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Everything posted by Chen

  1. obviously, i have the CUTEST KIND your taste isn't good enough to find it?
  2. princess fall down is a masterpiece, god bless the author for drawing really cool dresses
  3. yo am i allowed to discuss chelsea in here if you guys are discussing this
  4. how do people pronounce lmao? la-mow? i can imagine it being like lamarck the new age of french names all ... my friends are dead... that's why.... i wanna be... hokage.........
  5. why not work on my homework for me, or wire some HARD CASH to my family?
  6. for 12 hours of a day i can imitate the dead i actually do a pretty nice imitation of my best friends since i've been with them for, what? 8 years?
  7. don't trust the canadian devil, guys
  8. nexon is known for making their games pay to have fun
  9. i see a few abandonware sites pop up from time to time for dos games i'm actually as cheap as my parents.. like parent, like child!? tree of savior looks really nice, but it's gonna be published by nexon
  10. i actually had to look for the game for 2 weeks it wasn't even on sale guys i was thinking that we play tree of savior or maplestory 2 when they come out or maybe, dfo
  11. well SHIIIIIIIIIIIT i guess i'll post gameplay then (not even gameplay) it's a challenge to even get a half GOOD ending in this game
  12. is a game free domain if the company shut down?
  13. who here played graduation before
  14. alternatively, you guys can... try a hand at guessing these songs!
  15. i could stream if you guys wanted
  16. obviously, you're being assisted by pride
  17. i'll get it when i get my gateway
  18. muhenu lives on in our hearts... ;_;
  19. i'd rather have my princess maker translation
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