as a character does; get into their mind space. Think of each person separately as your day goes on-- maybe try and have a natural conversation between two characters.

    Think of a map's flow; of a space's design, and try to incorporate them together. Think of how they are two parts of a whole; and just dwell on each piece.

    Admittedly, these words would mean so much more if they came from somebody who eventually created something at last; instead of constantly revising like me-- but oh well. These are my words on the matter; at the least I hope they are not discouraging and I pray that they are of some aid for you.

  6. unknown.png

    Click the "Load Image" button :v

    There could be two (immediately obvious) issues:

    A) If you can't see that far down*, then your monitor lacks the vertical height necessary for the program, and in this situation I recommend using SNES Palette Editor.

    B) Your .NET or FE Recolor itself is buggy and I can't help you.

  7. TtlyVnll_13.png

    Seth doesn't have mounted movement sfx, canto, nor mounted aid


    oh look an iron axe that is a reaver


    oh look 15 move reinforcements


    look it's a 1-4 range hand axe that has reduced might but is effective against fliers


    so... scary????


    also this is just cruel


    this seems like a pointless change, wonder if it was thought about intensely


    oh no revenants move on rivers


    ... ok then


    what teases


    ranged recruitment is fun i guess


    dead house (formerly armorslayer)..?


    feat. this chapter's most significant change; Kyle no longer has a cavalier palette


    and uh, this useless enemy


    This, and the Killing Edge, are kind of surprising.

    Getting Orson back instead of Kyle was, uh... different i guess

  8. The issue is indeed that your image's palette order is incorrect. You can check the palette order of an image with Usenti, GIMP, and Aseprite among a number of others.


    Your palette is as the one on the left; when it should be in the order as the first row on the right (the rest are redundant unless you are importing the palette of the image as well).

    This image has the palette order fixed for you-- I recommend, when making a new map sprite; to create it in any way that you desire, then using Usenti and just pasting in the map sprite over an old working one then saving a new file-- it makes it easier to not screw the paletting up in my experience.

  9. Far left guy looks like his body is too narrow somehow, also his hair goes on top of his collar looks weird

    second one's hair color kind of "glows" awkwardly to me; particularly with the brightest color (can't tell to well w/o zooming)

    third one is very wow much impress (I really love it); her hair above her band on her left side (right side of the canvas) looks a little blobby somehow?

    fourth one I really like!!

    fifth one looks very clean and complete, I like it quite a bit C:

  10. These are all not relatively difficult individually

    The first one requires a LOT of map changes as well as debuff support be extant; though is relatively possible if not even easy (there are plenty of ways to do map changes)--- it would be very tedious because it would require a lot of setup and planning for each map, however.

    The second one requires a huge amount of events, and would use up quite a few of the temporary IDs, but not anything impossible.

    What would be hard would be implementing both of those in a single map; however; as each has a pretty significant number of moving parts involved in its assembly.

  11. if i can get a comprehensive list of all the mechanics/features then that would make coding/managing the project a lot easier.

    Please don't just say a mechanic like Battle, because that's way too vague.

    because in the battle happens things like, animations being played, battle calculations and possibly more

    you could use the main page on this very site to see all the calculation information, and the rest (taxicab grid, variable move costs for different terrain types, etc) by maybe playing the game for an hour?
  12. I would like to suggest using aseprite over paint because it lets you preview the animation among other things :>

    also yes SF makes it difficult to embed image content, but


    To get that url you can just right-click the image after it uploads (sometimes you can left click it and it pops open by itself but that's been unreliable in my experience):


    either "view image" then copy the url that you get directed to, or copy image location to save the time c:

    as far as the animation looks; the landing at the end of the return looks like it lacks weight in its current state. The momentum of the character is all going backwards, but then they slam their sword forward with no counterbalance-- shouldn't their pose need adjust to compensate for that swing?

    (then again, that may just be because it's still sticks)

  13. I recall reading at one point that those dimensions were flexible, but only if the two numbers added up to the same amount (or something along those lines); i.e. you could make a map that was 29x50 tiles if you wanted, since 29+50 and 43+36 both add up to 79. Is this correct? It kinda sounds fake, so I'll defer to people who know what they're talking about; what is the truth in regards to maximum map dimensions?

    maybe if it multiplies, but it couldn't possibly be add o_O

    43 x 36 = 1548 tiles of the map; my memory says the maximum is 1600 but i don't have any actual clues

    The game could probably handle a 15 x 104 map if that is the case... ehu

  14. Can anyone provide some sprites of dinosaur-mounted units? I was thinking of this:

    Brontosaurus Rider: Lance + Anima

    T-Rex Rider: Sword + Axe

    Raptor Rider: Sword + Bow

    All I need are some sprites and the animation script. Thanks!

    All I need are some sprites and the animation script. Thanks!

    I need are some sprites and the animation script.

    I need some sprites

    I need some sprites for my idea

    I need somebody else to make all the sprites for these ideas of mine

    "no", says every spriter.

    "but why?", the reply eventually comes.

    "because doing something and never seeing it come to fruition stinks."

    that said though dinosaurs are big so there would be relatively low value imho in trying to add in rider-- first, the oam limit of the game would be easily hit; the sprites would therefore probably be of tinyish dinosaurs.

    And while that is neat, it also is difficult and time consuming, very much so-- and that's animations in general, let alone something as complicated as a rider of a creature type that we can't very well study the exact specifics of (though certainly enough tropes regarding each exist that one could just handwave the lack of 100% knowledge i guess and just go with popular interpretation)

    finally if you have a battle animation you'd probably also need map sprites :v

    and maybe a class card :v

    or maybe i'm just being overly cynical atm ;;

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