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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. 3) Sylvia can make the best use of it, but I like giving it to Sigurd so his kid can go from place to place faster. 4) ....I can't tell you.
  2. 30's the max level for all units. The formulas for inheritance of stats are at the end of here. Children can have quite a varied addition to their bases based off their parents stats and random numbers, but there's no guarantee that it'll add much to the child. No fixed bases based on the parent here!
  3. That's a thing. Well, what is the plan afterwards, make Elibe great again? You know what, I'd play a sequel where Hector invaded instead of Zephiel. Even if tanks make it unfair. Also, making the second last map dark... THRACIA!!!!!!!
  4. (Appropriate music) It's Thwomp Arden! And OH BOY he is terrible. When using him he's slower than all but the healers and Azel, and all he can do is one attack each time. He can barely do his job as a guard of the castle, and mages and mounts laugh at him. He does have some things going for him. He finds the Pursuit ring (Which so many units can use better, but for him it's a revelation). He at least starts with swords, which slow him down the least and give him a chance. He can get a bunch of weapons on promotion, and General can block hits (Though the gains are abysmal for FE4). But his abysmal movement, and his severely lopsided growths, make him more tanky than Noish and pretty much unable to get faster, dodgier or more accurate. And that's bad. I'm trying to use him and I have to make him a ringwraith to make him relevant. No other unit is that weak (Not even Dew. Even Sylvia is better at fighting, when prayer activates. But she has another role). He's able to 1-round opponents though, so he can work. But he needs a lot to be relevant. As a dad.... He's pretty terrible. Really, he doesn't work for most pairings, but he can at least be a decent choice for Ayra's kids or even Brigged's (Much as that's probably not for the best, the pursuit ring will at least be passed right away), but they want better. Lex still utterly outclasses him as a dad, and he's just poor overall. I'll give him a 1 for the power of pursuit Pursuit ring, and a 0.5 out of the fact that he at least has a bit of growths and is the castle paperweight. 1.5/10 to Arden.
  5. I didn't mention that, but yes, that's correct. I tend to leave most equipment on the unit that first gets it, so it's not something I'd think of doing.
  6. Ah Alec. He has Pursuit, so that's good right? Yes, but he has his own issues that differ from Noish. He has more balanced growths, but they're also quite low across the board. As in there's a possibility he'd not grow much at all and be dead weight. He blocks Astra with Nihil (making him a good choice to distract Ayra) provided he has procced something to improve his durability. Nihil really doesn't matter otherwise. I may be overstating the growths here; in combat he tends to be alright, but he's usually not able to tank a bunch of hits. Being able to double is great for him, but if he can't take the hits, he might not get the chance to dish them out. Lances also dent in his speed, though at least he's more likely to have good speed. While I can see the argument that he can use magic swords well, his growth is actually the same as Noish. Meaning he's not going to be doing much damage (Though I admit that I've always seen him proc a magic point or two in personal experience). I'm going to avoid marking passing equipment onto other units when rating them (Any unit can be improved with this in mind). Pairing wise, there are a few options. Lachesis actually can be an alright pairing, as he gives both Pursuit and some protection from critical attacks (Though there's not enough horseslayers for it to matter), though growth wise it's nothing much. Sylvia's kids get it too, but they'd prefer other growths than what he gives. For Brigged he can give Pursuit early to Patty (and some swords), but there's nothing much for Faval in it. Other pairings don't work so well (He may give Pursuit to Aideen and Tiltyu's kids, but they don't care for his growths. Fury's kids just get Awareness (Not bad for Fee to be fair). And Ayra's kids get nothing from him). Really, he just doesn't matter much as a dad for the most part. I think a solid 6/10 is fine. Pursuit is that useful in G1 to mark him above Noish, but I don't think his contributions as a dad push him up much separately.
  7. Dayni


    S W O R D O F D A M O C L E S
  8. Dayni


    S W O R D O F D A M O C _ _ S
  9. I'll adjust my scoring, I've not given him enough credit. 5/10 as a unit, 6/10 counting his potential as a parent.
  10. ...And there's another light tome possible to get. (Late game spoilers: and I mean endgame.) Also, I'm curious on your thoughts on the pairings you've gotten.
  11. Dayni


    S W O R D O F D A M O _ _ _ S
  12. Dayni


    S W O R D O F D A _ O _ _ _ S
  13. Noish has 2 skills that never feel like they matter (as both of them use stats he has low growths for (Speed is used for Charge, while Critical uses Skill), and while Critical feels extraneous, Charge can screw him over be getting hit on the second round), growths that emphasise tanking and not much else. Being mounted doesn't fully cover for this, even if he can use both swords and lances (lances being a particularly slow weapon group also means him against an enemy with pursuit will not end well). One comparison I like to make is that Noish, Alec, Arden and Midir each are outclassed by other units in the first gen as units (Beowolf, Fin, Lex and Jamke), even if they're not terrible in their own right. As a parent (Something that didn't matter for Sigurd), he's actually pretty interesting for some pairings. Ayra's kids get the ability to continue combat (which they will like) and a potential nuke attack, on top of giving them a good strength boost. While it's certainly poor for growths (Sety gets 5% magic from him), he gives Fury's kids Charge and thus maximum attack number potential (when Fee promotes). Faval would like Charge to increase damage output, but Patty can get screwed over by it (that and no Pursuit before promotion). He's not much good for either Aideen, Lachesis, Sylvia or Tiltyu, which would prefer other dads entirely. I'll grade him 5 6/10, mostly because he's mounted and his potential as a dad. If you're not counting inheritance, 4 5/10 as just a unit.
  14. Dayni


    S W O R D O F D _ _ O _ _ _ S
  15. Dayni


    S _ O R D O F D _ _ O _ _ _ S
  16. Dayni


    _ _ O R _ O F _ _ _ O _ _ _ _
  17. Honestly, this is fine. It builds up to a part that sounds like it's right at the end of the game too. OPTOMISM HO!
  18. 10/10 Pretty much everyone else has made the points I could have. Most enemies can't stop him. Low res only really gets to him with chapter 4 and Reptor. And for the second he has Tyrfing. Sigurd for Lord of Lords.
  19. ...Hoo boy. I haven't played the series in full yet, so I don't have full perspective. But really, the biggest arguments I've seen for calls for remakes are FE2, FE4 (and 5) and FE6 (with 7 lumped in). I've already hinted that I'd be fine with changes in remakes (and not just a remastering) titles, as I do think that they are not perfect titles (some of this due to hardware, others not so much). I'm not sure in what way these would or even as an idea should go. Expanding supports for some characters would be nice in the GBA titles (as well as fixing growths because it's terrible in 6 and still an annoyance for many pairs in 7), while trying to improve ties between the two games (both in difficulty, balance and story). FE2 could go in many ways, so while Fates shows a possible blueprint for parts of that remake (like how it deals with weapons), that means little in practice. FE4 and FE5 are different enough that making both into a bundled remake is asking a lot of questions on what stays from each, that I am not going to debate here. Of course a more straight remaster might be the better approach, but there are some things that might still need fixing (and a remake allows for more expansion upon a plot and answering missing questions.)
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