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Roy: Marquess of Pherae

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Everything posted by Roy: Marquess of Pherae

  1. I am an all around skilled nintendo gamer. I've played at least one of nearly every game in all of the main series. I am good at Pokemon, Mario, Pikmin, Kid Icarus, Fire Emblem, Kirby, Star Fox, Mother, etc. However, there is one series I am well known amongst my friends and nintendo related communities alike that I am extremely atrocious at. That is The Legend of Zelda series. I currently own II Adventure of Link (I have made no progress on at all), Ocarina of Time (I got to changing to Adult Link and that's when I got stuck.), Skyward Sword (I'm still searching for those things in the forest) Twilight Princess (I am stuck in the water temple thing), Wind waker (I am in the place where you fly on the leaf), and Majora's Mask (I still don't know what to do on the 3 days). The only games I've beaten are Phantom Hourglass (Great game) and Spirit Tracks (Too short) I want to learn how to be good at LoZ games so I can beat them or at least not get frustraited and never play the games again. I am a relatively skilled gamer. Shooting, Bosses, anything with the skills won't give me trouble. What gives me trouble is getting lost, dungeons, or just having no idea where to go. Is there a certain mindset I need to solve the Legend of Zelda puzzles? If anyone would like to help me, I would be very very appreciative! Also, should I play them in the order of release or the official timeline (either way is fine with me I have the timeline saved in my images)
  2. This thread is...beautiful. I love Jeigan, Marcus, Titania, Seth, and Fredrick. And those are the only ones I know of, but I plan to play FE4 and 5 some day.
  3. In regards to your man of steel vs Rutger thing, I personally would go with Zoro because if you are arena abusing, it's not like Gutter won't catch up in the future.
  4. Oh, I love how you reference mine! ^_^ Also, I'll try to have mine up tonight. I'm jelly of your Rutger's strength, but I'm much more fortunate. (My stats flourish next chapter.) I may be decent for endgame.
  5. I love both of them. I think it should be your preference. The crest will probably make Rutger a killing machine, but keep in mind if you use it on Dieck, you can start training him in axes and he'll make an invincible wall.
  6. You are absolutely correct, it was simply to show the diversity of the Fire Emblem and to show how it isn't as special to me as it should be.
  7. For my run, Parkinglot is still in use and oddly compared to your chapter six, I had some really good level ups and success with chapter 6. I'm a little nervous about Chapter 8 since I cannot move Lilina, Therefore, she may die in her cell. Also, I will probably not use promotional items until level 20.
  8. I use both, but I favor Erk. His growths are very unstable, but if lucky, he can surpass Pent easily. Plus I can relate to Erk. Pent gets all of the fame so he annoys me.
  9. Chapter 5: Manly Fire Emblem I doubt I’ll have 6 up tonight like Duck, but I’ll try.
  10. Yeah that's a tough one. In regards to the wo dao, You can recruit her if you'd like. For me, I'd recruit her, but then not move her. For Shine, I'm hoping my favorite old man can rescue A boy named Sue and then Sweeper and Duster can clean up.
  11. In mine, I will not be using the arena or even being allowed to move girls unless for recruitment. #rescueswag Also, as of now, my Gutter is less fortunate, but Sweeper makes a mighty comeback! I will work as hard as I can to see if I can load things today.
  12. Chapter 4: Collapse of The Manly Alliance And that about sums up chapter four. (Do not fear my fellow Marcus fans; the old man is one of my favorite characters to reference). Sorry for the lateness.
  13. I was at a fitness club and they were taking requests for some reason. A Frank Sinatra song came on and all of a sudden, I thought of Serra. Especially 2:11... http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=AW25qyEjWBw
  14. Yeah...but I'm already on chapter 4. I might try it for myself, though. Btw Lugh fans, stay tune for my next chapter.
  15. Yes...I am working on chapter 4 and I really want to get to the vendor so I can give him another fire.
  16. Chapter 3: Late, Manly Arrival That’s *sniff* all for *sniff* now.
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