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Pack yak

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Everything posted by Pack yak

  1. Thank you. But right now the problem is that the quote won't even show up after the boss is killed as opposed to him dying and the chapter not ending -but that still takes care of 75% of the question.
  2. How would I code for a Boss death quote to end the chapter? -Sorry I've been stuck on this for a good hour :/
  3. Hi. I've been able to figure out most of the problem, such as getting hold of, and editing the death quotes- but the events I have (most problematic the game over screen) still fail to show up. At the moment its purely through Nightmare-every attempt to put it into notepad ends in something wrong since I'm unsure how to put it into the notepad. (I'm unsure if this should go under Assembler questions)
  4. I'm sure I got it correct, but I'll run it here to make sure. MAR exported (and reinserted) to 00DA1000 Pointer of Chapter Two map set to 0x8DA1000 I reinserted the map agian, no progress, but I went back to step one of a glitchy purple map with unmovable units. as opposed to a greener map giving me the message of an unsupported bios file. All of the normal events (Lyn jabbering, Glass wanting the Mani Kati etc. occur without error, and the other two chapters aren't affected at all.) Unless my definition of reinserting is different (or if I have the bytes of 1C1D1E1F wrong, which i'm unsure of, but doubt) I'm clueless to why its not working.
  5. After reinserting the map, although it loads a bit more and became a little less glitchy, the map still doesn't work- and now a message of an unsupported BIOS file appears. I'll guess I did something wrong again?
  6. Hi. First and foremost, I should say that I'm using a map from Prime's map pack- specifically "Some Valley" which I believe is 1C1D1E1F without tile animations. After exporting the MAR to 00DA1000, I saved the nightmare pointer as 0x8DA1000, as well as setting the points to 1C1D1E1F. However, after checking to see if it worked I was (not so) shocked to see that I had failed. I was wondering if anyone would help me-hopefully I'll be able to do this without asking questions every 5 minutes.
  7. ^Would it be set up any differently from a regular turn event? Or would it just be Turn 0x00 TurnXEvent [0x,00] 0x0 0x00 TurnXEvent: Ending(event) Forgive the follow up question
  8. I have a question concerning an ending event. How exactly would I set up an ending event for a survival mission, AKA Survive until turn X? I'm unsure on everything concerning setting that up, so any info would be helpful.
  9. Haven't gone into grammar nazi mode yet, still attempting to fix whats going on at chap. 3, but as soon as it is finished all errors will be dealt with. But thank you for pointing them out.
  10. FE7 hack taking place a small portion of time after Nergal falls. Some bosses (mainly bandits/mercenaries) were not executed by Lyn/Eliwood/Hector, which is why they are present. Neo Black Fang led by a non cannon boss is highly involved, but not the main antagonist. A certain country invades Lycia, and serves somewhat of an allusion to Bern's invasions (including this country) First 2 chapters finished, despite problems on the third, they should be solved soon. Hack is somewhat hard, but can be easy if proper stratagy is used. Plot can be obvious from Chapter 1, but can be a little confusing. Several antagonists will make multiple apperances due to not being killed in their first (or second) fight(s) Main characters- Note: There is no "Lord" or character that will give you game over. Instead, the characters centeral to the plot will continue making appearences in cut scenes rather than fight. (EX Hector appears in many cutscenes, but if defeated in battle will simply retreat due to dying in Sword of Seals. Characters: Classes- No classes have been changed as of now. (chapter 3) however some may be changed. Class stat changes- 3 characters have had base stat changes due to being centeral to the plot Kent- Yup this one has gone from 2/3rd best to Jesus on Wheels ranking with all stats being capped at 31. Hector- Improved somewhat, abeit not as OP at Jesus up there. Hidden character. Enemies, such as nomads, brigands, mercenaries, and several others have had base stats changed to make them stronger. Knights have more of a defense growth (40->50%) Cavaliers (saying right now, Kent is the only playable mounted unit in the game) have had stat growths changed to nearly epic stats. Changes to growth rates are due to shear amount of enemies present relative to allies. Chapters- As I said, encountering a problem on chapter 3 (which has baffled myself, and still awaiting help) If you believe you can help, check my posts in Event Assembler questions thread over in "Hacking questions" Mainly focused on defeating enemies rather than taking the throne/gate, however all types will be present. Allusions- I would love to make references to other hacked versions, however due to not wanting to steal ideas from other hackers, I would only make references if given premission by hack creators. (EX wanted to make a reference to Gheb, but unsure if creator(s) would allow me. Other- Several characters will not be present in this hack. (Marcus for example) Some will make cameos as NPCS, but are currently unplanned for as playable characters. All characters have been reset to basic units, and to appropriate starting levels Pictures are not many at the moment, but as the hack progresses will become plentiful
  11. ROM still resets. Haven't worked on script as much due to the errors. Nightmare values: events: 0x8D89000 map: 0x8D91870 ORG listed in spoiler. Mar 00D91870 if anymore info needed inform me
  12. Yeah I did that accidentally and then changed the offsets/ORG as soon as I realized. Unsure if the fact I did it means the problem will never go away, or if I can somehow fix it.
  13. Changed the pointer map address to 0xD891870, as well as event data (apparantly I mixed the two up) Instead of staying on a black screan, the game opens to the opening credits instead of playing the map. So progress or a step back? Also changed ORG to 0xD89000
  14. Both pointers already began with 0x8, and one is for maps one is for events I made an error by saying 00D89000 for here (sorry about that)
  15. *Sigh* I've done the exact same thing I've described. prolouge was already described to you, so unsure if you want me to repeat that. Chap 1 I didn't import a map, instead using replacing chap 1s map with chap 16/17 (all info on nightmare is accurate and this chapter works fine) Chap 2- Exported map to 00D91870, map address in nightmare put as 0x8D89000. ORG put as 0xD91870 Events as 0x8D91870. Thats pretty much everything. Although I did save over text in the FEditor (055C-055E) I'm unsure if its important data or not
  16. yeah -For some reason it still only goes to black (probably because I haven't edited in the opening event yet...) Edit- Finished opening event, as well as most of chapter. inserted it. Still is a pitch black screen. So apparantly I need a "BIOS file" to get correct behavior. "Unsupported BIOS function b1 called from 06000034. A BIOS file is needed to get correct behavior."
  17. Yes... and now I feel like an over cautious moron
  18. Thank you. Finished chapter works perfectly. Bad news- While inserting the map for the next chapter, our old friend mr. black screan struck. This time I didn't use the same code for map + events (as I didn't insert any events yet) but the screan goes black instantly (although this may be due to it cutting directly to the map and skipping the worldmap scene)
  19. No units are being loaded off of the map And only the LOU1 occurs that turn.
  20. - Script fight has been solved - Ran into a new glitch, boss and 7 closest soldiers turn pixilated and game crashes. Nothing out of the ordinary is done in the turn. Turn5: LOU1 Reinforcements4 ENUN ENDA
  21. Well I have another problem (completely unrelated to any of the others) For a scripted fight, instead of fighting, the game crashes due to graphical glitches (such as a merc getting 4 feet spread out and black squares, looks like he's attacking from a distance etc.) INFO Units fighting: UNIT 0x5F Mercenary 0x00 Level(5,Enemy,False) [10,26] [10,26] [steelSword] [0x03,0x03,0x09,0x20] UNIT 0x46 0x0C 0x00 Level(5,Enemy,False) [11,26] [11,26] [silverSword] [0x03,0x03,0x09,0x20] FIGH 0x46 0x5F Fight $00000000 Fight: AttackerCritical(30,03) DefenderNoDamage(00) EndOfBattle Its also supposed to be a OHKO or 1 hit kill
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