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Everything posted by Chen

  1. please i bet you don't even know fatalpulse or shindol
  2. now i can stroke my e-peen for my knowledge of japanese drawn copulation pictures you may try to fuck time, but time will fuck you harder in return!
  3. if you can't access the "panda", then you'll never know
  4. i guess i'm more corrupt than you then i'm like an illinois senator!
  5. you wouldn't be saying that if you knew where my avatar came from lol
  6. Time.. It will not wait... No matter... how hard you hold on. It escapes you... And...
  7. it's more like i'm corrupting you guys, right i'll get beat up by canes!! and staffs! and BEARDS!
  8. a-am i the youngest person here? such intimidating people
  9. looks like i can stream safely on picarto
  10. how come you all are more active while i'm in school
  11. that makes you like a vn protag
  12. sexual content sells for some reason, mostly because it's sexual content shock factor and ambiguity is big with vns because it makes it more ... memorable and edgy? you don't forget some girl's head being chomped off there are lots of good vns, you just need to look harder! i think people consider it more to be a game due to it having a lot more gameplay elements and it being made by a big company like capcom
  13. dammit guys stop contradicting me anyways it doesn't count if it's a comic though right
  14. they're basically young author books with pretty pictures and charts but the real joy of VNs is discussing them with people, like umineko or higurashi the key to success is ambiguity just look up a picture gallery duh
  15. ryukishi stuff is pretty tame the stuff by littlewitch is also pretty tame no one reads vn for the porn, probably
  16. i don't see what's wrong with the vns i read they're pretty good
  17. i just searched that up holy shit lol people like this!?
  18. hey at least your series gets merchandise
  19. now here's a real challenge: find me a copy of the petite princess yucie soundtrack on sale new or preferably, free
  20. uhh... do i? i mean it's pretty awful in every respect
  21. it's still pretty rock hard though i mean it's artificial difficulty: the game
  22. it's not even the worst of ryona games
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