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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Dayni


    S W O R D O F D _ _ O _ _ _ S
  2. Dayni


    S _ O R D O F D _ _ O _ _ _ S
  3. Dayni


    _ _ O R _ O F _ _ _ O _ _ _ _
  4. Honestly, this is fine. It builds up to a part that sounds like it's right at the end of the game too. OPTOMISM HO!
  5. 10/10 Pretty much everyone else has made the points I could have. Most enemies can't stop him. Low res only really gets to him with chapter 4 and Reptor. And for the second he has Tyrfing. Sigurd for Lord of Lords.
  6. ...Hoo boy. I haven't played the series in full yet, so I don't have full perspective. But really, the biggest arguments I've seen for calls for remakes are FE2, FE4 (and 5) and FE6 (with 7 lumped in). I've already hinted that I'd be fine with changes in remakes (and not just a remastering) titles, as I do think that they are not perfect titles (some of this due to hardware, others not so much). I'm not sure in what way these would or even as an idea should go. Expanding supports for some characters would be nice in the GBA titles (as well as fixing growths because it's terrible in 6 and still an annoyance for many pairs in 7), while trying to improve ties between the two games (both in difficulty, balance and story). FE2 could go in many ways, so while Fates shows a possible blueprint for parts of that remake (like how it deals with weapons), that means little in practice. FE4 and FE5 are different enough that making both into a bundled remake is asking a lot of questions on what stays from each, that I am not going to debate here. Of course a more straight remaster might be the better approach, but there are some things that might still need fixing (and a remake allows for more expansion upon a plot and answering missing questions.)
  7. Dayni


    _ _ O R _ O _ _ _ _ O _ _ _ _
  8. Dayni


    Dangit, let's go! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hint: metaphor of myth
  9. 20 Edit: So bad at it.
  10. This thread is where I got said patch. Keep a clean rom on hand of course, and the patch is for US versions only. ....Apparently I read that about Starlight wrong all along, and thought that in the remakes it was female only (Well crap). You have no idea how frustrating it was trying to get Lena to C magic in the chapter you face Gharnef. Holy crap that was rough. Really the reason I'd find it tough to do a Gaiden run (besides, y'know, not liking killing off units) is because you get so many, and trying to get them killed off is an annoyance without knowing the equipment gets passed on to the convoy if they die as wanting to keep said items is understandable. Also, I know there's a way to do it, and I got the save files somewhere, but I don't know from where off the top of my head. (And of course I didn't see the bottom screen of that photo. That is some legit work there.)
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