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Posts posted by MRDRHAWK

  1. Nyx to (6,24)

    “Yo, tails!” Nyx called up to the one who… kinda looked like Alriana, but wasn’t, but was apparently related to her? Nyx didn’t remember if she had a name or not. “Need a lil’ backup? If they got lotsa flyin’ folk, you just leave ‘em t’me… I’ll shoot ‘em clean outta the sky.”

  2. Well, there was the backup in question. Nyx had to squint a little to see if she recognized this person, but her brain wasn’t supplying anything, so she instead shrugged. “So, wha, ev’ryone heard somethin’ n’jus’ took off? Sounds sketchy. What if s’fake intel? Then ye got no bodies in case somethin’ happens to Cerezia.”

    Honestly, Nyx didn’t want to point out that she was also in a mercenary group that was very acutely aware of their own lead involving the thief. And something told her that would have been inviting a bit too much trouble. So instead, she walked off in the other direction, now that Luia had someone else to help her. “Gotta go. Hope yer still nae pissed about all dem years ago!”

    She knew she was already. But shockingly, Nyx didn’t care.

  3. Nyx cocked an eyebrow at being dismissed like that, but she chalked it up to the passage of time making it hard for some people to recognize her. Luia getting cranky about Nyx being lumped in with her had the archer half tempted to simply ignore the whole thing, but that just wasn’t her style anymore.

    ”Look, if th’lass says she don’t know, then she don’ know. An’ besides, I got it on pretty good authority that some fancy ass knights are pretty close t’ here, an’ how ye think they’d be if they found a couple’a goons like ye interrogatin’ this lass? She’s got ‘er own job t’do.” Nyx tried to stand between the two men and Luia, folding her arms. Sure, maybe this was a stupid idea, but Nyx also wasn’t about to leave a lady alone in an alley with no backup. 

  4. Nyx had half a mind to turn away from the woman who she’d run into at the arena. They didn’t seem to be on good terms whatsoever - not that Nyx could blame her for being pissy with her still - but… damn her and her conscience. She couldn’t just leave someone behind when they needed a hand, even if it was from her.

    ”Oi, wha’s th’deal o’er ‘ere?” Nyx popped her head out into the alleyway, before slowly emerging from the rest of it. With her suit from Gean, she almost felt like a crime boss again. Almost. “Look, if th’lass says she don’ know, then she don’ know. Ain’t ye got anythin’ better t’do?”

    Ah, so Koba was one of those people who she shouldn’t get too touchy with. Sophia nodded, and parked herself onto a nearby chair, listening intently to Ren’s conversation with the goose. Her feet kicked back and forth beneath the chair, and Sophia couldn’t help but wonder why Ren was talking about the thief who stole the Escaflowne.

    “Heeeeeeey…” Sophia piped up, finally. “You’re gonna help the nice people here, riiiiiiiiiight Koba? Mayyyyyyyybe when you’re done with thaaaaaaaat… you could help us find the Escaflowne. I’m suuuuuuuuure Ren would like to have you stick aroooooooound some more.” The sheep giggled in her seat, happy that Ren had apparently made a friend. And who knew? Maybe Sophia could make friends with the goose, too!

  5. “Kooooooooooooooba.” Sophia repeated back the name, making sure they wouldn’t forget it, albeit with a little extra emphasis on the ‘b’. They reached over to pat the goose on the head, and then turned back over to Ren. “Mmm… it was okaaaaaaaaaay. I waaaaaaaanted to stick with Cece - uh, I-I mean, Lady Celine - but she insiiiiiiiiiisted that I go on ahead. Nn… I’m a little wooooooooooorried.” She’s almost forgotten about her anxieties related to all that, and what had happened to Lady Celine on the way here. Surely the storm wasn’t so bad as to do anything to her… right?

  6. Sophia placed a finger on her cheek as Ren came over and spoke to the bird man - Koba, was it? - like they were friends. Oh. Ohhhhhhh. Now she gets it! Probably. “Oh, so you’re nooooooot doing anything bad to these nice people? Okaaaaaaaay then.” Sophia let out a small giggle, before reaching up and poking Koba’s shoulder gently. “You’re… a silly goose, aren’t youuuuuuu?” Nonetheless, she smiled warmly at Koba, and tilted her head to the side. “If Reeeeeeeen trusts you to be good, then so will I. Gooooooooot it, mister?”

  7. Saiga was… both surprised, and not, that someone had asked him to run ahead and deliver a message. Although, he did pause somewhat at the idea of him, a Clouded, going headlong into Islexia without any backup to speak of. Might not be the greatest idea, but then again, maybe his sheer size might scare people off enough.

    ”Alistar, and Ryfia… alright, got it. I’ll have to check in with the Evokers first, since they’re the ones who I’m technically employed by, but if it’ll help us get through Islexia in one piece, I’m sure they won’t mind.” Saiga replied, tucking the letter into his pants pocket - he’d move it into his bag later, when he was getting ready to head out. “After breakfast, though.” He added quickly and quietly, returning to his plate, only half-heartedly paying attention to the conversation that broke out in the meantime between Syndra and Mikoto.

    Sophia’s ears perked up at the sounds of crashing, almost startling her into being more awake. As she turned towards the sound, she noticed what looked like a bird Clouded of some sort attempting to slink away, and Sophia frowned.

    ”Heyyyyyyyyy.” Sophia said slowly as she marched towards the bird person in question. “You better not be trying aaaaaaaaanything funny around here. Sneaking around like that… for shaaaaaaaaame.” She had half a mind to grab his arm and drag him back over, but she instead looked over towards Ren. “Reeeeeeeeen, this guy seems suspicious. He’s trying to sneak awaaaaaaaaay.”

    Nyx, to her credit, didn’t laugh this time, instead just waving her hand lightly. “Ah, m’sure ye’ll be fine. Jus’ talk t’th’ lass, m’sure she’ll understand ye.” Nyx got up out of her chair, and swore she felt a cold chill up her spine. Something was definitely off, she already knew that, but this felt… familiar. Like an old flame, lighting up once again. “Hm… y’know what, ye go on ‘head. Think m’gonna go see what all th’quiet’s about. S’really makin’ m’skin crawl.”

    Nyx said no more, instead ducking into an alley, ready to prowl the streets once more. Everything would be fine, right? Yeah, it would. It had to be. She had too many people to leave behind now.

  8. Sophia yawned and followed behind Syta as she took off, stopping only to give a quick greeting to Danica. She always seemed nice… Sophia liked her. “Geez, Sytaaaaa… you guys are too faaaaaast this early in the morning.” She groaned lightly, before looking around the room for a place to rest her head. Neither Syta or Ren would mind terribly if she took a quick nap, right?

    Mm, they probably would. Maybe she’d try and get that doze in later, after they got a chance to talk to the Evokers.

    Boy, this table was a pretty big hotspot today, huh! As the trio at the table seemed to be finally enjoying breakfast, Syndra had come over to ask Saiga for some help with something - and Mikoto, too, although she seemed significantly less thrilled about the whole thing. Well, at least, until he heard her reply to Syndra.

    “Well, if you’re hoping to have me look at something too, I’ll take a crack at it.” Saiga shrugged his shoulders as he all but shovelled another mouthful of food into his face. “Ah, but maybe I’m getting ahead of myself here. Whatcha need, Syndra? Let’s see if we can’t get a smile stickin’ around on that face before we head outta this inn, huh?”

  9. Tanya kept yawning, perhaps louder than she needed to, as she scratched the side of her head while making her way to the inn’s lobby. She slept longer than she’d intended to, but considering everything going on lately… yeah, maybe she needed it. Her tail swished and flicked from side to side as she walked haphazardly into the inn’s lobby, and saw… the girl from the arena yesterday? Huh.

    ”Hey, didn’t think I’d see you again.” She called out to the long-haired blonde as she made her way over to her and her posse. Friends of hers, she assumed. “Sorry, don’t think we really got time to get acquainted yesterday. Name’s Tanya. You here to pay a visit to Lani?”

  10. “Well, maybe, but yer still young; trust me, when yer young like ye still are, y’do some dumb shit.” And Nyx really was not elaborating today, thank you very much. “Look, if Renais was really mad a’ ye, she’d tell ye. The only person who keeps too much’a this shit secret is Syn.”

    Hm. Gean did have a point… it was way too quiet for a morning in this city. And Nyx had a bad feeling about that, too. “Yer right. Cerezia’s usually pretty loud even this early in th’morn. Somethin’ ain’t right.”

    Saiga shrugged. “Suit yourself.” He replied nonchalantly, popping a small sausage into his mouth like it was nothing. Miria had asked about the book Mikoto was reading, and Saiga had to admit that he was also curious. She said it wasn’t a spell book, but Saiga wasn’t so sure. Still, he’d already poked the fox a little too much today, so he was fine to leave that be. He was probably overthinking it, anyways.

    ”Didn’t take you for the type to be into scary stories in the morning, Mikoto.” He quipped, cutting into a larger sausage. Miria had asked about magical trinkets, and whether Mikoto would know about them, and Saiga’s ears perked up. “I come from a merchant family too, y’know. If she can’t figure out where something might’ve come from, maybe I can take a crack at it?” Granted, Mikoto probably knew more than him anyways since she was actively still a merchant, whereas Saiga was just operating from memory, but it was worth a shot, right?

  11. Ah, Mikoto, so that was her name. Saiga nodded at the information he’d now been blessed with, thank you Miria, and gave the fox his signature smile, genuinely glad that everything seemed to have been smoothed over. “Well, Miria’s right - I really don’t blame her. You’ve definitely got the looks to charm anyone, that’s for sure.” Hey, he’s not gonna say that’s not true. “And I’m glad you ladies got to talk. Really.” Oh, right, breakfast. “I mighta grabbed a bit much. Care for some bacon, or some sausage? Or are you not much for meat?” He asked Mikoto further, holding his plate out with one hand while reaching for an extra set of cutlery with the other.

  12. Nyx blinked once, then twice. Then, absurdity clutching at her chest, she started laughing. “Hah! Ye been splittin’ skulls fer years, an’ now yer gettin’ yer ass kicked by lady trouble? Damn, Gean, ye came to th’worst person t’help ye wit’ that, considerin’ I ain’t said shit t’ th’lass I fancy.” Speaking of, maybe she should go talk to Syndra after - but, daughter comes first.

    ”Look, Renais’s a lot like me - she’s weak t’cute girls. Jus’ keep bein’ yerself, an’ ye’ll break through. Trust me, yer th’kinda gal who most lads’d probably be fallin’ o’er.” Nyx wondered if maybe she wasn’t making much sense, but she shrugged it off; if anyone understood her when she rambled like this, it was Gean. “An’ ‘sides, she picked ye fer a reason. Maybe she’s dealin’ wit some shit, an’ she’s all jumbled up like ye are.”

    Saiga sighed as he heard from both Miria and the fox - man, he really needed to get her name one of these days. That wasn’t very like him, to do something like that - reminded him too much of those men that Dad always kept around the house. That wasn’t Saiga; he was one to put smiles on faces, not pull them off.

    ”Sorry. Really don’t know what came over me there.” Saiga said to the fox, who admittedly didn’t seem phased by the whole thing - even still, it just felt right to say something. “I should trust you more, since nothing happened to Renais after you two just kinda… vanished on me yesterday.” Oh, right, speaking of… “So, uh, what exactly did happen yesterday, miss… uh, what’s your name again? I really don’t remember hearing it before, sorry.”

  13. Well, that could have gone better. Idly, Saiga wondered if maybe he shouldn’t have gotten some more practical muscles, then maybe it would have helped. That was just what he was trying to do, right? Grunting, he sat down at the table nearby Miria, the only one who seemed to be sticking around. At least he wouldn’t have to eat alone still.

    ”Ugh. Sorry about that whole display, Miria. I just really wanted her to make things right. I don’t know what the deal between those two is, but someone running off like that makes me have to worry, you know?” Saiga poked at his food with the fork at the side, but found his appetite somewhat lacking all of a sudden. “I made the right call, trying to help a friend, right?” 

  14. Hm. Well, that all happened rather quickly, now hadn’t it? Everything at the table seemed to break down rather quickly, and Saiga had no clue what to make of it all. The way that Renais seemed to be upset when Aegean left, coupled with the fox’s teasing, put a frown on his normally jovial face.

    ”Oi, you may want to apologize to her.” Saiga said rather simply, setting his plate on the table before folding his arms and squinting down at the fox in question. “I don’t really know what happened there, but I think you poked a bit farther than you should have right then.” He wanted to believe that the fox had good intentions, but considering that twice Renais had just up and taken off in one way or another with this woman at least partly to blame… well, he had to keep guarded with her now.

    ”I’d hope you’re not the kind to string someone along and then leave them hurting after. Otherwise, I’d have to politely ask you to leave.” He tried to sound intimidating, but Saiga could feel the magic coming from the fox - if she started slinging spells, he’d be toast. He didn’t want to chase her off, anyways; no, he was more trying to get her to go make amends with Renais.

  15. Oh, okay, they were just going, then. Nyx was always surprised at how strong Gean was, even when she knew she shouldn’t be, as she was bodily dragged to a nearby cafe. “Ah, hell, why y’feel like that, Gean? Yer doin’ fine, I thought. Is this ‘bout… y’know.” Nyx made vague gestures with her hands, in lieu of mentioning the thief who’d made off with Escaflowne that was apparently an old friend of Gean’s. Was that what her daughter was so worried about still?

  16. Well, so much for poking in on this conversation. Nyx was somewhat surprised that Gean had almost immediately sought her out as soon as she’d made her presence known, and for what reason Nyx still didn’t know, but she wasn’t exactly one to turn down her daughter. “Aye, not a problem. Ye need somewhere a bit more quiet, or nah?” Nyx wanted to be sure, in case prying eyes - or ears, in this case - would make things worse for the little mermaid she called daughter.

  17. “It’s Saiga, actually-“ The crocodile in question began, before being cut off by the appearance of the fox lady from yesterday. He wasn’t sure if he was being chastised for his insinuations, or teased for having them, but either way he wasn’t particularly caring about it.

    ”Hey, I’d never met you before. How was I supposed to know how nice you were going to be with her?” Saiga just shrugged, and plucked a piece of bacon from his plate before popping it into his mouth quickly. “I’m glad you kept her safe though, really. Nice to hear that we’ve got someone so dependable lending us a hand!” Well, he didn’t know if dependable was quite the right word for it, but whatever.

    Aw, but the one was so soft… oh, well. Sophia had been just a tad harsher than she probably should have, sounding more sour than scolding. Turning towards the last remaining member of their little quartet, Sophia gave a small smile. “Sorryyyyyyyyy… hope you don’t mind me going with them.” She said simply, before turning to follow the two out of the building.

    ”Heeeeeeeeyyyyyyy… wait uuuuuuuup.” Sophia called out as she tried her best to catch up to the pair who’d already left, armour clanging in the air as she did so. “I’m sorry… I didn’t meeeeeeeean to sound so harsh… do you mind if I come with yoooooooou?” She gave a slight pout as she asked her question, hoping that perhaps an apologetic face might help smooth things over.

  18. Aw, but Portia was so comfy… oh, well. Sophia yawned again, and lightly slapped her hands to her cheeks as Portia walked off. Sophia then turned towards the remaining trio, her armour clattering and she did, and tilted her head slightly. At a glance, it looked to be almost in confusion, but upon a second look, she seemed a tad more… studious than that.

    ”Ohhhhhh… so, we’re looking for a Lufiiiiiiiiriaaaaaan…” Sophia drawled slowly, still trying to shake the sleep out of her system. “And… you said the Evoooooookers were here? Liiiiiiike… the Glacian oooooones?” The sheep’s hand rested under her chin, seeming as though she was going to pass out again… but, she didn’t, instead going over to poke the shortest of the trio.

    ”Heeeeeey… you’re just going to leave your friend all alone to search the town? That’s a little mean of you.” Sophia pouted, partly out of annoyance, but mostly just as an excuse to question where they were truly going. “Youuuuuuu should at least try and look a liiiiiiiiittle bit around for our thief fiiiiiiiiirst, espeeeeeeecially if youuuuuuuuu-“ She paused, pointing at the blonde, “-know who you’re looking for.”

    Nyx was surprised by the hug from Gean, but it wasn’t exactly unwelcome from her little kid. She did little but keep an eye on Gean as she went off to go eat with Renais and company, while also stealing the occasional glance over towards Nattie and Syn talking with Tio. She had half a mind to poke in on the whole thing… and, apparently, that half a mind was in her legs, because before she knew it, she’d walked over to Nattie before realizing it. Oops.

    “Uh, ‘ope ye don’ mind me poppin’ by, seein’ wha’s up. Really don’t think I got the energy fer th’ kids this mornin’.” She was definitely full of it, but Nattie wouldn’t call her out on that. Besides, maybe with someone new in the conversation, maybe things could lighten up with the trio talking.Or maybe it’d get worse, but Nyx had no idea which it’d be.

    Saiga woke up with a start, having realized he’d slept much later than he’d intended to. The beds here were comfy by his standards! What was he supposed to do, not get plenty of rest while he had the chance? Rushing down to the lobby before breakfast ended, he went over to grab a table nearby the duo he’d ran into yesterday, now back together again with a new friend.

    ”Hoy!” Saiga called out, in his usual loud voice. Honestly, he looked somewhat odd with a tiny plate in his large hands, but so it went. “Glad to see you’re all doing well after yesterday. That lady with the tails didn’t do anything to hurt you, did she?” He asked, primarily towards the pink-haired girl. 

  19. One sheep… two sheep… three… oh, it sounded like the sheep were calling her name… and they sounded just like that nice lady at the outpost!

    A little too much. And other voices followed… ah, she needed to be awake now. Sophia yawned, perhaps a bit too loudly, and slowly rose to her feet, her armour clattering through the motions. There were a few others around, all of them cute as could be… oh, but wait, hadn’t Lady Celine mentioned these folk to her? Mm… no, maybe not; she only vaguely recognized one of them, while the other two… not so much. It had been a fair bit since she’d seen Celine, though… maybe these others were new recruits?

    ”Mmmmm… goooooooood mooooorning, eeeeeveryooooone.” Sophia mumbled, loud enough to be heard, but still muffled by both a grunt from her stretching and a yawn thereafter. “Sooooooorry, Portia… we did tryyyyyyy to get others from the Amaryllis here, but with the stooooorm and all, it’s made things a biiiiiiiiit difficult.” The tired sheep clouded slowly made her way over beside Portia and rested her head on the other woman’s shoulder, before letting out a sigh. “Doooooon’t worry, though. Lady Celine shooooooould be on her way soon. And hoooooooopefully we’ll have sooooooomething good for her… heehee, I’d like that too.”

    Really, she did wish she’d had time to look around more before coming to the outpost, but they really didn’t have a whole lot of time to spare. Thankfully, at least for Sophia, she’d gotten here early enough to get some rest, at least. Hopefully it’d be enough, or else she might have to end her part of the search early.

  20. Nyx slept like shit.

    Admittedly, that wasn’t entirely her fault - something about the bed just didn’t sit right with her. Hey, she had needs too! Granted, some of that still had to do with all sorts of thoughts swirling through her head, making it difficult to fall asleep. She was thinking way too much about the past lately, and also thinking too much about the future.

    Syn… she really did still fall for her, huh?

    Nyx cursed herself a little for it, knowing that things were about to go sideways for Syn and her whole deal, and it was going to quite possibly get them all killed. But, fuck her, Nyx still thought Syndra was way too stunning and way too sweet on her to ignore. Though, that same thought process also had Nyx trying to avoid Syn now in the inn, as she slipped down to the lobby area, having probably tipped her hand a bit too much by clinging onto her during that whole talk yesterday. Ah, hell, nobody was gonna let her hear the end of that one, huh?

  21. Well, that ended well, and Saiga didn’t even have to stand there and look too threatening! Although he suspected that wasn’t going to work too well on the thief - Koba, he thought he’d heard their name as? - or, at least, not like it did on Ren. If only he knew how to get them to open up a bit, so they wouldn’t be so scared of him… Come to think of it, he didn’t even really know why he was apparently such a fright, aside from being a big man with a big scary tail, and… oh.

    ”Huh. Alright, good seeing ya again, Ren!” Saiga called heartily, before turning his attention back to his ostensible employers. “Surprised you two are wandering around instead of relaxing at the inn. Something happen back there that I should know about?” He hoped that the Evokers would be nice enough to give him whatever info he apparently needed, but… well, hopefully he wasn’t hitting a sore spot.

    Nyx… really didn’t see that coming.

    For one, she kinda just figured that the other Tigers knew Syndra’s whole deal, or at least that Nattie did. Apparently not, which made her feel at least a little better that Syn had told her the whole thing before anyone else. Of course, she wasn’t quite dumb enough to bring that up in present company, so Nyx tried to switch gears a bit.

    And by that, she definitely hadn’t initially meant to wrap her arms protectively around Syndra’s side, but that’s apparently where she went with it now.

    “See? We gotta plan, all good. No need t’be tossin’ lasses outta the family. ‘Specially since s’not like she’s got anywhere else t’go… uh, no offence, hun.” Shit, that last bit wasn’t meant to be out loud. Oh well. “N’hey, if th’ lady wantin’ ta split some’un needs t’blow off some steam instead’a smackin’ Synnie ‘round, I don’t mind takin’ a round or two. Worst case, ye don’ gotta worry ‘bout th’Amaryllis lockin’ ye up fer harbourin’ a wanted crook.” Nyx thankfully had the foresight to lower her voice at that one, so that hopefully it was only Nattie and Syn who could hear. 

    “Oh, an’, uh, sorry, Nattie. Meant t’tell ye as full o’ th’story as I could earlier, but then shit got hectic back in Liste. Plus, gotta fess up, m’havin’ problems rememberin’ everythin’ from that night. Mighta helped us out back in Liste though, cuz th’innkeeper’s a lady I bailed out that night, but m’pretty sure that y’ain’t gonna care ‘bout that.”

    Tanya grumbled and groaned as she dragged herself back to a seated position. “I’ve been awake… besides, me and light magic don’t mesh well. My eyes are a bit messed up, but that’s not… what’d you say her name was, Lumina? That’s not her fault.”

    Not that the arena lady needed to know details. She just needed to be sure that Tanya wasn’t dead. The other name, however, gave Tanya something to poke her nose into, if nothing else. “Who’s Vidar? Guy friend of yours? Or a brother, maybe?” That second one, at least, would be something else they’d have in common - brothers they aren’t always on the best of terms with. 

  22. Saiga was in higher spirits after having gotten his supplies. It made sense, of course; now he had nothing to worry about, and was able to relax in this unfamiliar city. Only… being so unfamiliar with it, he found it hard to navigate, especially with no clear goal in mind. Well, maybe it was for the best - wandering might help him find some perspective.

    Well, if one counted Ren & Jesse as perspective, anyways. And they were… talking with the Evokers? And some… other fella, too. Huh. Something in the back of Saiga’s mind told him that maybe he shouldn’t intervene here, but then again, was it really an intervention to just pop his head in and say hi, while checking in with the bosses? Eh, probably not.

    ”Yo! Good to see you two again!” Saiga gave a friendly wave and greeting to Ren and Jesse, trying not to put himself too close to the former given how they’d reacted last time. “And hey, bosses! Uh, who’s this guy? Are we bringing another person along with us all of a sudden?” Sarasin might not be too happy to hear that, but more bodies meant more protection for the Evokers, which he would appreciate knowing how he felt about them.

  23. Huh. Nyx listened fairly intently, especially for her, and found herself actually keeping up for a change. Idly, she wondered if maybe that job was on a request from this Sergio fellow, but maybe bringing up that particular incident wouldn’t be the greatest thing ever. Still, seemed like they needed someone with some sort of knowledge on the Hecatian Underground, and just where the hell were they gonna find someone who would-

    Well, fuck, Syn. Way to be subtle. And rude, giving her up so quickly! Elisa sure hadn’t done that before.

    ”Aye, ‘ve ‘eard tell of the lad before.” Nyx slowly slid up to the group from her makeshift hiding spot, throwing an arm around Syn’s shoulders. “Ye coulda said hi first, y’know.” She whispered in Syndra’s ear, before turning her head slightly back to the rest of the group. “Ne’er met the lad before, but ‘e definitely fucks wit th’Underground. I knew a few lads who used to run for ‘im back in th’ day, even if I never touched that whole traffickin’ shit. N’ th’one time I got suckered int’a it s’when I fucked outta there entirely.”

    Nyx let out a sigh, and turned over towards Nattie. She did need to mention that night eventually, so… may as well rip the bandaid off now. “Well, fuck it, guess we’re ‘avin th’talk in front’a all these folk.” Apparently, it was just the time for it. “Now, m’not sure if this was somethin’ fer this Kazran lad, partly cuz m’memory o’ that night’s a wee fuzzy. But they roped me inta’ helping’ deal wit a… shipment, they called it. Never told me it was shippin’ Clouded, though, n’everyone who knew me even back then knew that was th’one thing I ain’t fuck wit. Never did get why ev’ryone in the Underground hated th’ Clouded so much; they’re just cooler humans, in me book.” Oops, she went off on a tangent.

    “Anyways, we also gotta keep an eye out fer some o’ th’higher up types. If this Kazran fella is as much o’ a big shot as ye say, some of ‘em might be slummin’ it wit ‘im when we go in.” Nyx’s voice dropped just a bit before she leaned in. “Also, if ye run inta a lad named Luthier, beat ‘is ass, but leave ‘im alive. I got some questions fer ‘im, n’why he an’ his mates stabbed me in the fuckin’ back. An’ sides, an’ front… but, ye get th’ picture.”

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