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Everything posted by mr_e_s

  1. Oh, I'm actually trying to discuss, chat if you will, not criticize. I always felt the merit of an RP was on how fun it was to read, not how fun it was to participate in. If I can go back to something me and some others wrote a while back and still enjoy reading through it, I call it a win. If someone who only reads the RP tells me they like it, I call that a win. If at the end of the day, I'm happy with the way I phrased my words and I think some others are too, that's a big W in my books. So when you said this RP isn't meant for outsiders, but rather just the people in it, that statement intrigued me. I just wanted you to further explain that point.
  2. Now that's an interesting point (forgive me for reading along here). Are RPs solely meant for the enjoyment of those writing? I've known a fair few people over the years that enjoyed reading RPs more then actually participating. Do they not count? On the other hand, I don't see anyone here really reading along with the RP seriously with you guys (that might have something to do with all the combat statting, can't be fun to keep up reading). So really, if someone decides to read along for their own enjoyment without participating, and they have any comments/criticisms, should they be disregarded because this "isn't for them"? Don't take that to mean I'm picking a stance here. I can see the point that if they really want to have a say, they can just join in themselves. Just food for thought.
  3. That really really doesn't work. The rest of the RP is taking place same day. Is kyl just habving un ten years in the future?
  4. mr_e_s


    Hiya, welcome, all that jazz.
  5. mr_e_s

    Shu's Quest

    Stark "Heh, I don't know about super badass. Any competent swordsman could have taken out those bottom feeders. I imagine the next ones they send after you will be a lot tougher and less willing to reason." Stark accepted the handshake and somewhat regretted it, wiping his new friend's sweat off on his pant leg. Somehow the thought of other people's sweat disgusted him more then his own. Maybe it was cause he had been drenched in his own sweat so many times, he'd gotten used to it. Actually, he didn't think if he had gotten drenched in other people's sweat all the time, that he'd ever be used to it. "You're...Fargo, right? I heard tell about you from some of the other guards around the city." He eyed Fargo up. Honestly, he didn't look like much at all. He carried two bucklers, which seemed altogether useless in a fight. he could see one shield, but two? Seemed dumb. Maybe there was more going on then meets the eye, though. "I'd appreciate some coin. I did just get fired and all, but hey, if you can't pay, that's cool, we'll call this one a freebie. Next time, though. I'll probably just watch." Stark shot a grin at Fargo. Even he wasn't sure if he was kidding or not.
  6. It's like anything said after I'm not a racist, but... Is generally really racist.
  7. mr_e_s

    Shu's Quest

    Stark He was about to give in and head in the pub when the door burst open, and an odd little man with two shields bolted out, clearly running from and not to. This was more commonplace then it had a right to be, Of course, in the last five years, most of the minor laws had faded away, for the most part. Martial law was essentially in effect everywhere but the big cities. You took care of your own problems, or you hired someone to do it for you. Stark often found himself being the guy that took care of other people's problems. That guy that guy that just ran into the alleyway, he seemed to have big problems. Taking care of them would mean big pay. And hey, he was out of a job. The time was ripe. Stark came in at a brisk jog behind the large pursuers. At first they were running faster then Stark. Then they kept about the same pace. Then stark caught up and eventually surpassed them. Shameful, really. They still hadn't lost a lot of ground on the small guy with the shields, though. Stark made sure to almost catch up with the shield guy before stopping, turning around, and halting his pursuers. "Hey. What do you guys want with him?" Stark held out a hand, his other resting on the hilt of his sword. It was a two-handed blade, but he was alright enough at it with just one. Good enough for these chumps, anyways. "That man owes our employers money! We've been sent here to collect it, or to collect him." The fattest of the group answered. He had an air of self-importance about him that Stark didn't like. He seemed to be the kind of guy that figured the job he had was super important, and everyone should be reverent of him. No humility. Too many people didn't have any humility. Just needed to be brought down a peg. "Well, then we hav ea problem. Y'see, he can't pay you the money he owes you until he pays me the money he owes me. So you're gonna have to leave him be until I get my due." Stark pulled his sword from the hilt, leaving his other hand free for the moment. The fat man gripped his mace, his back-up did the same with their weapons. They clearly weren't intending to just walk away from this one. Stark eyed them up, they seemed weaker then him, at least, individually, but these type of guys didn't really believe in a fair fight. Stark would have to be quick about it. Surprisingly, instead of swinging right away, the fat man asked Stark a question. "What is it that he is in debt to you for?" A good question, considering Stark had never met him before, though he had a vague idea of who he was at this point. Stark had heard tell of a guy called Fargo who had more debt than anyone else on the planet that had been roaming about here recently. "He owes me for keeping his bill collector's away, and unlike them, I'm actually going to collect." Stark didn't waste any time waiting for them to strike first after that. It was plain it was going to be a fight. No sense in waiting to get hit to start swinging himself. He broguht the flat of the sword down square on the fat man's face. It didn't cut or anything, but the weight of it combined with the speed of the swing was easily enough to break his nose and knock him right out. That left the three back-ups and Stark. better odds. He figured fat man was probably the best fighter of the four of them, that's whhy he was in charge, and he had been right. They weren't anything special, and they were kind of sluggish, but they knew which ways to swing their weapons, and in a three on one fight, that's enough. Stark's downfall was that he hadn't been going of any killing blows. These guys were just doing their job, like him, after all. But as Stark was playing defensively, and they were too, it wasn't a quickly decided match, They spent three minutes trading blows that wouldn't open them up to attack, and if there had been a crowd, they'd have not been at the edge of their seats. The turning point came when Stark grabbed the spear shaft of one of the back-ups and shoved it back into the man's gut. A quick side-swipe with the flat of his blade and the man was down long enough for a boot to the head in between blocks of the other two. It wasn't clean, and it wasn't honourable, but it kept him from getting back up. The fight was a lot easier with only two of them to deal with, He backed them up little by little, until they had nowhere to back up any more, and against the wall, swung with enough force that when they blocked it, they had their weapons pushed back into themselves. It hurt like hell, judging from the screams, but again, just doing what he had to do to win without killing them. Not that they'd appreciate it. The two remaining weren't for very long, Stark gave them each solid punches to the face while they were pressed against the wall. One of them was still conscious, but he was too dazed to really do anything for a while. Stark let them fall to the ground, and turned back to their target in the first place. "So hey, I'm Stark."
  8. Okay, but only for the awesome reference.
  9. Good thing they're so fat. You need a save, btw, or are you just posting alongfor now?
  10. Well you're not invited to my birthday party any more!
  11. That's because there's really no point to any of it. It's all very grade school.
  12. I'm doing exactly what I set out to do actually. I wanted to make a mainly open world me and some others could fill in as we go for fun. You guys seem to think I came into this expecting to start something epic right off the bat or convince everyone in the first post my style of RPing is superior. Just trying to have fun guys. Doing that. If you don't like it... I don't care what you do, keep complaining and criticising, put a bunch of effort into your RP, find God, join up. They're all fine options. While you do any of the above or none of the above, I'll be over here, having that fun thing.
  13. Also, character contol is generally very frowned upon in RPs. You wouldn't say you pushed them, but rather you made to push them. It's common courtesy to let someone else decide if you hit them/connect your push w/e.
  14. Really guys? We're talking about this? Look, I'm really trying to avoid this pointless bickering. You guys are doing an RPG, or at least an RP with game elements. Your combat actions are dictated by dice rolls, cool, whatever. That's not what we're doing here. We coming together and making a world, a story, and that's all. We're not playing a game, we're telling a story, a few stories, actually. If the story turns out cool, awesome. If it gets bogged down in petty argments, less so.
  15. The no stats and no super badasses aren't really related. Just two things that I don't want to see.
  16. Who was trying to change your RP? Certainly not me.
  17. I think it's funny, at least. A nice reverse of the situation, indeed.
  18. Hey guy, no worries. Also, there's no mention of let's break shit, that would be dumb. *hastily jots down notes for future dialogue involving let's break shit*
  19. It s kind of a shit hole...
  20. I thought you loved this town?
  21. I dunno. I was just going to ask, actually. Apparently taxes were only 12 Ducats, but I'm thinking Stark's sword is a pretty valuable one. Also, there's probably other currencies in other nations, or at least multiple levels of currencies. Looks like we're going with metallic discs, at least here.
  22. Again, no worries. ANd to the light powerglove/spear. If you could work it out well enough, I'd be willing to give it a shot, but if it was stupid in RP, I'd probably put my foot down about it.
  23. Lightsaber would be tough sell on me, anyways.
  24. Yeah, fair enough. Approved. Not completely sure how I feel about you having a pegasus, but let's give it a shot, why not?
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