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Everything posted by Chen

  1. lol why are you getting bloated releases
  2. Your result for The RPG Class Test ... Spellsword59% Combativeness, 13% Sneakiness, 68% Intellect, 42% Spirituality Aggressive, but with the brains to back it up: You are a Spellsword! Score! You have a prestige class. A prestige class can only be taken after you've fulfilled certain requirements. This may mean that you're an exceptionally talented person, but it probably doesn't. Spellswords combine arcane might with combat know-how. They're much tougher than mages, like to wear armor, and can cast spells through their weapons. They're very, very, good at doing lots of damage to a single target very quickly, and while not quite as tough as most fighters, are still pretty hard to kill. You're both smart and aggressive, which means that you're probably pretty dangerous when pissed off. You also tend to be somewhat straightforward, which is nice, and don't have much use for spirituality or mysticism.
  3. 1. first and last expressos of me 2. seija is in fact an oni and therefore a demon 3. favorite kind of tea 4. favorite place to get coffee from 5. what fast food item do you usually order
  4. B+ nice stars you are phoenix wright A+ i don't! cats are the best same it's just OKAY C
  5. The Witch Hunter18% Strength, 50% Bloodlust, 28% Intelligence, 38% Spirit, 27% Vitality and 27% Agility! Savage and deadly, the Witch Hunters use their powerful dark magic to defeat their opponents. Masters of killing and torture, the Witch Hunters will seek out other powerful magic users to slay so that they can capture their souls and summon them in battle. These dark undead magicians will blindly serve them and obey their every command! Witch Hunters have also mastered both light and dark magic, which they can use to confuse and mentally torture their foes. Witch Hunters that have strayed to the side of light may be less proficient with their dark magic; however, they can use their mastery over light to heal and create powerful illusions. In fact, these warriors can use their light in ways that no other spellcaster class can. By combining their light with dark magic, they can trap their foes in worlds of illusion where they can torment and torture their foes. Oftentimes, a few moments within the illusion can seem like an eternity, and once an opponent manages to escape from the illusion they are broken and empty shells of their former selves. Controlling enemies and forcing them to do their bidding is no trouble for Witch Hunters. Congratulations on reaching this high class! You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.
  6. to be honored by specta herself!? i feel personally renaissanced... that looks like something i would get from joy yee
  7. hopefully i'll get GUD at it A for purple hair and black clothing
  8. i almost forgot how much i loved kara no kyoukai my GREAT friend loved it so!
  9. protein shakes contain little microscopic protein parasites i give you an A gif i have not read what is in your avatar so it is a default 50/50
  10. >persona lore video >they get it wrong
  11. oi, reminder to hold weekly soku competitions and pofv! something like this
  12. Amanojaku, or Amanjaku (天邪鬼?, "heavenly evil spirit") is a demon-like creature in Japanese folklore. It is usually depicted as a kind of small oni, and is thought to be able to provoke a person's darkest desires and thus instigate him into perpetrating wicked deeds.
  13. skipped for being rabbattack i chose your avatar, therefore it is an SSS+++ erika is the best character in umineko, even japanese porn artists will not draw porn of her out of respect big baals
  14. onis are basically demons right only for COOl people you're pretty cool and so is your avatar i grade it a S for that funk man
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