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Roy: Marquess of Pherae

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Everything posted by Roy: Marquess of Pherae

  1. Hey there, Chase! For a beginner to the series, I would highly recommend FE8 (Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones) For gba. It is easy and you'll understand how to play very well. Don't play FE5, 6, 10, or 11 until you've got your basics down.
  2. I'll work tonight on chapter 9. Hopefully, I'll get lucky like I have with Oujay so far.
  3. Haha I hope there are enough to go around (Gutter, Zoro, and Oujay are my best units)
  4. Chapter 8x: The Manly Blazing Sword Just wait ‘til next time, on DRAGON BALL ZZZZZZ! I mean…FE6 MANLY RUN!
  5. Well one fourth probably wouldn't really do much, anyways.
  6. I can see Lyn going either way, but I don't understand why people are still confident about Fiora and Eliwood. If Ninian was also born in Illia, what more evidence do you need? Plus Roy looks just like Eliwood and Ninian.
  7. Ok, so Ninian has pretty much been decided. Now it's either Hector and Lyn (Screw you, Rath) or Lyn and Rath. I can't see Lyn giving up her life with Lycia so that's why I think Hector would be better.
  8. Everyone says Sue looks like Lyn, but I feel like Lilina looks more like Lyn. And Ninian is clearly and strongly hinted, but that whole favorite flower from the snowy highlands throws me off. I don't think affinities are linked by blood, either...
  9. I just wanted to figure it out. As much as I am pro Ninian cannon, I think Fiora would make sense. For Hector, I always that the story would seem most fitting with Eliwood, Ninian, Hector, and Lyn, but the only thing that makes me question that is Sue...
  10. Everyone has a LOT of faith in him, so for you guys, I will continue to use him.
  11. Well my Lot and Cavaliers are terrible. I just got lucky with Oujay, Zoro, and Rutger.
  12. Maybe. It gets better next chapter. He matches Zoro overall!
  13. Chapter 8: The Manly Reunion I hope Parkinglot, Sweeper, and Duster improve…
  14. my Bluejay gets better level ups. I hope to post more in two weeks.
  15. Chapter 7: The Manly Rebellion at Ostia The end! Next time we get Bluejay! And Duck, if she dies, I'll start the chapter over...I'll consider, though
  16. Yes, I may start over. I'm thinking about maybe Ocarina of Time or Wind Waker.
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