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Everything posted by LordFrigid

  1. Congratulations! ~ 4968 points finishes at Rank 463, and the feather gains put me right at 20k...I think I'll just save them for now, and see what happens.
  2. Eirika and Azura are maxed by virtue of being on both the Arena team and training teams (though I'm actually rotating around on the training teams now, Ephraim and Olivia are filling the buff-buddy and dancer roles). Elise, Nino, and Ephraim are all between 1k-1.5k. Hinoka, Spring Princess Camilla, and Priscilla are in the 500-700 range, and everyone else is below that...though I have a few (Nowi, Sharena, Caeda) that are pretty close to 500...might have to just polish that off at some point.
  3. Well...ran into Armor Emblem today. The enemy team was: Gwendolyn (4* +10): Distant Counter, Renewal 3, Ward Armor, Reciprocal Aid, Bonfire, Killer Lance+, HP +3 seal Zephiel (5* +1): Distant Counter, Wary Fighter 3, Ward Armor, Pivot, Bonfire, Eckesachs, Atk +1 seal Hector (5* +10): Distant Counter, Vantage 3, Ward Armor, Pivot, Bonfire, Armads, Spd +1 seal Effie (5* +2): Distant Counter, Wary Fighter 3, Ward Armor, Smite, Bonfire, Silver Lance+ It was a little scary. I messed up the positioning on turn 2 (it was the breakable wall map so they got to me pretty quickly) and had to take an extra turn getting Nino all the buffs she needed to 2HKO Hector, but after that, it was basically a game of pick-off-the-ward-armors, because the only blue on my team is Azura, and she had to duel Zephiel =P . Anyways...changed up the team to include Anna instead of Ike (who was basically deadweight against the heavily merged enemies), and after some modifications & testing, worked up a score of 4968, which is currently rank 451 (7 am PDT 5/7). I think I'll just make all three of the Askr units into WoM/Reposition/Spur bots at this point (yes, Anna has both Nóatún and WoM. Not the greatest, combat-wise, but it lets her do what I need her to do).
  4. Update for 4930 (I did end up screwing up the last battle RIP): 5pm PDT 5/2: 184 4pm PDT 5/3: 315 4pm PDT 5/4: 447 4pm PDT 5/5: 536 4pm PDT 5/6: 627
  5. Just to clarify, I was referring to Hone Atk and Hone Cavalry (I refer to spur & similar effects as "aura"s, but that's just down to preference, really), which will not stack with Defiant Atk. In that case, it does make sense to only count the buff with Death Blow. Since you seem to be going exclusively for Goads, Defiant would be fine, but you still have the issue of taking up Reinhardt's turn doing something that isn't beating someone to a pulp. If you're fine with that (shouldn't be too bad, I guess, since Xander & Camus are probably losing HP tanking it up), go for it. I wouldn't give anything to him yet though, if you're only planning on adding him to a team once Camus comes out. You may well have picked up a 4* Klein by that point, with his release date unconfirmed (to the best of my knowledge...?). If that's not what you were commenting on, sorry for misinterpreting. On Camus' Goad Cavalry: it might still be a 4* skill, you never really know. Sheena has both Svalinn Shield and Fortify Armor at 4*, for example.
  6. Are you running an Atk buff? Hone (even regular ol' Hone Atk 3) + DB 2 > Defiant Atk 3. That, and if you go for heal utility, you'll basically be using at least one turn of one of the game's most powerful Player Phase nukes to heal someone. I guess if you really need/want the heal utility you could make it work but...I don't know if I'd recommend it.
  7. Well...I have just rediscovered how hilarious it is to have an Escape Route effect on your trainee. Thanks Nóatún.
  8. Nowi is great for walking at someone and taking them out on either the EP (QR/Vantage sets) or PP (-breaker sets). Linde is great for nuking the life out of someone on the PP, and getting danced/position-skill'ed out (or just attack from somewhere the other enemies can't reach). They're both magical and blue, sure, but they do fill different roles. There's nothing wrong with promoting her if you need a Nowi-type ally instead of a Linde-type ally (tbh I think most people prefer having a Linde-type ally, but that's down to play style). The only real caution I'd have is that Nowi kinda needs Triangle Adept if she's the only blue thing on your team, because otherwise Falchions will make her sad.
  9. Oh, I guess that was a little confusing from my end, I actually run the check for each unit. The list does remind me though, I think I actually treat skill/weapon effects (bar Falchion/Renewal) as the same right now...whoops. I can test the Hector thing (+Atk/-Spd), but he's sitting at Lv. 1 atm, so it might be a day or so. Edit: Screw it, I'll just power level him now. Edit 2: @Ice Dragon He did not double. Brief clip below, if I did anything wrong, lmk.
  10. Oh, cool. I was actually going to come here to make sure that this is actually how it works, because the way I was determining it up until yesterday was...not quite it. idk about "better", but I just ended up going with "inhibitor" and "guarantor". I think I like the way you determine the end result better though. For reference, this is what I had (well...the comment I have describing what happens, anyway). It's probably a bit verbose, but I was half trying to work it out in my own head at the time =P .
  11. Update for 4930: 5pm PDT 5/2: 184 4pm PDT 5/3: 315 4pm PDT 5/4: 447 4pm PDT 5/5: 536 Got a few random 708+ battles on my current run, so it looks like I might actually beat that tomorrow...assuming I don't horribly screw up on the last battle (currently at 4240 with 6/7 completed). Ran into the same mono-blue Ninian/Nowi/Reinhardt/Olwen team from day 1 today. I had to be a little more careful, since I made the switch to Desperation Nino (from Vantage) to try it out, and it was on that accursed breakable walls map, but fortunately came out with a win in the end (after a few turns of watching Nowi chase Ike around the map while waiting for her to get into Nino territory).
  12. That strikes me as a bit ironic, coming from the person who hasn't even picked a team yet ;) . (Even with all the voices calling Gloriaaaaaaa Julia)
  13. Whoa whoa whoa...I'm a (future) member of her team, not her cult =P .
  14. Ah. Yeah, that's a lot simpler =P . I like to think I have my artistic tribute covered already.
  15. Out of curiosity, which Naga symbol are you referring to? Just the Brand of the Exalt, or do you mean the dragon on the tome, or possibly even this image from Awakening? Because for anything other than the first...that's some dedication there. The last one is probably a multi-toe effort, if it's even possible at all (note: I have absolutely zero experience with such things). I guess one could get a tattoo of it.
  16. *Pictures Gunter tap-dancing on his horse* Hm. It'd be nice, utility-wise, but...lol.
  17. I wouldn't worry about it, it's "big draw" is the dragon effectiveness. It was only after that I thought about and remembered that Falchion has Dragon Effectiveness + another skill (Renewal 2) as well. You know who I was trying to attack that Julia with when I saw her surviving with 1 HP? ...... My Julia =P .
  18. Update for 4930: 4930 points: 5pm PDT 5/2: 184 4pm PDT 5/3: 315 4pm PDT 5/4: 447 Did you factor in Naga's +2 Def/Res when defending? I forgot that once, and I spent a good 4-5 minutes doing nothing (well...in-game. irl I was freaking out, running every number I could think of lol). Edit: ninja'd.
  19. To be fair, it's mostly because I had a spare Cain lying around. By the time I realized she might be good with a Killing Edge (or Wo Dao+/Moonbow, if you're really willing to get & sac a Karel), I had already done all the calcs to make sure Brave/Desperation didn't suck on her lol. She needs Hone Fliers for it to work though, so be careful of that (though...with her Atk stat, she kinda needs it for just about any of her builds, thus my suggestion to roll with Palla for now). Edit: Yeah, I was going to say...Palla's matchups are better in some areas (mostly the ones that matter, iirc from running the calcs on both) =( . But character bias is strong sometimes. At least...for me it is. And she can still do her primary job of taking out greens, which she accomplishes with just Hone Fliers. To me, that's a perfectly fine trade-off for getting to use a character that I like.
  20. @GuiltyLove If you want to see Caeda and/or Gronnblade Spring Princess Camilla obliterating things, I put together some stuff for you (R.I.P. Dueling Crest...it was totally worth it to play Flier Emblem again though). I fully acknowledge that Caeda's build is not one that most people would be able/willing to just throw together on a whim, so I apologize for that...but still. So satisfying to watch her in action. One two and three.
  21. Oh...one thing I would note, even Flier teams wouldn't mind Dancer support. Just give her Wings of Mercy and an "Honorary Flier" badge. Edit: Congrats on Hector! Also, you should definitely join Team Julia. She needs you!
  22. I mean...you can make Caeda work if you reeeeally want to, especially a +Atk variant, it's just harder than making Palla work.
  23. I feel your pain. I can tell you from experience that Gronnblade SP Camilla is very strong...even without an A Passive, but she does require the buff support.
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