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Everything posted by LordFrigid

  1. From a purely numbers standpoint, Palla deals more damage and survives longer. Caeda doubles the heck out of everything and is significantly more awesome, but without something like Killing Edge/Iceberg on top of a Hone Fliers buff, usually doesn't have enough Atk to get the job done. Unless you're very confident in Spring Princess Camilla and Minerva's abilities to handle every green...the choice is probably Palla =( .
  2. Eh, idk if I'd call it bad, per se. It's ("it" being sacrificing the one true flier Caeda to someone else for Fortify) probably not an unpopular option, as far as flier teams go, since she takes quite a bit of resources to make viable (it's soooo satisfying though...but again, I'm biased, so, yeah). Catria's not bad either, and it's not like she really wants something else in her C slot. I'll cross my fingers for you on the more Hinokas thing =P .
  3. As much as I like Caeda, she really wants Hone Fliers, so you're probably better off with Palla for now, although I admit I haven't really run survival numbers on either of them. However, unless you've outsourced Fortify Fliers to someone else, the time you get Gronnblade is the time to not drop Caeda, since you'd be losing +12 in buffs for that tome's (amazingly) disgusting damage conversion, imo. Edit: Blasphemy!
  4. +Atk Nino can do it, so I'd imagine Camilla can too. I did run into a Hector that would have survived this morning though...I think he was +4 or so?
  5. Kindred spirit detected. I've actually taken to recording the max point value of the enemy team too recently...in case I ever feel like trying to do something with that, idk. I don't really strike myself as the type of person who would want to go and figure that out though, so...*shrug*. Might as well do a rank update while I'm here. 4930 points: 5pm PDT 5/2: 184 4pm PDT 5/3: 315 Fliers have 5 defensive wins to their name, with the highest at 288 points.
  6. Hm...I'll have to give it a shot sometime. I actually did have a Pivot Effie at one point, I think. I'm not sure what I ended up doing with her.
  7. Congrats! I still have to wrap my head around properly using armored units, myself =P .
  8. So, after ages of running a +Atk/-Res Nino (well...by "ages" I mean since around the Ursula GHB), I've ended up pulling a +Spd/-Def variant. I see all over the place that this is her "best" combination (I've gotten some pretty great utility out of +Atk/-Res, tbh), and I'm basically wondering whether it's good enough to merit making the rather large paradigm shift from Fury/Vantage to Fury/Desperation. I'm definitely not doing the Life and Death/Desperation route, because 1) ew promotion costs, 2) I kinda like Draw Back, and 3) her ability to eat two max-Atk (excluding Goad) Reinhardt shots to the face and not even care is kinda funny. Doubly large paradigm shift since I'm preeetty sure I'd have to switch Nowi to Azura (not that that's a bad thing, it's just different), and would basically change my team from mostly EP-focused to mostly PP-focused. I could probably handle it (practicing with a Linde right now, since my Arena streak is good to go for the week), just wondering about people's experiences with that particular build...ex. What do you have trouble with, if anything? Anything notable that you go up against and say "lol free win"? Stuff like that...I'd like to avoid switching and subsequently realizing that it's not working out =P .
  9. Hm...true enough. I guess I just wasn't expecting it.
  10. 4930 points: 5pm PDT 5/2: 184 I'm kinda curious as to how the score jumped +10 from last week's max when the only real difference is using Ike instead of Sharena. She's got 1 base stat point on him...could be that he has Swordbreaker 3 while I was running QR 2 on Sharena, I guess. Other than that, both their skill sets are maxed out. I suppose it could also be that I just got luckier with the teams I was drawing, but I wouldn't have expected a whole +10 from that.
  11. Score is 4930. I'll see what the rank comes out to later today... Faced an interesting team as my very first match: mono-blue, with +10 Ninian and Nowi, and +4 Reinhardt and Olwen. That's probably the first mono-blue team I've ever seen (at least, that I can remember). Fury/Vantage Nino ate them all alive for probably the most cakewalk match I've ever had. Yay for facetanking Dire Thunder =P .
  12. Didn't realize the Cleric had Hone Spd and tried to set up Corrin & Elise to double the Lance Fighter...luckily Corrin can eat an Ignis to the face. Dragons again, 'cause why not? TA Tiki ftw.
  13. I've tended to gravitate towards the ones that gave me a good impression in Heroes, tbh. Ephraim was Gauntlet 1, Julia's going to be this one...Gauntlet 2 was the only one where I was really stuck, because I didn't have a solid, high-performance flier team at that point; I just skipped around, getting trounced by Team Camilla in that one lol. In other news, this is a little rickety, perhaps...but oh well. My insanity devotion came through. Team Julia forever! Or at least...until the end of this Voting Gauntlet.
  14. Final update for 4920: 8pm PDT 4/29: 437 6pm PDT 4/30: 504 Final Rank: 577
  15. Glad you like it =) . I miiight try to do something with it later...depends on how insane devoted I'm feeling.
  16. Julia needs some more love. Best I could do with what I know.
  17. Update for 4920: 8pm PDT 4/29: 437 6pm PDT 4/30: 504 Top 1k looks very secure. Looking forward...I get to run Ike for the next two weeks, so that's probably going to be pretty fun, as long as I don't mess up horribly =P .
  18. 4882 score update: 4pm PDT 4/26: 272 6pm PDT 4/27: 430 6pm PDT 4/28: 540 6pm PDT 4/29: 686 Seems that people may be getting used to Flier Emblem. Two weeks ago the flier squad had over 10 victories to their name. They've only got 5 this week, with the highest at 288. I wonder what would happen if I actually finished everyone else's skill sets (right now it's just Caeda)...I've been busy training other people lately =P . Edit: Made a couple changes, tweaked a thing or two, and merit-ed my way to enough feathers to promote a 4* Eirika for a merge, which allowed me to bump my score to 4920, which is Rank 437 after the 8 pm PDT update.
  19. Congrats, and happy to be of assistance =) . Do you have boons, banes, and any important skill inherited on those units (mostly interested in the non-healers)? It's possible to KO Lunatic Navarre with his 3* self, it's just a matter of putting together a team for it. Particularly, you'd need someone that can weaken Navarre, leaving him with a really small amount of HP, and someone who can deal with the Thieves.
  20. Wait...what? Of all the things that could go differently, that shouldn't be one of them, I don't think...as long as the same conditions (Atk +1 Seal, Hone Atk buff active, standing next to Sully) are met. Just went and tried it. It's actually a little bit different...after Sully beats Navarre up a bit, and the Axe Fighter hits him up with Ardent Sacrifice, you'll actually want to have Takumi KO him with Olivia assistance while Sully and F!Robin move to safety. That way, his Vengeance gets charged and he gets Threaten Spd on the Axe on the next Player Phase. lmk if you're still having troubles with it and I can add something more in-depth.
  21. Oh. I was thinking of the wrong quest then, whoops (thought you meant the one where F!Robin has to KO a Navarre for an Orb). Pretty sure you can use the same team & basic strategy, just have Sully KO Navarre and get Olivia to dance her out of the way. Unless their movement patterns change due to using F!Robin over Navarre? Edit: or did you also want to get the orb one out of the way at the same time?
  22. *glances over the spreadsheet* Your Rebecca will leave Hard Mode Navarre with 2 HP unless he has a Def buff up (and even then, Hone/Rally Atk is a thing). I'll have to run numbers & stuff to see if you can viably put a team together to work with those two. Not gonna lie, my first instinct is to make a single swap of Sully→Rebecca, not 100% sure though.
  23. Dang, the difference a stat point can make. Congratulations on completing the quest (and getting a high leveled Sully...she wasn't exactly my favorite in Awakening, but she's got a pretty sweet default set here)!
  24. 4882 score update: 4pm PDT 4/26: 272 6pm PDT 4/27: 430 6pm PDT 4/28: 540 As long as the daily drops don't go over 100 or so, that should be a pretty safe top 1k.
  25. I think I'll side with Team Julia...she's contributed so much to my game experience, backing her up is the least I can do. From a more gameplay standpoint...Tharja, Sanaki, Julia, Linde is a really strong Focus O.o .
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