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Everything posted by Shev

  1. Great run, man. You bet I wanna see that epilogue.
  2. This thread was the only reason I used my laptop today. Good to see you busted this chapter, man. Excited for the next ones!
  3. Yeah man, you show those shaven curs how you roll. Otherwise you're going to have to sacrifice one object or another, or worse sacrifice a teammate to get the items.
  4. This is one of my favorite things.
  5. This thread title gives me flashbacks to the worst literature class I've ever had. After every single dicking thing we read, the professor, a woman 800 years past retirement, would ask us, "What does this story say about what it means to be a man?" Lady, it's a poem about getting high. It doesn't need gender theory... Anyway, it's all well and good to echo the "be a decent person" sentiments but if someone is looking for a valid "What is it to be a man?" answer, you're putting yourself in gender context, so, it's all about how you represent your gender. So, to be a (decent person)man, don't treat (anyone)women like crap.
  6. dat Gilliam... I'm always torn with stat boosts. On the one hand I like to give them to the person with the lowest of that stat (who will actually be facing magic), but I also feel like if their Res is that low, why bother? Anyway I'd say Gerik. Res boost + good archer positioning = maybeagoodidea.
  7. I enjoy Gregor and Cherche, neither are underused for my runs. Although my current runthrough I am going Troubadour, but, irrelevant! I'd say Donnel depends on how much of a challenge you're looking for. Donny is always very quickly a good unit, with a little work, so coin toss that one.
  8. I can only go by the characters I never use: Gaius, Nowi, Sully. Frederick? Troubadour Cherche?
  9. I caught the opening of Almost Human and I'm hoping to put on my mental weekly viewing list. The pilot was a chimera of like every popular sci-fi movie but who knows! I need something to sustain me until Continuum comes back on...
  10. Gilliam seems to be turning out pretty well, yeah?
  11. I think the name Parallel Falchion is just for the convenience of the player.
  12. You are rocking the path I could not when I started. I started over, kudos to you for forging on ahead with your minimized team.
  13. Gotta be Marisa for me, although that could just be a result of being oversaturated by Joshua.
  14. Doesn't Gerik come with his own promotion item though? edit: Could've sworn Cormag had facial hair...
  15. It's easier to look super fly on the back of a Lapras.
  16. As said above, he's like Sain but not as guaranteed to be bulky. If you get lucky with his speed and have a good support he can be a great unit, but I've never had any problem using him. Although I tend to lean toward the strong green cavaliers for whatever reason. ..also he looks like a friend I have of the same name so it's kind of hilarious.
  17. You should get a hero crest pretty soon right? Don't one of the Renvall chests have one?
  18. Sacred Stones is my favorite because it took a lot of what I enjoyed about Blazing Sword and cranked it up. I like the conflict, the characters, the maps and multi-promotions, and I feel like I can get the full SS experience within one game. Awakening comes in as second because I'm enjoying it a lot right now, but I don't know if it touches SS for its more well-rounded enjoyment. To me, Awakening is like the level up where only a few important stats get hit, where SS gives +1 across the board.
  19. Well then who's doing the post-Ch. 11 explanation?
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