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About Dayni

  • Birthday 10/30/1992


  • Member Title
    My face when something inconvenient happens

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    Between a rock and a hard place

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  1. Admittedly been busy enough the last while, so not much to say on here.

    But decided to pop on Mario + Rabbids to try and make progress. Got past the last map that bothered me a lot cleaner, then did another map similarly, then I got to the next map.


    Nobody fucking warned me there'd be Rabbid Wario and Waluigi. Sorry, Bwario and Bwaluigi. Blech.

    Noped out of it after seeing that, partly due to that but also the realisation there's likely a sorta boss like structure to the rest of the maps and I am not up for that at the moment.

    (They didn't even get the proportions right, smhsmh)

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    2. Dayni


      >Tries to do mission with two green units again.

      >They keep charging ahead when it'd be easier if they didn't move at all.

      >They keep dying and the one time I managed to get the generics dead enough for them to be docile I lose someone to the boss.

      >Losing nobody is a sub objective in this fucking map.

      I think I'm quitting Stella Glow because of green units. FE never managed that.

    3. Dayni


      First Stella Glow ticks me off because skeeviness and green units, now I manage to force myself to lose progress in another game because it trapped me in a puzzle I had already cleared. It wouldn't let me reactivate the door opener, so when it closed behind me, I was stuck.

      Oh, just to add a few more points, Spirit of the North is a game I do not recommend on Switch for a second graphically, because it is a shame the game looks like it does. People seemed to talk pretty positively about it's graphics, visual style taking inspiration from Iceland and music, but I don't think the latter matters much thus far and the former two are not something the Switch version does well at all.

    4. Dayni



      Well, I know I've had issues with Spirit of the North, but right when it's about to go into it's last act after several minutes of having to crawl in game because that was needed for narrative reasons, the game crashes out.

      This game is not worth it on Switch.

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