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Pack yak

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Everything posted by Pack yak

  1. As I said, its fixed itself (somehow) Unsure why it wouldn't work, still unsure why it fixed itself.
  2. Currently: Extracted Rom Exported map as MAR changed settings of prolouge map to that ideal settings Changed eventpointer to 0x8DA0000 Changed portraits, text, descriptions,etc. Assembeled Prolouge works perfectly now, the thing is I simply dont know what causes the error to occur
  3. ^Well I restarted (again) Although the opening ROM problem is solved (and I never did it 2/3 at a time) the original problem of the text/portaits loading is still occuring
  4. No . For whatever reason it simply says it with nothing else open
  5. Besides that coding, I did nightmare (nothing is wrong with that I assure you) and the text. The text has worked for me many times and has no reason not too, but I may have overlooked something. Edit- just tried hecking text, was given an error stating that it could not process one or more file streams
  6. I darn goofed. On a serious note, I'm not sure how any of these would affect the text freezing (if they do I'll feel stupid)
  7. Thats the thing- I don't think it has anything to do with the script (as it has worked perfectly before) But here it is #define DISABLE_TUTORIALS #include EAstdlib.event EventPointerTable(0x06,Pointers) ORG 0xD80000 Pointers: POIN Turn_events POIN Character_events POIN Location_events POIN Misc_events POIN BallistaData BallistaData POIN Bad Bad Bad Bad POIN Good Good Good Good POIN Opening_event Ending_event Bad: UNIT Batta 0x39 0x00 Level(4,Enemy,False) [11,11] [11,11] [steelAxe] [0x03,0x03,0x09,0x20] UNIT 0x88 0x39 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,False) [12,12] [12,12] [ironAxe] [0x00,0x00,0x09,0x00] UNIT 0x88 0x39 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,False) [10,10] [10,10] [ironAxe] [0x00,0x00,0x09,0x00] UNIT 0x88 0x39 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,False) [10,12] [10,12] [ironAxe] [0x00,0x00,0x09,0x00] UNIT 0x88 0x39 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,False) [12,10] [12,10] [ironAxe] [0x00,0x00,0x09,0x00] UNIT Good: UNIT 0x17 0x28 0x00 Level(1,Ally,False) [9,4] [9,4] [ironSword,ChestKey,IronSpear] [0x00] UNIT Merc 0x33 0x00 Level(5,NPC,False) [19,0] [19,0] [silverSpear,0x70,Elixir] [0x03,0x03,0x09,0x20] UNIT Reinforcements: UNIT Oswin Knight 0x00 Level(2,Ally,False) [4,4] [8,5] [ironSpear] [0x00] UNIT Hector HectorLord 0x00 Level(1,Ally,False) [4,4] [7,5] [steelAxe,Vulnerary] [0x00] UNIT Reinforcements2: UNIT Bandit Nomad 0x00 Level(2,Enemy,False) [5,12] [5,12] [steelBow] [0x03,0x03,0x09,0x20] UNIT Bandit Nomad 0x00 Level(2,Enemy,False) [3,12] [3,12] [steelBow] [0x03,0x03,0x09,0x20] UNIT Glass Mercenary 0x00 Level(4,Enemy,False) [4,12] [4,12] [steelSword] [0x03,0x03,0x09,0x20] UNIT Bandit Nomad 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,False) [4,11] [4,11] [ironBow] [0x00,0x00,0x09,0x00] UNIT Bandit Nomad 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,False) [6,12] [6,12] [ironBow] [0x00,0x00,0x09,0x00] UNIT Bandit Nomad 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,False) [3,11] [3,11] [ironBow] [0x00,0x00,0x09,0x00] UNIT Bandit Nomad 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,False) [5,11] [5,11] [ironBow] [0x00,0x00,0x09,0x00] UNIT Bandit Nomad 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,False) [6,10] [6,10] [ironBow] [0x00,0x00,0x09,0x00] UNIT Bandit Nomad 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,False) [3,10] [3,10] [ironBow] [0x00,0x00,0x09,0x00] UNIT Bandit Nomad 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,False) [5,10] [5,10] [ironBow] [0x00,0x00,0x09,0x00] UNIT Bandit Nomad 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,False) [6,9] [6,9] [ironBow] [0x00,0x00,0x09,0x00] UNIT Bandit Nomad 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,False) [3,9] [3,9] [ironBow] [0x00,0x00,0x09,0x00] UNIT Bandit Nomad 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,False) [5,9] [5,9] [ironBow] [0x00,0x00,0x09,0x00] UNIT Bandit Nomad 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,False) [6,11] [6,11] [ironBow] [0x00,0x00,0x09,0x00] UNIT Bandit Nomad 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,False) [4,10] [4,10] [ironBow] [0x00,0x00,0x09,0x00] UNIT Bandit Nomad 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,False) [4,9] [4,9] [ironBow] [0x00,0x00,0x09,0x00] UNIT Reinforcements3: UNIT Citizen Soldier 0x00 Level(1,NPC,False) [16,5] [16,5] [ironSpear] [0x00] UNIT Citizen Soldier 0x00 Level(1,NPC,False) [15,5] [15,5] [ironSpear] [0x00] UNIT Heath WyvernKnight 0x00 Level(1,NPC,False) [17,5] [17,5] [AxeReaver,IronSpear] [0x00] UNIT Turn_events: TURN 0x00 Opening_event [01,00] 0x0 0x00 TURN 0x00 Turn1Event [01, 00] 0x0 0x00 TURN 0x00 Turn2 [02,00] 0x0 0x00 TURN 0x00 Turn3 [03,00] 0x0 0x00 Character_events: CHAR 0x05 KentHector Kent_t Hector $00000000 CHAR 0x04 KentHeath Kent_t Heath $00000000 Location_events: Village(0x06,village1,4,4) Village(0x24,village2,16,4) Chest(Elixir,10,0) ChestMoney(5000,8,0) LOCA Misc_events: DefeatAll(Ending_event) CauseGameOverIfLordDies AFEV Opening_event: BACG 0x15 TEX1 0x800 REMA FADI 10 BACG 0x12 FADU 10 TEX1 0x801 REMA LOU1 Good LOU1 Bad ENUN CURF [11,11] FADI 10 BACG 0x09 FADU 10 TEX1 0x802 REMA CAM1 [19,0] TEX1 0x803 REMA ENDA Turn1Event: TEX1 0x804 REMA ENDA Turn2: LOU1 Reinforcements ENUN Tex1 0x805 REMA ENDA KentHector: Tex1 0x806 REMA ENDA KentHeath: Tex1 0x807 REMA CUSI Heath $00 ENDA Turn3: TEX1 0x808 REMA LOU1 Reinforcements2 ENUN CURF [4,12] FADI 10 BACG 0x22 FADU 10 TEX1 0x809 REMA ENDA village1: FADI 10 BACG 0x02 FADU 10 TEX1 0x80A REMA ITGV Vulnerary ENDA village2: FADI 10 BACG 0x02 FADU 10 TEX1 0x80B REMA LOU1 Reinforcements3 ENUN ENDA AFEV 0x11 0x8CC0808 0x65 Ending_event: FADI 10 BACG 0x0E FADU 10 Tex1 0x80C REMA MNCH 0x01 STAL 1 _0x1 ENDA BallistaData: BLST ALIGN 4 MESSAGE Events end at offset currentOffset
  8. So after rebooting everything onto a back up, I've come across my game not loading the opening event (which is a convo on a background) and I have no idea how to resolve it. I've looked for answers in other places, but once again I ask you guys for help.
  9. ORG is 0x8D9000 So this means new rom? *shrugs I'm okay with that*
  10. Details: Mar was sent to 00D89000 ORG is 0x8D9000 Map and Events are 0x89000 Eventpointer is 0x0F (Chap 2 event) All tiles are what is indicated, as are bytes. If more details needed tell me
  11. The problem is that the map doesn't load despite many peoples suggestions. I have the apropriate info and commands on nightmare and the coding FEditor I'm unsure about
  12. By any chance is 00D89000 important? As FEditor is giving me the error of not being able to open one or more files (with nothing else open)
  13. Tried options, didn't work. Looked over config - no abnormalities.
  14. I know there is a map, saw it before I began to code (Assembled to check if a couple of things were working, thats when the map went black) I'll recheck config and change those settings.
  15. Well its not black anymore... Its a screan full of the heads of enemy brigands.
  16. My previous maps didn't require them to load for some reason. Regardless, its still a black screen.
  17. Hi. So after finishing the last two chapters with your help, I thought I could do this one on my own. I was mistaken. For some reason, instead of opening to the map (it did right after I edited everything in Nightmare) the screan simply turns black. Yes its chapter 2. #define DISABLE_TUTORIALS #include EAstdlib.event EventPointerTable(0x0F,Pointers) ORG 0xD89000 Pointers: POIN Turn_events POIN Character_events POIN Location_events POIN Misc_events POIN TrapData TrapData POIN Bad Bad Bad Bad POIN Good Good Good Good POIN Opening_event Ending_event Bad: UNIT Good: UNIT Turn_events: TURN 0x00 (Opening_event) [01,00] 0x0 0x00 TURN 0x00 Turn1 [01,00] 0x8 0x00 END_MAIN Turn1: Character_events: END_MAIN Location_events: END_MAIN Misc_events: CauseGameOverIfLordDies END_MAIN Opening_event: ENDA Ending_event: MoveToChapter ENDA TrapData: ENDTRAP MESSAGE Events end at offset currentOffset
  18. Thank you very much. This made it a lot easier for me.
  19. Two last questions for now (almost finished with the chapter) How do I make units go offscrean? I tried using a combination of Char Move [X,Y] and DISA [X,Y] but it crashed my game. Also how would I make a protect character for X amount of turns scenario. I tried using Nightmare but it didn't work.
  20. Alright for whatever reason the glitches have stopped. Someone on here worked their magic through the ROM and helped me. So I'll just thank all of you for it.
  21. 3 things will happen The first will be that some of the tiles on the map will be repeated past the limit of the X-axis The second is that near the boss of the stage (who shouts battle quotes and such) many tiles will glitch out. Finally, everything stops on turn 3 (but will probably go furthur due no events taking place on turn 3)
  22. Alright so the portrait began to randomly work at the cost of two things: 1- the opening cutscene for the chapter's sprites and conversation have been replaced. 2- Camara glitch of map (some parts will be repeated, but as soon as you take a look at another section/any option screen it resets to normal. Glitch #2 occurs until about the third turn. Edit: #1 has been solved (Should have looked before posting this) the convos and such were reset for some reason. #2 remains at large.
  23. EDIT: It randomly worked but now two things occur (which will be posted in the events thread as I believe they are issues with event assembler
  24. No. I don't have any programs except for Nightmare open
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