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Everything posted by Chen

  1. this is fuckin' amazing makaze, keep it up
  2. armor is too hard to draw ;_;
  3. they got banned off of something awful for being pedophiles
  4. the touhou fandom is full of total hacks and erpers would not recommend going to any of the forums, as the one i went to was run by pedophiles
  5. that's the most efficient thing i've heard all day
  6. there is no evidence to disprove my great theory!
  7. man ein you type like you've never had a single joy in your life
  8. i'm a very motivated person you know
  9. making talking sprites is hard
  10. BUT SHE ISN'T EVEN MY favorite
  11. shizune: best girl of katawa shoujo? why does everyone debate this fact?
  12. well, thank you mc. kaze! wow rude i'm having the worst luck this semester specifically a few days ago, the teacher mentioned that some people forgot to turn in a worksheet (i was one of them) (no she didn't mention any of our names LOL) (no, they don't remind you to turn it in and you're too busy working to turn it in. i don't want to stay in that classroom any longer than i am able to) so i looked in my folder and thought that "hey i probably turned it in" JOKES ON ME - I CHECKED THIS NIGHT AND I GOT A BIG 0 FOR A GRADE! fuckin amazing
  13. i haven't implementing any kind of proper looping....yet!
  14. it's only like, 9 lines of dialouge
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