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Knight of the White Lake

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Everything posted by Knight of the White Lake

  1. Hah! No wonder I like your writing! We're the same age and (probably... at least Fire Emblem) share the same interests! Thanks, and I'll try and figure it out... Edit: Oh, is it that simple? Anyway, it's simply click on the name of the guy you want to add as your friend, and click, "add as friend" P.S. I like to write too, but I've gone farther (or is it "farther"?) than just fan fic. I've actually created my own world, plot, subplots, and lots of characters with stories that go behind them. Think I should post one of those stories? (Mind you they're shorter than yours)
  2. Whoops! Didn't see that one coming! I have a Mac. Sorry.
  3. My Rolf was level 19 Marksman. Why? Also, MightyZigaro said that Shinon could beat the capability of doing 21 damage per hit to the auoras. What could Shinon do? It's not like I'm completely against what you guys say, nor am I trying to say that Rolf is the best unit in the game. Have any sudgestions to how I can play RD better? P.S. I haven't actually been able to finish the game because I played through RD wrong and didn't have enough units high enough in stats. So I technically cannot boast that I've beaten the game with Rolf at his current status. I'm gonna have to play the game over again once I've gotten a "fixed" North America RD disc.
  4. Do you mind me asking what grade you're in now or how old you are? Because, from the information you gave me, I could- COULD- assume that you are in 6th grade, and thus are quite amazing at writing. On a side note, how do you ask someone to become your friend on this site? I'm still really new to forums in general.
  5. I choose Sacred Stones for the easiest to play, but the problem is, I think PoR has a better hook for a storyline. It was my first, and I got hooked and have loved FE since. But the problem is, which would bring in a newcomer better? PoR with its better (in my opinion) storyline, or Sacred Stones with its easier enemies and gameplay?
  6. Ok, sorry if I was unclear. When I said "experience" I meant, the experience of playing the game, not experience as experience points. Sorry. Also, someone said Rolf was/is mediocre in FE10 too. Er, no. I found that Rolf, with the double bow (due to the fact that he got ahead of Shinon because of old habits from PoR [not using Shinon]) would do 21 damage per hit (without A support from Boyd) and strike twice standing next to Nasir when attacking the auroas around Ashera. Does Shinon beat that capability?
  7. Um, I thought the point of archers was to have a long range unit that could be vulnerable to melee range attacks. Was I wrong? That is the way I've seen it in previous FEs, is that not so? Did everyone so love the crossbow and bowgun from Radiant Dawn that now previous characters are not nearly as good? I will play PoR again and see if I go through the same experience everyone else has seemed to go through. If I have the same type of experience you guys have had, I will take everything I have said back... But I highly doubt I will have to.
  8. Wow! This is great! How long have you been writing? Do you plan to write for money someday? I actually only found two grammar/punctuation flaws, but they were too small to really be noticed. I will say this though: From your beginning post, it almost sounded like you would like to make this into a video game if you could. I think it's a WONDERFUL story, but don't think it could become a video game. I, like Judge Judy, would like to see how this story turns out. On another note, my favorite authors are the authors that know how to explain sword-fights or duels or other battles in an intruiging way without leaving out too much detail. My very favorites are the ones that allow the sword duel to seem to go in real time with lots of detail, to where the whole duel can be played in my mind. This can also be shown in your story. Keep up the awesome work!
  9. Hmm.... How many of you guys ACTUALLY built him up? Rolf is one of my best units. Yes, it was sort of hard in the beginning to level him up, but he was worth it! He was the only archer around for a while, Astrid wasn't good enough, and by the time I got to have Shinon back, (Rolf and Shinon were equal in level when I got Shinon back) Rolf's stats were about 2 above in every category! Rolf could take punishment, and plenty of it, therefore making him a great piece of bait. Also, he would destroy enemy units in (technically) 1.5 hits in the last 5 or 6 levels. And he wasn't level 20 nor did he make it to level 20 by the end of the game. Did I get extremely lucky or did no one really build him up?
  10. I know I'm out of date on this forum but... What on earth makes Rolf a low tier person? For crying out loud, he was/is one of my best units in PoR! And Radiant Dawn for that matter! What's wrong with him? I don't see any way that Rolf is anything but on a top or epic tier. Please explain what makes most of you place him on such a low tier.
  11. It looks great to me too! Now, could you tell me how to get my hands on "MS Paint"? I would like to try.
  12. I can say I understand that now. Makes me wonder if I should play through the game more times than just a second playthrough (all ready underway) on Hard mode...
  13. Uh, no, not easy mode. I had my game on Normal difficulty. Does that effect anything? Man, I seem to have the worst of luck when it comes to Fire Emblem. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance I got as a second hand copy from Blockbuster movie rental. Sacred Stones I only got from a Game*cough*stop that is over 200 miles from my house! And even though my Radiant Dawn copy was brand spankin' new, it has a defect... Thank you for all the help everyone! (And if anyone has anymore sudgestions, keep posting!)
  14. When you say "call N", do you mean actually calling Nintendo? Like, a Nintendo help line?
  15. Hmm... I looked around on the Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn section of the website and found what you were thinking about. The only problem is, that problem has to do with having a file all ready on the game data and on easy difficulty. I didn't even have a file on the game data, so am I missing something? Has anyone ever on this site experienced this glitch? And also, on that same page it said that I could write a letter to Nintendo asking for a new disc if this was the problem. Seeing that my disc won't do it at all, am I allowed to do this? And also, does Nintendo still have discs ready to give out? Once again, I'm stuck needing help.
  16. I have to say it IS impressive that you have played through the game so many times. My only question is... why do it? Yeah, it WOULD be pretty cool to have Ashnard, but why do it if it takes so much time and energy? Am I just missing something?
  17. Hello Serenes Forest! I have never signed up for a forum in my life, and have regretted it countless times. I hope to get to meet many here, though I'm not sure how forums EXACTLY work... Anyway, I, like many others, fell in love with Fire Emblem once I unlocked Roy in Smash Bros. Melee (although I later found that my favorite and best character is Marth). Since I got into video games late for NA Fire Emblems, it took me a long time to find a copy of any Fire Emblem. I picked up FE: Path of Radiance, and fell in love with the genre and am now an avid fan. I find myself finally signing up for a forum in a time of crisis. When I got Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, I found that whenever I try to import data from Path of Radiance, my Wii freezes and a strange, blaring noise comes from the speakers of my TV. Can anyone help a newcomer?
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