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Roy: Marquess of Pherae

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Everything posted by Roy: Marquess of Pherae

  1. :3 Much appreciated and yes, I really underestimated him.
  2. (I bet no one read my post since it's outdated T_T) I must catch up.
  3. Chapter 2: The Manly Princess of Bern And so concludes chapter two.
  4. Argh I'm behind much (Nobody is going to read my posts because they'll be outdated)
  5. I finished Chapter 2 now it's just a matter of posting all of it
  6. I was going with Geese. I see no point in going with characters we don't want to use *cough the Chin *cough. And I was going to try to not touch the arena actually. (Challenging much) I really need to make my playthroughs shorter, I have more pics than last time and I'm not even done yet
  7. I will not be using women for anything accept recruitment, but Duck you already used the shop so don't redo the whole chapter. I don't know when I will be able to make chapter two for my run, but I will try to maybe tonight (I hope).
  8. Yeah I think I'll use Parkinglot. And Duck, the biggest lie ever told is very very true.
  9. Chapter 1: Dawn of Manly Destiny And so concludes Chapter 1. Duster, Sweeper, me, and all of the rest [The old man, Wolt the (insert not nice things here), and The Chin] shall press on. BTW that took waaay too longer I'm shortening it next time.
  10. Sorry for the double post, but...the spoilerz thing isn't working. I did the [ spoiler ] [ / spoiler ] but it doesn't work.
  11. Mine is actually mildy entertaining. I'll work on it.
  12. Mock my stupidity all you want, but: How do you make the post a spoiler?
  13. It's my first time and my image hosting website stopped working so I need a new one first.
  14. That's right my dear Serenes Forest inhabitants! Duck and I have decided to make a playthrough of Fire Emblem 6 with only male characters. Here are "da rules" as of now: 1. Men only...pretty self explanitory... (Yes, Elphin is a guy) 2. Womenz can be used for recrutment purposes only! (Yes, Echidna is a girl) 3. Don't be dumb. I will post Chapter 1 ASAP... that's all for now.
  15. I really enjoyed Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time. It had an interesting plot and some challenges along the way.
  16. So it is possible to solo him with Aether and Miracle? I need to cap Ike's str, spd, skl, and def, though, right?
  17. Where is that pic of Gregor, Lon'qu, Navarre, and Ogma? I would like to see it. (Much appreciate, thanks).



      I feel like you're asking the wrong person, but it's in the fanart thread on one of the later pages.

    2. Roy: Marquess of Pherae

      Roy: Marquess of Pherae

      Oh yeah, Hero-King posted it. Thanks and sorry about that.

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