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Everything posted by LeDom

  1. A no-brainer. ''Let's get wild'' is the only one that shows personality.
  2. LOSER! None of the others fit with her cut-in portrait nearly as much.
  3. ''see yaaaaaaa'' is always pleasant to listen to. For Beruka, going with ''finishing the mission'', it was between this and ''you won't survive''
  4. As much as I loved the game, a sequel to Radiant Dawn isn't something I've ever expected or waited for considering how badly it sold . Although I do think that if Intelligent System were to make a console game again, it would most likely be a remaster of the Tellius saga. They'd play things safe considering console games simply don't sell all that well for them anymore compared to handheld.
  5. Inb4 people complaining about Treehouse shoving their politics down people's throats.
  6. When Arthur says you're out of luck, you know you're screwed.
  7. I like ''With all my strength'' but she says ''It's all me'' the best so I'll go with that.
  8. Hoshido Noble because having another healer doesn't hurt. Really not crazy about tomes.
  9. You die, NOW! (then he uses all 5 hits of Astra, Ryoma has a broad definition of the word ''now'')
  10. Takumi says ''Oh, that's IT'' the best. He's just so fed up with the fight and wants to end it.
  11. I've noticed that Hoshido characters tend to have more generic critical quotes, sadly.
  12. Her quotes are all pretty generic. I admit I picked one at random. I already know which one of Elise's will win though
  13. ''Time for your final bow'', I just love the delivery.
  14. It won't be a close match that's for sure.
  15. The Benny and Ignatius C conversation went the same way, but at least it had words lol
  16. FOR HOSHIDO! FOR NOHR! FOR VALLA oh sh- (I make my own fate is my favorite, especially thanks to Yuri's delivery)
  17. I am seriously convinced E weapons give less wpn exp. I always save up my arms scrolls for units I promote, otherwise there's no reason for a character to use a bronze axe when you have loads of good swords to fight with.
  18. I got many bronze balls in a row so I assumed my luck ran out. Then I got a brave sword. Hell yeah!
  19. Good points. Just thought it was a little weird at first lol.
  20. Not sure I'd call it bad But Shigure's sibling support with Selkie feels way off. Mr.Disney Princess knows how to talk to animals better than the girl who can turn into a fox.
  21. Peri-Felicia. One attempted murder and then they ...kind of become friends I guess? At least it lets us enjoy the irony of reclassing Peri as a maid.
  22. I'll add a few more now that my memory is refreshed Laslow and Selena: seeing Inigo get a taste of his own medicine is so rewarding Benny and Elise: I can't help feeling a little creeped out with the idea of pairing up Elise with anyone, but this one gave me diabetes. It's just way too adorable Mitama's supports with both of her parents. I also like the one with Corrin, damn the guy is inept. Niles and Leo gives us good amount of backstory and depth to Niles' character. His loyalty is 100% genuine.
  23. I actually thought it was cute how Ophelia accepts to be friends with her on the basis that they should get along considering how close their fathers are. Haven't read all of Soleil's supports, but I do hope this chain was her very worst. Japanese Foleo x Soleil can die in a hole though.
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