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Posts posted by Progenitus

  1. His second stage has haste because if you play him and immediately level him to 4, I believe he will not retain any of his abilities in his first level other than the level up.

    I chose 5 power as the amount to sacrifice scouter, as it's the same power that the naya shard uses alot and 9 power does take awhile to reach, and if scouter stuck around too long it would be a strictly better telepathy (not like anyone plays that card, but still).

    Also, I chose "ascended saiyan" because I thought it sounded cool :mellow:




  2. I decided to make mtg cards out of anime characters and such, particularly since I did enjoy making mtg cards out of the FE10 cast. In any case, here are my cards, and I'm open to criticism/ideas/etc.

    What cards do you like or not like and for what reasons? And what series do you want to see?














  3. Except that's not what you said. You said "how often do we field this unit". You didn't say anything about when or where they were fielded, only how often.

    okay maybe i should have specified then

    simply being fielded (even to just make a few shitty potshots/shoves/recruit/seize/etc) =/= being used

  4. You've been on my ignore list for awhile, but sometimes I'll click on the "view anyway" button. Yeah, that defeats the point of the ignore list, but sometimes I get a little feeling that... well, if I continue further I would probably get modded.

    Speaking of moderators, here's another giveaway; Fox is another person on my ignore list.

  5. And even if you do, you won't be using him very often. Taking someone like, I don't know, Rolf, who has 15 times as many chapters as Caineghis, you would need to have a probability of using Rolf of less than 7% for him to be ranked below Caineghis, because otherwise he will be used more often on average.

    Fielding Rolf in 1 chapter to do random shitty potshots because you have enough unit slots for everyone anyway =/= fielding Cain in 1 chapter so he can solo the map because he is so much better than a huge majority of your other choices

  6. Pick doesn't just save you gold, it saves you an item slot, which can be pretty important even for a unit that has only one weapon type, as Colm wants to keep his options open to help retain as much speed (and therefore avoid) as possible. I think Assassins also lose the ability to steal but I'm not 100% sure.

    Silencer has an unreliable activation rate, but the exp bonus does help. He probably will still not be that good at fighting unless you're fielding Neimi though.

  7. "I don't necessarily agree with LTC playing anyway" =/= "I am not playing for any semblance of efficiency"

    Although I would say that if you are using a different measuring stick to judge efficiency, you should probably refer to a different tier list to pick your low tiers. For example, Gilliam is going to be your best unit by far (your levels already give that away), and in a tier list with different standards, Gilliam is closer to lower mid or even mid (I would also argue that Neimi as Ranger and Colm support is also lower mid or mid, but given your choices an unsupported sniper Neimi does really suck). Gilliam is low tier in an LTC tier because such a tier assumes the player is fielding competent units who are capable of not dying just like Gilliam, but also have better offense and mobility, whereas it is a much different story when you are fielding really bad units.

  8. The point is, using Marcus liberally until Isadora joins is actually easier than relying solely on unpromoted units until that point, because Marcus is that good. Hence if he's going for a challenge run, he should try to not do that.

    If he also used the suggestion I made (do not use Marcus at all until isadora joins), he would also have a more challenging run, because when she joins marcus is base level instead of level 15.

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