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Posts posted by MRDRHAWK

  1. Seeing as how there were a ton of people bullrushing the makeshift bridge, and the lizard person of their group - Aly, she thinks - Nyx figured there was something to do - especially considering they were heading towards the inn.

    However, given there was a five-for-one discount on baddies at the moment, Nyx decided she wasn’t in the mood to shop for trouble.

    Nyx moves to (13,12).

  2. Nyx felt a little guilty of taking the knife, unaware though she was of where exactly it had come from, but decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth. Or gift rabbit, as it were. And the charm that Persica had given her… “Aye, m’gonna take care o’ this. N’when I come back, ye best be ready to meet th’ rest o’ my family.” She said simply, before shutting the door of the inn.

    Having made sure the pair were safe, Nyx now needed to make sure the rest of Liste was, too - starting with… whoever the hell that was over by the river. It was pretty far off, but she could make it soon enough.

    Nyx moves to (18,12).

  3. Nyx took a deep breath, then another. The hugs had surprised her, though they weren’t unwelcome; honestly, it was almost cute how much Persica seemed to idolize her based off one night. Of course, she had no idea of what Nyx had done before that night, but there was no need to go over all that.

    ”Oi, ye may wanna think a lil’ bit before ye go chargin’ out there.” Nyx announced before she’d come strutting down the hall, clothes still a bit askew. She saw Persica with a taller rabbit - that must be her brother. Good, she wasn’t too late. “Look, if ye wan’ them lads gone, m’gonna take care of it, aye? Jus’ don’t go worryin’ yer cute lil’ sis ‘ere. Uh, unless she’s older’n ye, then ye don’ worry yer big sis.”

    Oh, Nyx. You were never great at this sort of thing, huh? “Look, point is, m’goin’ out there. Y’gotta stay ‘ere n’protect Persica, aye?” She added, clapping the other rabbit on the shoulder. “Be safe.” With that one final directive, she took off out of the inn and out onto the mess of a battlefield, but made it a point to stay close by the inn’s doors.

    Nyx parks herself on (18,14).

  4. Tanya was still vaguely dead. Or maybe it was just the numbness. Either way, she landed on the ground with a thump, and she groaned loudly as she attempted to pull herself up. “Okay, this has not been a good day for me.” She grumbled quietly as she pulled herself up to her feet, realizing as soon as she did that her head was pounding in pain.

    ”Okay, okay, no, we’re, uh. We’re not doing this. Sorry, gonna have to sit this fight out.” Plus, Tanya could tell that there were a lot of those so-called ‘pure weapons’ around the battlefield, and she really did not want to deal with those right now.

  5. Wait. Wait, wait, wait. What was she talking about now…?

    Oh, shit, her brother. Nyx flung the arrow back onto the bed and groaned, cursing the awful luck she’d had to have ever ended up back in Hecatia. Clearly, someone was out to get her, as she grumbled before walking over to the door.

    “Well, I wa’n’t gonna, cuz m’not too keen on pissin’ off th’ Knights more’n I already prob’ly ‘ave, but…” Nyx sighed, knowing fully well she was going to regret this later. “But shit, if yer bro’s gone out there inta’ tha’ mess, m’gonna just hafta bring ‘im back to ye again, ain’t I?” She placed a hand on top of Persica’s head, and leaned down so that she could look into the rabbit’s eyes. She was pretty cute, but now wasn’t the time for that sort of thinking.

    ”But m’only gonna do it if ye gimme a smile, n’not let yer fear get th’ est o’ ye. I saved ‘im once, n’I’ll do it again. ‘Sides, ye got th’best damn shot in the country ‘ere.” And, for once, she wasn’t drunk, to boot! Although she was kinda tired… hopefully that didn’t throw off her aim any.

  6. Well, fuck. They were just getting even louder.

    Being that this wasn’t Nyx’s fault, though, she felt as though it wasn’t mattering much that she wasn’t out there right now, though she vaguely heard someone running out of the inn. Was it one of the knights coming to antagonize Persica, and getting their ass kicked for it? She certainly hoped so.

    ”Well, I did say t’wasn’t gonna be my fault if dey got into a scrap.” Nyx muttered under her breath, and shed her new suit’s jacket and started getting the top off. Hell if she was going to sleep in these clothes - they probably needed to have sweat washed out of them, for one. Besides, it was just too damn hot.

    Although, now she swore she was hearing footsteps coming… closer? Was someone seriously about to fuck up her well-deserved beauty sleep again? Well, maybe getting jabbed with an arrow would put them out of that mindset, as she gathered an arrow up and clutched it in her hand, ready to strike at whoever it may have been…

    Unless it was Persica herself, trying to warn her about the nonsense outside. But there was no way she’d just come barging in on her now, right? Why would she, aside from worrying that she couldn’t handle herself?

  7. Nyx was starting to get real tired of people ignoring her and her very valid concerns. Although, these knights were kinda pricks, so maybe they didn’t care about any of that stuff? Maybe. Or maybe she was just getting overlooked because she’s a human with a bunch of Clouded - they probably think she’s some kind of freak, the racist fuckers.

    ”Eh, whatever. S’nae my fault if y’all get into a fight.” Nyx shrugged, turned around, and trotted right back into the inn. If they were just gonna sort everything out normally, then she was just gonna go back to bed. Her nice, comfier than expected bed.

  8. Oh, these were actual knights? Well, Nyx figured they weren’t acting very knightly, waking a poor woman up from her restful slumber. Still, she kept her bow lowered, if only because she did in fact get some semblance of an explanation for things. She still wasn’t happy, but even she knew not to mess with the knights.

    ”Aye, fine, but m’still cross. If th’ Knights wanted t’ be real knightly or some shit, they wouldn’t be so fuckin’ loud.” Nyx was very annoyed with the idea, before coming to a sudden realization that had her blood run cold. “Wait, fuck, m’pretty sure me bein’ ‘ere in general might be a bad idea. ‘Specially if they got any old’uns that might recognize me from back in the day.”

  9. Nyx carefully weighed her options in this situation. Evidently, she’d been entirely ignored, save for Gean, so simply asking what the hell was going on was out of the question. So, she had two likely options: go back to bed and ignore the whole thing, or grab her bow, get out there, and figure out what the hell was the deal out there.

    Nyx normally would have chosen the former. But, with a very cross groan, she grabbed her bow and stomped out of the inn. ”Aight, if some’un don’t tell me what th’ fuck is goin’ on out ‘ere, I’m shootin’ some’un right between the asscheeks.”

  10. Nyx was glad for the nap, especially after the wave of revelations that had come before. Seriously, what were the odds that someone she’d apparently saved on that fateful night would be running the inn they were staying at? Especially in a sleepy little place like this… although, judging from all the racket from downstairs, it was getting rowdier by the minute.

    ”Oi, ye lads can’t keep quiet fer five minutes? Ye know s’rude t’ mess wit a lady’s beauty sleep, aye?” Nyx grumbled out to the lady that had barged into the inn - normally, she might have been inclined for more snark, but she genuinely was annoyed that she’d been prematurely awoken. Hopefully this wasn’t going to lead to another brawl right after an early rise like in Eibar - Nyx might just sit it out if that happened again.

    Tanya Maldolche was dead.

    The cause of her death, loathe as she may have been to admit it? Several too many bowls of chili stew, and a mousey little demon who somehow packed it all away and barely broke a sweat. It frightened Tanya, really, just how much of the spicy stuff she could put away - she was never a spice kinda gal, although Yuria was, and Maxim could at least handle it well enough.

    But her? No chance in hell.

    ”Evil. You are an evil little mouse.” Tanya groaned in Miria’s general direction from her position on the tavern’s floor, having fallen face-down on the floor from the excess heat causing her to faint for a spell. She did lift her head up at the mention of knights, though - why would knights be stationed all the way out here? It was odd, to say the least. “Okay, but can someone help me up? I think my legs melted after the fifth bowl of chili.” Or was it fifteenth? She’d entirely lost count.

  11. That was usually a bit of a dangerous question to ask Nyx. Sometimes, though, she had just the right answer for these sorts of things. “Ye, if ye see a big sea lady comin’ in, tha’s Gean. She’ll prob’ly stay wit me.” She replied, fiddling with the room keys. Sure, she still thought Syndra was crazy hot, but after some time on the bumpy road to think, she doubted it would go anywhere. After all, Syndra was some kind of nobility, and Nyx…

    Well, that old nickname of hers didn’t count, basically. Nyx did snicker a little as she peered over at the little list that Persica was making, already noting Nattie & Vira together. They really were super obvious about it, weren’t they? “Oi, Nat, ye really got ev’ryone knowin’ bout ye n yer lil’ dragon mate.” She teased, gently nudging against Nattie as she did. 

    Tanya’s own tail seemed to be more hassle than help at the moment, but she still studied the menu. After a careful bit of realization, she realized one key thing, that would definitely change the course of this meal. “Honestly, any of these stews work for me. I just wanted a little something before we got settled in.” The feline shrugged, glancing over to Miria. “What’re you getting, lil’ mouse? I might grab the same thing as you.”

    She just hoped that wouldn’t come back to bite her in the end. Nah, it’d probably be alright.

  12. Well, Nyx certainly wasn’t complaining about the newfound arrangements. She did wonder who the lucky one with their own room would be - she’d have assumed Ingy, but then the big lad’d have to room with one of the ladies, and she figured he wouldn’t be super big on the idea. Maybe she was just focusing more on that than she was the fact that she’d just told Nattie she was gonna open up about her past. Oops.

    ”Hopefully seven’ll be fine. S’not like we don’t got enough people ‘ere that’d pair off okay, right Nattie?” Nyx may have just been being optimistic, but not by much. She herself had a couple ideas for groupings, that she was sure Nattie would agree with. “Long as we ain’t pickin’ up anyone else ‘ere, that is.”

    Tanya hadn’t expected to be dragged into a tavern by Renais of all people today, but the little healer was constantly showing that she was full of surprises. Miria too, considering the ease in which she’d gotten comfortable, even grabbing a table already. She let out a puff of air, almost for nothing, and went to sit with Miria.

    ”I’m mostly just along for the ride, but I’ll take some food while we’re at it. Wouldn’t wanna waste the trip in case we can’t find what we’re looking for, after all.” Tanya called out, adjusting herself to make sure her tail wasn’t getting caught. “We’d figured that the best place in town to find a piano for the little one over there would be at the tavern. You never know, right?”

  13. Oh, oops. Well, Nyx had never been the best at the whole ‘manners’ thing, never let it be said otherwise. “S’Nyx. Well, okay, s’actually Nyxied, but ev’ryone calls me Nyx.” There she goes, finally having introduced herself to Persica. Still, nice to know that things were good here. Persica and her brother certainly deserved it.

    ”Well, if yer sure ‘bout jus’ givin’ us the rooms, m’sure Nattie ‘ere won’t say no. S’prob’ly only fer th’night anyways, cuz we gotta lotta travelin’ t’do.” Nyx hoped that Nattie wouldn’t get too annoyed with her for saying as such, but she didn’t mention the Evokers directly, so… hopefully it was fine? Hopefully. “As fer ‘ow t’split up th’rooms, we… uh, actually, ye may wanna wait ‘till th’others are ‘ere to sort out them arrangements. I dunno how they all sort out.”

  14. Hey, Nyx will never say no to free shit! Especially from the little rabbit who apparently saw her as a hero. Though Nyx’s initial gut feeling was right; she did not seem to enjoy the pats, which… yeah, fair enough. Who did need something similar was Nattie, though, who seemed a bit downcast for a minute before she righted into Commander mode. So, she clapped the tigress on the shoulder and gave her a smile.

    ”Ey, s’fine. Maybe if yer a good kitty, I’ll tell ye ‘bout wha happened wit me n’ the rabbit ‘ere.” Nyx teased, though she was quite serious about telling Nattie in more detail later if it’d help make things better. Then, releasing her grip on Nat’s shoulder, she turned back to Persica and plopped a hand on hers as well. “Yer real generous, but that’s a lotta rooms we’d be takin’ up. Ye sure yer okay wit jus’ givin’ ‘em t’us?” Honestly, she would normally just take the free shit and begone, but it also felt wrong in a sense, this time; she didn’t wanna make things harder for Persica when she’d already nearly wrecked her life once without knowing.

    Tanya listened to Syndra intently, though she was now curious as to how noble exactly her name was. Maybe Dad had heard of her before in his job? It seemed possible, though she didn’t quite know what his deal was - Max might have, if he wasn’t in the middle of his little gripe with Dad to begin with. 

    “Aside from my little brother getting a bit grouchy with Dad recently? Not really. Us Maldolches, we all try to make the world a better place, and bring about justice. Whether by going out and seeing the world to right wrongs like I do, studying the secrets of the world to unlock them for all like Max, or… whatever it is Dad does.” Tanya had a smile on her face, thinking about all her family and their own brands of derring-do. She really was happy to have them. “I love my family. I know that sounds kinda like bragging after that story, but… it’s true.”

    And she was sure her family would love this group, too. Maybe one day she could bring them home to show off the new friends she’d made.

  15. Nyx had to admit, she was flattered that Persica held her in such high esteem. After all, she’d been hired initially by the people who’d stolen her away, although… well, never mind that now. It was just nice to be the one appreciated for a change. She almost wanted to ruffle Persica’s hair, but she wasn’t sure if that would go over well.

    “Cute name.” Nyx teased, deciding to just ruffle her hair anyways, hoping that maybe the rabbit wouldn’t be too upset if it was coming from her. ”Aye, we’re wit the magic lasses. And, we got… uh…” Nyx had to pause and think. How many were actually with them, not counting the Evokers? There was her, Nattie, Gean, Syn, Viry, Rennie, Moonie, the cat, Big Lad, the lizard-thing, Ingy, that other new cat, that one they called Sixteen… “Thirteen? I got that right, or’m I forgettin’ someone?” She asked Nattie, nudging her lightly as she did.

  16. Nyx’s heart - and her lunch - had threatened to catch in her throat, hearing about the rabbit’s brother, but thankfully she continued and mentioned that he was still alive, which was a hell of a relief. Xanth… name didn’t quite ring a bell, but she wasn’t exactly privy to the finer details of that job - which was probably intentional, come to think of it.

    ”Aye, m’ wit th’group tha’ jus pulled in. Been a merc fer a while now, n honestly, was kinda hopin’ t’stay outta Hecatia… but, well, at least I got ta meet ye fer real. So, s’nae all bad.” Then, of course, Nattie came in and clapped her hand on Nyx’s shoulder, which was fine, but then the words were… not, really.

    “S’not a good time fer fuckin round, Nat.” She said simply, rather than starting some sort of argument. Not that Nattie really knew the finer details of her past, and frankly, she didn’t need to. Aside from this chance encounter, Nyx had no plans to go chasing old ghosts, so she didn’t need to drag the memories back just for someone’s curiosity.

    Tanya had mostly stayed quiet during the beginning of their little girl’s trek, even as Miria had suggested the idea of a band. She couldn’t help but snort at the thought of this quartet out there performing, especially if one of them had to sing. Well, maybe one of the others could, but she sounded like a dying cat every time she tried to sing.

    The irony wasn’t lost on her, either.

    ”Never hurts to put yourself out there, no.” Tanya added, though she had to bite her tongue at talking about not following in the family’s footsteps, given how the whole Maldolche family had come together under a common goal just as much as they had their bloodline. “Uh, but trust me when I say that I’d be the absolute worst in a band. Except maybe Yuyu, although I think she’d be a decent singer at least.”

  17. Well, fuck.

    Nyx really should have expected something like this would happen; after all, she was essentially returning to the scene of her past crimes. Even still, the innkeeper practically bounding out of her own ass at the mere sight of her… it threatened to make her throw up her lunch, such as it was. Especially thinking back to that night… all that blood, a lot more of it being hers than she’d ever thought she even had in her body… urgh.

    ”Uh.” Nyx eloquently retorted, clearly stunned in of herself. She had to admit, she didn’t recognize the woman from before, but it was a long time ago, and Nyx had drank a fuckload more than she probably should have since then. “… S’been a while, ye. Nearly died that night meself, actin’ like a dumbass tryin’ t’fight a whole caravan o’ thugs n’ punks. Still, guess it was good fer somethin’, if at least one o’ ye still made it out.”

    That was something Nyx had never really confirmed - whether the ruckus she caused that night to get the Clouded and other monsters out from that caravan actually worked in getting any of them out from under the traffickers. Whether she hadn’t just made another stupid, impulsive decision going off of her own messed up morals, rather than actively choosing to do the right thing. She never really planned on it, either; not after nearly dying, and having to abandon everything she’d worked so hard for.

    But now she knew: she’d at least got someone out, and swiped a second chance for them out from under their noses. And that was plenty for her.

  18. Well, seemed like she’d been abandoned again. A part of Nyx wanted to just head straight to the bar, but something told her she’d probably gotten herself banned from the local establishment at some point. It certainly would have checked out, given her past escapades… though, then again, had she really been that much of a drinker before the caravan incident?

    Shit, maybe that was it - she drank to dull both the memories and the lingering pain from it. Certainly explained a few things. Well, either way, maybe she needed a nap instead - hopefully the inn was cool. Only one way to find out, she figured to herself as she entered the inn.

    ”This th’ place we’re stayin’ tonight? Looks like a great place even in a way bigger town.” Nyx mumbled to herself as she headed towards the counter. “Oi, innkeep. M’wit th’ mercs tha’ just rolled in, apparently we got a reservation or somethin’?” Nyx didn’t quite know the details, but it certainly sounded right to her ears. “Somethin’ bout a lad named Sarasin or some shit. Dunno, s’been a lil’ bit since I been ‘round these parts.”

  19. Nyx raised an eyebrow at the mention of Regent Altair. Honestly, from how she’d heard of him many times before, she was surprised that he was still in power. She had half a mind to ask Tio about it, but decided that she didn’t care about the politics of a country she didn’t give a rat’s ass about. Instead, she pounced on that last bit that Tio had probably hoped was quiet, but instead was out loud.

    ”What, does th’ lad ‘ave a thing fer ye? Maybe I should go wit’ ye, see if’n I can’t change ‘is tune.” Plus, if nothing else, it’d be funny to see him squirm while trying to flirt with some married women. Nyx always did enjoy seeing that sort of thing.

    ”Hm?” Tanya leaned back towards Syndra’s approach, smiling at the eventual response she’d received from Renais. She had to admit, she was curious about the concept of their little healer playing the piano, and if nothing else, it’d give her a chance to perhaps bond with the younger woman. Plus, it sounded like they were making a party of it, which was always nice.

    ”I’ve never played, but Yuyu might be able to by now. I know that Papa was at least trying to teach her how to play it, but… well, Yuria was always a little bit, uh, not great with music.”

  20. Nyx was, at least initially, still having no desire to get up and out of the wagon, because that meant going out into some more muggy heat that she really didn’t want to deal with. It wasn’t as bad as earlier, sure, but Nyx really didn’t feel like getting up. She could only vaguely make out conversation between the guard and the Evoker ladies in the background, realizing she should probably not be laying face down in the wagon through the whole unloading of supplies.

    ”Fuck me, this heat is terrible. Ye’d think we pissed off th’ sun, wit how bad it’s been today.” Just because Nyx exited the caravan, though, didn’t mean she’d have to like it. Turning towards one of the Evokers - ah, shit, what was her name… Tio, maybe? Yeah, that sounded right - Nyx posed a question she had on her mind. “So, who’s dis Sarasin lad? Is ‘e a recently crowned lord o’ th’ land or somet’in’?” Again, Nyx would have figured she’d remember this sort of thing, but it had been a long time since she was in Hecatia. Maybe she just forgot through the years.

    Tanya stretched her legs out as she reached back over for her jacket. The ride hadn’t been the most pleasant, but she also had worse to deal with - some of the more gruelling marches during training came to mind there. She was at least relieved that they made it in one piece, and the town definitely had a certain charm to it.

    ”Hopefully there’s a place to wash my clothes here… the heat really did a number on them.” Tanya mused idly, before gently poking Renais in the side. “Sorry, though, I doubt there’ll be a piano in a place like this. But I was thinking, maybe we could go around town and see if we can find one anyways? Might be good to get an idea of how the town is if we’re going to be here a while, besides.”

  21. Nyx slowly pried herself off the floor, albeit barely, to look over to the tiger and her little dragon. Nattie was flaunting herself again, and Nyx wanted to give some vitriolic response, but found none would come to her. Huh. Maybe it was the booze that got her grouchy with Nat before? Or maybe it was the extra confidence the new suit gave her? Either way, it was weird.

    ”Hah! Ye, yer jus’ a lil’ bit bigger ‘n me. S’kinda not fair, cuz now I got nothin’ standin’ out from ye.” A pause, as Nyx did consider one thing, but if that factor came into play she’d be turning that person down anyways. “Well, ‘less they ain’t  inta tails. Betcha th’ new suit makes m’butt look cuter to the lads n’ lasses, too.” Nyx let out a hearty chuckle, the cool ice that Vira had made somewhat restoring her energy. “Y’may wanna cool it wit dem things, though, or else our lil’ iceberg o’er here is gonna melt from gay.” And that was no good; after all, Vira was keeping her from melting, so she figured she should at least try and keep her from doing the same.

    Tanya hummed, unsure if she should mention that she was mostly just asking before Mama tried to whisk her into it. Nah, it’d be funnier to leave that a surprise. Tanya instead shuffled over towards Miria and Renais, though she still kept her eyes over on Sixteen. Curiouser and curiouser.

    ”Well, glad ya slept okay, lil’ mouse.” Tanya thought to perhaps ruffle Miria’s hair, but thought better of it; after all, she still felt a bit hot and sticky. “And hey, Sixteen, don’t worry. I might not be your sister, but I can help keep ya safe. In fact, I’ll keep all of you guys safe; my armour’s pretty sturdy, and I’m pretty strong too. Don’t be afraid to lean on me if you need it.” She added, placing a fist over her chest.

    Really, that meant in any way, but combat was probably the easiest way to explain it from the sounds of things.

  22. “Well, I thought maybe you’d like to have more of a family, but hey, to each their own.” Tanya’s words seemed to be annoyed, but really she was just glad that Sixteen didn’t seem too broken up by everything. Were she not on the other side of the wagon and trying really not to move too much, she’d have gone over closer to Sixteen.

    ”Hey, mouse. You have a good nap?” Tanya turned her attention to Miria, who seemed to be stirring from a sleep. Honestly, it was kind of adorable how she was all curled up to Renais like that, even with it being sweltering outside the wagon. “Yeah, but thankfully we have a little bit of cooling in here, thanks to Syndra. Think we’re almost there too.” Hopefully, anyways. And she hoped that when they arrived, she could get her jacket dried; the locals would probably call her all sorts of shameful things if they saw how she was currently dressed.

    Hey, the cat stirred! Nyx was surprised Lani had piped up, especially given how little they’d talked in the past. Really, it came as no surprise that she had input on the matter, given her and Nattie’s… well. She didn’t know much about whatever arrangement they had before, but it was something.

    ”Well, she sure picked a good’un. I might be a lil’ jealous o’ Nattie fer being just that lil’ bit hotter ‘n me, but, well. Damn, she’s hot.” Wait, shit, bad choice of words with the climate the way it was, because now she was thinking about the heat. Good job, Nyx! “N’hey, at least Nat seems t’like ye, so good on ye fer that’un.”

  23. Nyx had to admit, when the kid’s magic worked, it worked. Rolling over towards the ice block that Alvira had conjured up and just allowing the cold air to wash over her, the archer let out a relieved sigh. It really was nice, having a bit of relief from the muggy heat, even if she was still mildly miffed over the G-word Incident.

    ”Oi, ‘ve not been ‘ere in a while! Cut me a lil’ slack fer forgettin’ ‘ow nasty th’heat is this time o’ year.” Nyx grumbled, but with no malice behind the words; it was more akin to friendly banter than anything. After all, she figured that, if nothing else, she had to be nice to the kid for making the last little bit of the trip bearable.

    ”So, you n’ Nattie, aye? Didn’ think ye’d be inta the older lasses.” Of course, maybe teasing the dragon was a poor idea, but again, it was more playful than anything. Nyx was genuinely curious about the bit of teasing Nattie had hit the little dragon with before they’d set off before, and since she was always mildly petty in casual conversation with the Tigers’ leader, she figured to go to the other source.

    Tanya frowned at the grim declaration, more concerned at just what Sixteen had to go through to have her so nonchalant about losing all her other siblings. Part of that was her own overprotectiveness of her own sister, but even still…

    ”Well, let’s not give up hope. I’m sure you’ve got someone else out there waiting for ya.” Tanya said simply, as Sixteen moved over towards Syndra to bask more in the chill she was emanating. Tanya shrugged and followed suit, only she didn’t go quite as close, just in case. “And hey, if nothin’ else, maybe my own Mama’ll take ya in. I bet Yuyu’d like having a little sister, if you wanted.” She smiled at Sixteen, before clearing her throat and hastily adding, “Uh, and I guess another older sister, if Aly wants to come along too.”

  24. Nyx, meanwhile, was dying. Again.

    No, not from any sort of combat wound, but from this frankly awful heat. And she was from the damn country, she knew what she was walking into! Not helping matters, at least initially, was the sudden weight upon her shoulder, though she settled when she realized it was Gean, holding… was that a big block of ice?

    ”Aw, ye really do care, Viry!” Nyx grinned as she leaned in closer to the ice block. Huh… she wondered if maybe an ice cold drink would help, but she’d have to settle for an oversized ice cube instead. Sticking her tongue out, Nyx immediately felt cold surge through her body as she made contact with the ice block, and made to pull back, but found herself briefly stuck to the block, only managing to pull herself away by pushing hard off of the wagon floor, sending her tumbling backwards.


    Tanya was having a not good time.

    Wringing sweat out from her coat long since shed, she glanced over to the pair of… honestly, she wasn’t sure what those two were. One of them didn’t even have a name - far as she knew, the one with the really long golden tail was simply called 16. That was just wrong, but Tanya also knew it wasn’t really her place to just plop a name onto her.

    ”Hey, uh. 16, was it?” Tanya began, not quite nervously but still with a degree of hesitation. “You, uh, doin’ alright over there? Aside from sweatin’ buckets like the rest of us, that is.” It was true; even without her jacket and stripped down to merely a tank top and short pants, Tanya could still feel the humidity clinging to the fur on her tail. She could definitely use a cold shower after this.

    ”So, Aly’s your sister, huh? You got any other siblings that we might pick up along the way?” Hoping to take the topic off the heat, Tanya leapt at the one thing she had for sure - a shared connection to their siblings. Hopefully Yuria wasn’t melting quite this bad back home.

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