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Everything posted by LeDom

  1. Could think of a few more good supports. Rinkah's was pretty funny and Oboro was kind of touching. I've seen someone list Effie's as a bad one but I liked it.
  2. Since there's a thread about bad supports, thought it would be nice to balance things out with a more positive thread! Of the ones I've really liked: Ophelia and Odin comes to mind especially. A lot of Rhajat's were also surprisingly sweet. Arthur's supports with Azura and Beruka are also nice because they show just how deep his dedication to justice is, in ways that aren't played for laughs.
  3. Oh god I think it's the best one so far!
  4. I've gotten two golden prizes, then I get a silver ball about 3/4 times
  5. I think you're getting things a little backwards there. People who complain about the localization non-stop are the vocal minority. Everyone else is either gushing over characters, making memes or too busy playing the darn game to even know about the negativity in some online circles. I for one, think this is a good localization on the same level as Awakening. They spiked up the dialogue to fit the light hearted tone of the game and whatever changes that were made at to happen one way or another because it's NoA's job to sell a game to a western audience the way Japan doesn't always know how. The only things that had me scratch my head were Saizo-Beruka C support, even then I don't think it's anything worth throwing a fit over. But moving on to point out examples of things I do like While I liked the Awakening dub much better, I find this game's to be perfectly serviceable. It took some time for me to get used to a few of them, but there were a lot I loved right away. I'm on the fence about how there are so many double/triple casting, but it also shows that some actors have a sick range (can you believe Saizo, Jakob and friggin' Hayato have the same voice actor?) Speaking of voice actors, Lost in Thoughts All Alone is a rare example of a dubbed song done impeccably. I won't go on details because there was an entire thread on this subject, but Rena Strober knocked it out of the park. The dialogue in the main story seems perfectly loyal to what the writers' intended. It's only in support conversations that writers took some punches. I hate how there are people who accuse Treehouse of not caring about Fates solely because of their writing liberties. A translator that doesn't care would do the opposite of what they did: a litteral translation that only translates the words and sentences while entirely ignoring the meaning/intent. A localization team changes dialogues if they think it helps making a more enjoyable product to their target audience. Whether one likes it or not is their own business, but one thing is for certain: changes in localization never happen because they don't care or because they want to upset people.
  6. Very nice analysis. I'm not yet done with Conquest but I'll briefly talk about something I haven't seen anyone mention in this thread. The story actually tries to give more depth to Iago; first he accepts that you've fulfilled a mission, loopholes be damned, and reported to Garon as such. A bit later on, he shows concern in the fact that Garon wants to see his son suffer...just for the heck of it. Those two moments would imply that he's more than the one dimensional evil genius we've seen so far...but then he goes right back to being just that. It also really irks me how the Chevois rebels only get one chapter. You'd think they'd play a bigger part in the plot, even have you ally with them seeing how they advertised conquest as ''revolutionzing a rotten country from the inside''. But nope, instead they all die and are never mentionned again (I will retract this statement if they're brought up again by the time I'm done) Overall, what's sad about the game's plot is that it clearly is ambitious and had strong ideas. I'd really like to know just how much was cut from Kibayashi's original draft.
  7. As plenty have mentionned, I hate being stuck on E ranked weapons when I promote or class change a character. Unless you have a (annoyingly rare) arms scroll, you're forced to grind with brass/raider weapons forever until you can finally equip something useful. 1. Even Radiant Dawn still had them after cutting support conversations. I do miss base conversations a lot. Without them, it feels that only half a dozen or so characters have any sort of relevance in your army. 2. I had a long sigh after finding that out for myself. Such a letdown, all that face blowing and slugabed awakening was for nothing.
  8. Selkie wasn't happy when I gave her a pink beret. Ungrateful subhuman.
  9. I hate hate hate the justification behind their existence, but I actually like quite a lot of them as characters and their paralogues=more gameplay and more experience which is oh-so limited in Conquest. I definitely want want IS to focus on something different for the next game though, so I'd rather the children mechanic not to be back. Unless it's a remake of FE4 which would be nice since I haven't played that one
  10. I'm gonna go with Hans, I especially hate him for what he did in Conquest
  11. So many characters in this game have awful HP so far.
  12. I can hear a tiny bit of her in Nina's voice, really wouldn't know about Elise (though I know she does have that much range) She's somewhat active on Twitter so I'm sure she'd answer if we ask if she voiced anyone other than Lucina.
  13. I've only beat Birthright and not far enough in Conquest, so'Ill only list the former and update later on. Favorite chapters Now...my least favorites ...I'm sad that I have more to say about the chapters I hated.
  14. I was litterally in awe at how good Lost in Thoughts All Alone was. Thank you Rena Strober!
  15. My opinion is probably not valid since I've yet to experience the whole game. But having just started Conquest, it already feels like you make the blatantly wrong decision and then give half-hearted excuses for it. When Ryoma calls you out, I found all of his claims are valid. I don't see a single reason to go against him unlike Xander's thickheaded refusal to accept his dad is evil in Birthright
  16. Yeah I scratched my head when I saw that one guy complain about it. All they cut was redundant dialogue that overstate the topic of the conversation. In my opinion, trimming it down is good localization.
  17. Must say I'm quite happy the children will get their own ''Future Past''. I've grown to actually like most of them as characters even though I hate how they come into play. Harvest Scrable 2.0 looks nice too. Probably won't buy all the DLC for Fates like I did for Awakening, but this batch has gotten my attention.
  18. At least we know now that the vast majority of this website thinks #TorrentialDownpour is stupid. The thread will die sooner or later
  19. I'm definitely in love with Mitama's quotes. ''NAP TIME!'' ''The pen is mightiest of all!''
  20. It was already pathetic when they were complaining about Soleil's support, the face rubbing and localized names. Now they're literally going through all the dialogue and comparing it with the fan translation (lol. They can just keep ruining the game for themselves, we'll just keep playing it and enjoying it. At best, they're merely laughable. When I read stuff like ''they cut half of the game's content'' or ''If you're gonna take away what makes Fire Emblem what it is, I'll boycott'' it gives me the impression that most of the complainers know nothing about the game or series as a whole. But then, at their worst, they're building hate mobs to harass and character assassinate Treehouse employees (big surprise, the movement started on 4chan). I'm conflicted to think of their tamper tantrum as a joke when their immaturity and entitlement hurts people. At the very least, I take comfort in the fact they're just an incredibly loud and obnoxious minority. The game still had a successful launch and they will have zero impact on game development in the future.
  21. Todd isn't in the credits and he wouldn't have a reason to work anonymously since he's not unionized. Hinata's VA is one of the many mysteries of the english cast.
  22. As we already know Swords are light so they're good against people with heavy weapons Axes can power through slim weapons such as spears Lance users have a reach advantage against sword users So here comes the question: how does everything fit in the weapon triangle once you add tomes, bows and shurikens to the equation. Of the top of my head, my only guess is that by that secret weapons wielder can attack a mage by the time they're done reciting their spell, but then I draw a blank. So, anyone cares to take more guesses?
  23. I'm with you here, but let's be honest on the second point. The ones who are over-reacting have already ''decided'' the localization was garbage ages ago. Anything they find as this point only reinforces their view.
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